We, the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Cor-
poration, do hereby certify that we have examined the books
and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1923; that we have
found the same well kept and classified as above; that the bal-
ance brought forward from the preceding year was nothing
on the Hatch Fund and nothing on the Adams Fund; that the
receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the United States
were $15,000.00 under the act of Congress of March 2, 1887.
and $15,000.00 under the act of Congress of March 16, 1906,
and the corresponding disbursements $15,000.00 and $15,000.00;
for all of which proper vouchers are on file and have been by
us examined and found correct, leaving balances of nothing
and nothing.
And We further certify that the expenditures have been
solely for the purposes set forth in the acts of ('ongress ap-
proved March 2, 1887, and March 16, 1906, and in accordance
with the terms of said acts, respectively.
F. M. McKee,
H. N. FRon.xN, ,
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