Some six years since a friend requested that I prepare
articles for the Berea Evangelist, on the topic, "Berea: its
History and its Work." I did so. The articles appeared
in the Berca Evangelist during the years 1885-6. Since
that time friends have urged that I prepare a sketch of
my leadings and labors up to my coming to Berea, and
embody the whole in a volume. To do so will now be
labor and care; yet in this way I may be able to do con-
tinued good,-utter truth when my tongue shall be silent.
I may be able in an emphatic way to say to the reader,
Trust God-trust him for success, for support, for life. If
in this way you will trust God, he by his word, by his Spirit
and by his providence, will lead you into the highest use-
fulness of which, in your day and generation, you are
capable. Often trials will come, friends fail, and the heavens
above appear as brass and the earth beneath as iron, yet
if you will hold on with Jacob, or stand still with Moses,
you will see the face of God; the Red Sea of difficulties
will open before you, and you will walk through dry shod.
The future journey may indeed be a barren, stony wsilder-
ness, yet the manna will be fresh every morning and the
shekinab of God will go before you and lead you across the
Jordan, where you will eat the "new corn" in the land of
promise. To this my own consciousness bears testimony;
were I to say less I would not be faithful.
                                      JOHN G. FEE.
 Berea, Ky., i89I.