Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, 35
ut sown successfully with small grains, provided the soil has been
16- limed and is inoculated. After the wheat was removed, the
U1 plots were all plowed and again sown to alfalfa in August.
This time good stands persisted on all the plots, but the alfalfa
ms was much more vigorous on the limed plots.
1e- Wheat. The season of 1923 was rather a favorable one
les for wheat in central Kentucky. It was remarkably free from
are disease and made a good quality of gain, contrasting very
strikingly with the situation in 1922. Ashland, which, as re-
ith ported, gave poor results in 1922, was the best_ yielder in the
to tests of varieties and strains of wheat on the Experiment Sta-
3% tion farm this year, while Fulcaster, the best in 1922, was .
au among the lower yielders in 1923. This shows the necessity
yhg for carrying on tests over a rather long period in order to
the determine the true value of a strain or variety. Several selec-
381. tions from Currell’s Prolific gave good yields the past year and
me in fact, they have shown up well for several years. One
his in particular, 1%-17, looks promising and some seed of this will
ble be available for distribution in 1924.
the On the rotation plots at the Experimen Station farm,
where wheat follows various crops, the best yields were ob-
tained after tobacco and corn and the lowest yields after soy-
beans. \Vheat following soybeans sown broadcast gave a lower
yield than where soybeans were sown in drills and cultivated.
ln the tests of nitrogenous fertilizers on wheat, spring and fall
applications, no decided increase was secured from any appli-
HHS cation given. Corn land seemed to furnish enough nitrogen,
B21? probably because the corn crop was so small in 1922.
md COl}tOI1 Worm. Late in the season the cotton worm ap-
a1' peared in the state and did a good deal of harm to cotton
grown in Christian and some other counties in southwestern
soil Kentucky. lt became known to growers as the cotton army
all worm, tho different in character from either the common or
had the fall army worm. The use of arsenatc of lime and arsenate
mts of lead enabled growers to save their crops. Toward fall the _
lots adult of this insect appeared about ripening fruit in immense
c be numbers and it was charged with destroying grapes, peaches.