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i ,·—;   ;;· g. 40 Tlm·iy-Swtlt Annual Report 1
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E   f` tour~tenths acres Jer grower. Tl1e avera¤‘e 11et rofits for tlIlS
,   :._s {· U U
  .. group growing on the average of 2.4 acres per grower was
      $133.11 per acre. Standard varieties, adequate shipping facili-
#5;     ties and a cooperative marketing organization are essential
‘ lggyi   { to successful strawberry production. The acreage around the
  `¢.}·L`f" i . shi ing oint should be sufficient to load a car daily a11d this
.1.   _ G .,
  Q___if€ff‘   usually requires from 75 to 100 acres which sl1ould be within
  4. , a radius of five miles of the shipping poi11t. 1
lf? °’»‘i   , These data indicate that there are many farmers in the
  {iii areas i11 which strawberries are bei11g grown at present who
  ·..·..\.  i;   could materially increase their yearly total profits by putting
{ {j_i}=?;   two or three acres of their tobacco land i11 strawberries. On
=? Z`.Zgf`_E 1 other areas in western Kentuck * the ossibilities of straw-
· ..  2 { 7
·_~—'j` Q *| >_` · . · .
  __.. Lg; {yl _ ‘ berries as a cash e11terpr1se w1tl1 which to supplement tobacco
_. ‘1‘f3?._i§Q.  lg 1 sho11ld be seriously considered.
  t` * St1‘a.WbeI‘Ty IV[a»rketing. The strawberry industry in
  western Kentucky has developed from a small beginning to
.   011e of considerable importance in a number of localities. The
    ·i 1 acreage of strawberries in Kentucky in 1919 as Sl10\Vll by the
E.   is .1 U *1 ’ "
—*;?:§?lS$¥%.I‘· }¥;`  " census figures was twice that of 1909. Durin.¤1 this same ‘
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  - eriod the acreage in the United States as a whole decreased
    . ·, t ¤
    ‘ 16 per ce11t. ‘
  · For the most nart Kentucky strawberries are sold thru
»~·&r;:,·§`—-·=s q-gi -? ’ '
  i local coo erative market1n¤· associations. The \Varren County
ee;¢,g r #ss— ¤~ -· *’ . . . ·
  1 Strawberry Gl‘0\\'€l'S, Assocmtion, termed in 1908, was the
  ‘=;,jj;§ :531 ‘ ~ . . . .
  ioneer strawberry ()I'0`Et111Z2"tt1O11 in the state. In 1922, the
    1;+  ` ° . .
  year covered by tl1e marketing study. eleven marketing asso-
  ciatio11 were i11 operation in western Kentucky, with a total
j yi. .,q#;;x`§  S _
  ~ membership of over 2,000 growers. The study showed that
*   ’ E __ ; · . . . .
  most of these organizations have bee11 established 1n reee11t
  `  ;  years.
  These associations are o11 tl1e cooperative basis, some be-
  ‘ ing formed with capital stock and others being 11011-S‘[OCl{ en-
· .¤i ,_  ;§ ’ . . ‘ .
     1  terp1·1ses. It is customary for the members to sell thru `il1€1l`
" ` °`  `*`; ~` . . . . .
  V association, all the berries they have for sl11p1ne11t. The busi-
  ;   ness details are l1a11dled b Y a business manager who su erin-
~•x `it .»—»-4 1 D
 ·1 ..;. at    . . . ; .
  tends the grading, loading and sale of berries. The berries
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