ii INDEX   ‘
V Feeding Stuffs, Mineral Matter in .... . .........................................»............. 110  
Feeding Stufts, Net Energy Value 0f .......................................................... 107 “(
Feeding Stuffs, Nutritive Ratio of .....................»...................................... 107 ,
Feeding Stuffs, System of Tagging .......................................................... 91  
Feeding Stuffs, Tonnage of Sold in Kentucky in 1921 and 1922 ........ 141 l
Feeding Stuffs, Vitamins in .......................................................................... 109 .°
Feeds and Their Uses, Inspection and Analyses, Bulletin 249 on .... 87 i
Fertilizers, Commercial, Analyses of, Bulletin 251 on ........................ 369 it 1
Gault, Lelah and Others, Bulletin 251 by ................................................ 369 l
, ` Grades and Germination of Bluegrass Seed .........>.................................. 41
* Grit, Behavior of in the Gizzard of Chickens .......................................... 346
Hooper, J. J., Bulletin 248 by .......,................................................................ 63
Influence of Abortion of First Calves on Milk Production ..............,. 75 "
Influence of Early and Late Abortions on Milk Production .............. 70 _
Influence of the Growing Foetus on Milk Production ........................ 65  
Influence of Season of Year on Quantity and Quality of Milli Pro- T
duced .....................................,..............................................................,......... 79
Jackson, E. L. and Others, Bulletin 249 on ............................................ 87 _,
Jesness, O, B., and D. G. Card, Bulletin 246 by .................................... 1
‘ Kentucky Bluegrass and Orchard Grass Seeds, Marketing of, Bul- _
letin 247 on ..................................................................................................... 31
, Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production ...................................................... 33
, Market Outlets for Bluegrass Seed .......................................................... 39
; Marketing of Kentucky Bluegrass and Orchard Grass Seeds, Bul-
l _ letin 247 on .......i.......................................................................................... 31
  Marketing of Kentucky Strawberries, Bulletin 246 on ...................... 1
{ Martin, J. Holmes and Others, Bulletin 250 by .................................... 329
F Method of Handling Bluegrass Seed on the Farm ................................ 35
  Milk Production, Influence of Abortion of First Calves on ................ 75
  Milk Production, Influence of Early and Late Abortions on ............ 70 4
 I Milk Production, Influence of Growing Foetus on ................................ 65 `
 ' Milk Production, Influence of Season of Year on Quantity and
 I Quality of ................................................................................._._.....,............ 79
 { Milk Production, Seasonal Effect on ........A....................._......................... 85
{ Minerals, Effect of on the Composition of the Bones and Carcass
i of Hens .......................................................................................................... 342  {
y  Minerals, Effect of on the Production of Eggs and on Their Com- I
Q position .......................................................................................................... 336
2 Orchard Grass and Kentucky Bluegrass Seeds, Marketing of, Bul-
  letin 247 on ..........................................................i...._......_..._.__.__._..._._......... 31
` Orchard Grass Seed, Average Wholesale Price in U, S ,.._____............. 59
 ` Orchard Grass Seed, Bulletin 247 on ........................................................ 3
` Orchard Grass, Cooperative Marketing of ....................__..__.....__........... 56
_ Orchard Grass Seed, Estimated Production and Prices of .............. 60