]fc11.z‘ueA·y Agrieultm·a.l E.rperim1cnt Station 47
ints basic 1nasl1 (equal parts by weight of bran, sl1orts, ground oats,
jpl? and corn meal) was 145 eggs, whereas the average of tl1e birds
`€d· receiving skim-milk and no mash was 152 eggs, an increase of
¥ in 7 eggs per hen \Vll(311 no dry mash was fed. Tl1e results of the
Bm? three years’ work justifies the conclusion that witl1 ge11eral
M6'? purpose breeds, wl1e11 a11 ample supply ot ski111—n1ilk is avail-
il€l3 able for the flock. it is not necessary to feed a dry n1asl1 i11 ad-
l€¤ - dition to the grain ration. Tl1e pe11 receiving the standard
md mash recommended by this Experiment Station, namely, equal
OH parts by weight of bran, shorts, ground oats, eorn meal and
tilé » meat scrap, averaged 149 eggs per hen for the three years.
in 4 The pen receiving dried buttermilk instead ot meat scrap
the in the mash produced 179   per hen. whereas the pen re-
um ceiving meat scrap laid 178 eggs per hen. However, as the
mash containing the dried buttermilk was more costly, the
the meat scrap pen made a larger profit.
lue A Comparison of the Common Grains as Supplements to
isi- Skim-Milk for Laying Hens. To compare corn, wheat and
ion y oats in various proportions, when fed with sour skim-milk, four
1en pens of Barred Plymouth Rock pullets, 20 to each pen. were
zsh fed the following grain mixtures:
NS - Pe11 1, shelled corn only; Pen 2, shelled corn 70 per eent.
ily, oats 30 per cent; Pen 3, shelled corn 70 per ce11t, wheat 30 per
Ot? cent; Pen 4, shelled corn 60 per cent, oats 20 per cent, wheat
mr 20 per cent. The winter a11d yearly egg production ot each
?U'· of the pens, along with tl1e yearly consumption oif grain and
ite milk are given in tl1e following table:
Of _ b Production per Hen i Feed per Hen
ol- Grain   1;+*  —·
ms \VlHt€l`* Yearly Grain I Milk
he Corn ..,....,............ Il G8 eggs Il 180 eggs i 70 lbs. li 12.8 gals,
Corn, oats ........ l 64 eggs l 161 eggs I 75 lbs. l 13.1 gals.
Corn, wheat .... | 77 eggs | 188 eggs g 73 lbs. | 14.0 gals.
1S._ C0rn,oats,wheatl 68 eggs l 182 eggs l 73 lbs. ' 12.3 gals.
[ti- (*4 months)
[,0_ The iirst year ’s results indicate that corn and wheat are
L a one of the best grain mixtures to use in supplementing sour