were at once the feeblest and most despised of the children
of men. Nor has this been the sole, possibly not the
greatest, of the moral conflicts that have demanded and
developed a true, moral heroism. The spirit of caste, the
outgrowth of slavery, was and is not less exacting and
iniquitous. To regard a fellow man simply in his relation
to his Maker, and to accord to him just that appreciation
that his intelligence and moral worthiness demand, to do
this without regard to sect or color, is still held in large
sections of our country to be a crime against society which
will not be tolerated when there is power to suppress it.
So, too, the moral protest against oathbound secret societies,
-the uncompromising hostility to the liquor traffic and to
any form of legislative approval of it, and above all, the
opposition to divisions in the church of Christ as seen in
the sects and denominations, demand a moral heroism
which needs to be not less steadfast and self-sacrificing
than that which wrested from slavery its scepter of power.
  Because Mr. Fee was in all these points most uncom-
promising and true, and because of his indomitable
perseverance amidst abounding obstacles, he has achieved
a large measure of success, and won the appreciation of
even his sometime enemies. But Bro. Fee is now advanced
in life. His labor, though still efficient and valuable,
cannot in the nature of things much longer continue. His
reward is in his works that will follow him. In the
language of the poet reformer, John G. Whittier, as applied
to another, we may say, "Thanks for the good man's
beautiful example."
      His faith and works, like streams that intermingle,
            In the same channel ran;
      The crystal clearness of an eye kept single
            Shamed all the frauds of man.
      The very gentlest of all human natures
            He joined to courage strong
      And love outstretching unto all Godas creatures
            With sturdy hate of wrong."
                                      H. H. HINTMAN.