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  I The Mexican Bean Beetle 15    
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—i with a mixture that when dry will stick longer than a dust and   _ A
g retain its effectiveness as long as it remains on the leaves. The  
Yr arsenate of lead to be used with sprays is slower in killing than    
it Paris green and arsenate of lime, but if applied early, Wllell the  iilijii
  young are recently hatched, will do the wml: las completely as    
  a stronger preparation, and should do no fharm to the plants.  
pi, One application of this sort will on some kinds of plants remain,  
"’ largely, thruout a summer season.  
Wlieiieirer a crop has been rendered worthless by an attack  
.5; it should not be allowed to stand, but ought to be disposed of,  
  either by burning or by plowing under deep enough to kill the  
ti plants and thus deprive the insects of further forage.  
  In the fall, lurking places for the beetles should be re-  
  moved. Loose rubbish on land or at the edges may be raked  
l up and burned. Leaves and weeds about a tield are safe winter-  
L, ing places for the insects and should be cleared away in the fall  
  so that they will afford the beetles no shelter.  
Rotation will help some, as it does for other insect pests,  
V but the beetles are provided with large 1nemb1·anous wings, and  
proba·bly fly long distances during mild fall weather. ·  
The beetles have other means of dispersal, also. They may  
,_ be carried about by freight or passenger cars and in automobiles  
I I or other vehicles. "   
- : +:243
p VVith these diderent ways of becoming scattered there does  
A not at present seem to be any possibility of controlling its spread  
by legislation. Insects that do not Hy or do not fly readily, may  
be retarded in their dissemination by means of this sort, but i11  
r the present case there docs not seem to be any reasonable expec-     ,
Q;  tation of getting help from this source.  
. The Mexican bean beetle is a small, brown lady beetle when I  
adult, with sixteen black dots in three rows across its back.  
I It hibernates among rubbish as an adult.  
. Its preference is for garden beans, but it will do some mis- I  i—·  
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