Keidueky :1gI`2-(‘llfllll7`(1Z E.L`[)07`l·)7LOIZf Staiiciii 51
?— siderable C()l'l1 Ellltl no alfalfa or clover, have suffered tl1e·
t In greater- losses. lt is also of interest. to note tl1at tl1e disease
—— appeared 111 many flocks a day or so after having l)€Cl1 salted.
Biological Products. Tl1e distrib11tio11 of biological pro-
ducts lll tl1e state 111cl11des 900,000 e11bic C(?ll1lll1(fl(‘1`S of a11ti- l
;_ hog cholera seruin and 18,090 c11b1c ce11ti111ete1·s of hog cholera
Thg virus; 6,000 c11bic centiineters of botulinus antitoxin and 10,180
Hill`, doses of 1'()ll]) aud chicleenpox vaccine. Experience has
Wm;] shown that tl1e best results l”l'0lll tl1e use of roup klll(l cl1·1cl but location of plantings tlll(l starting l`ll(‘ 11ew ones with Sflllllil
?*U`lY stock. Three nurseries were found infested with scale lll 1023.
mlm SlXl}’—lll1‘(‘l} nurseries were inspected aluring the year.
111;]; · Seed Inspection and Testing. The ggear has bee11 exeep—
E dis. tional 111 tl1e (lG1ll?ll1(l for testing of seed sanipl-es, these deinands  
MVS. coming 1`1‘0ll1 seedsnicn largely, b11t with a growing demand
[ am from 11Zl1`1H€1`S also, About 5,785 tests of all sorts were inade.
HU is The deinand for clea11111g tobacco seeds continues to grow, not-
LSE is WV1fllSI[2Ul(lll1g the fact that cleaners are being bought by the
ding. g‘r0We1‘S themselves. During the year, 861 samples of tobacco
  coli- seeds were handled.