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  ‘;-  T . it .   20 T/m·2‘y-Szmth Annual Report
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   ._~n   W George Roberts, head, department of agronomy. us
 fl I}. E. S. Good, chairman, animal husbandry group. th
ty   -._—     A. M. Peter, head, department of chemistry. M he
‘f Y ·,._. {Vi   H. Garman head de artment of entoinology and botany. my
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L.     » NV. D. Nicholls head dc artment of farm economics. he
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  ;“*;i;g,l ` · J. D. Turner, head, department of feed control. no
§_;_§iT  ` H. E. Curtis, head, department of fertilizer control. mg
  —,_.   _`   C. VV. Mathews, head, department of horticulture. up
`i’ ~‘Z?£l‘  " VV. W. Dimoek, head de artment of veterinary science. 1-it
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.1* `i}%·.¤   L. A. Brown head de artment of ublic service labora- ve
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 ji‘?‘·‘i1">   tories. _ , ex
  The report of progress, herewith given, treats of projects to
      typical of the work as a whole, and the results thereof indicate mi
’*?f;j;;f`_f1l'   li ` in a general way the progress of significant investigations dur- otl
    fg ing the year. wz
 jj,. Iron, Manganese, Copper and Zinc Compounds as Food Sup- pg
  tit; · plements. · fig
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i.;.g§g.jg·;;_  A determination was made of the amounts of these metals (lll
  {‘i     contained in different organs and tissues of certain domestic lh]
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 sz? animals, with the result that those yarts which are considered tu]
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  high in vitamin otency usually are found to have a ¤·rcatcr
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3;* ;* concentration of these elements than the narts considered low US
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  in vitamins. This finding led to an investigation with small thc
  ' animals to determine if a mineral mixture containing com- 11i<
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    pounds of one or more of the metals named can be made to Lo
  . supplement a diet low in vitamins so as to maintain thc well- lll]
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  being of the animal or promote growth. In a preliminary ex- 001
  periment, mature pigeons maintained normal weight for seven tm
  iii  Q weeks on such a synthetic diet, some of them even gaining in am
 ?:;.g_ ; .; weight. A report giving anacconnt of some of this work was gn
 Q i ;  presented by Dr. McHargue before the Division of Agricultural les
  V and Food Chemistry at the fall meeting of the American Chemi— fer
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 - ;.·  The Function of Manganese m Plants. An experiment
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  · has been completed with another series of sand cultures, 20
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t —‘    sets of four 2-gallon ars each with several secies of lants, PGI
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