SUPPLIES: Your written orders for items that B U L L E T I G
are stocked by the library are being filled
and sent out within 24 hours. We are start- F ,___
ing a new service that should be of benefit UNIVERSITY OV k¤ET¤€KY
in emergency situations. Beginning Oct. 22, ‘ LIBRARIES
1973, Cliff Black will be in his office (406
King Library) from 10-ll Monday through Fri- October 19, 1973 ,No.22
day to fill orders for those that would pre-
fer to pick them up personally. We hope that
this service will greatly reduce the need for "immediate" supplies.
For those items that are not stocked by the library, please keep in
mind the current state of the economy. Inventories are low; produc-
tion is running at near peak capacity and deliveries are VERY SLOW.
If you anticipate projects that require additional or new supplies, ‘
sufficient lead time in ordering will lessen the possibilities of "do-
ing without“ come start-up. A point to remember: Helga, Teri and
Rose do not, can not fill your supply orders. They don't even know V
where the stuff is! We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Appointments: La-Donna McCownm,classified, Cata-
loging; Deborah Henderson, classified, Circulation; Louise Shelburne,
classified, Interlibrary Loan. Promotions: Rita Tongate, classified,
POSITION OPENINGS: Reference, classified VII, open 10/18/73; Acquisi-
tions, classified VI, open now.
UKLA: “The first fall meeting of UKLA will be held on October 24 at
ZYUU p.m. in the Rare Book Room of King Library. There will be no
business meeting, in order that we may give ample time to our guest
speaker. Dr. Steve Topel, chief psychiatrist of a special government
unit new working in Lexington, will talk to us about group interaction
and how to plan meetings that produce full and lively participation.
Let's test it and see how it works." _
PLACEMENT: If you're interested in working as a professional in a Law
Library, contact Paul Willis. He has a 3-page list of job openings in
Law Libraries throughout the country.
SOLINET: The Southeastern Library Network, Inc. has a new newsletter
as well as a new director. The first issue (October 1, 1973 Vol. l,
No. l) produced the following bits and pieces among others: The news-
letter is to be issued monthly .... Atlanta, Georgia will be the home
of the new headquarters when it opens in November or December of this
year .... The network is right on schedule according to the Kennedy-
Eckhardt feasibility report .... "The time~table of replication l5
months after the hiring of a director...still looks good"..."SOLINET
members will have the opportunity to take advantage of a tie-in to
OCLC prior to implementation of a SOLINET system" .... non-profit status
as an educational institution has been granted by the IRS .... First
meeting will be held Nov. 8 in Atlanta and will be attended by Bill
Gardner from UK.
KLA: At the annual meeting of the Kentucky Library Association held
in Louisville, Kentucky on October l0-13, Ellen Baxter, Chemistry/
Physics Librarian was elected the vice chairman of Special Libraries
Association, Kentucky Provisional Chapter for 1974. The newly elected
chairman of Kentucky Libraries Association Special Libraries Section .
is Vivian Hall, Geology Librarian.