Kentucky Agrieultumt Experiment Station 53
iced found. Four eases of under—reading and incorrect tests were
Sm' reported to the Examining Board, with the result that the
9 .
92** licenses of two testers were suspended, one for 60 and the
Lged other for 90 days; the license of a third tester was revoked
ut tl and a tester”s license refused in the fourth case. ln several
It · instances, illegal weights were found and confiscated. A num-
t{ t_° ber of operators were found testing without thermometers or
1t_]S not using the water bath at all and in these cases, the neces- _
dis' sary change in methods to conform with tl1e law was ordered.
. JA , _ _ . .
6% A total of 13,821 pieces of glassware were retested during
` 1923 and 59 nieces re`ected as inaccurate.
uro- · ’ 1 J
The fees received for the creamery and tester’s license
work amounted to $3,738.51, and the expenditures were as
gm; follows :
t o .
_ Salaries .................................. 1 ................... $2,501.11
nies Labor ..............................._.............,..,.___..... 57.19
. bG_ Postage and stationery ........................ 130.28
l .
Freight and express ................................ 1.12
lJUl· Laboratory supplies ._._._................._...... 25.14
St,} Sundry supplies ..............,.....................,. 17.35
Furniture and fixtures .......................... 84.00
Wk} Travel ..........................................,.....,....... 931.34
[mis, Contingent ................................................ 16.00
hC· Total .................................................. $3,763.53
‘llu" . Public Service Laboratories. The character ot? the work
ith 3 handled by the laboratories has remained practically the same
MSG as last year, The work has increased in volume and covers a
Cem Wide range, including tests for many diseases. such as typhoid.
Per malaria, diphtheria, tuberculosis, rabies; purity test of foods.
waters and carbonated beverages. and oven forty toxicological
ewal €X3IHlllfllZl0llS of liquids, foods and other materials. Nine hun-
med p drcd and eighty-tive physicians, exclusive of institutions, sub-
new mitted specimens for examination.
ln the baeteriologieal laboratory, a total of 34,147 samples
due were handled, an increase of 5,517 samples over last year.
· the As the `Wassermann test is becoming better understood, it
,tjGS_ is l>0l1l;1` l'(‘i'(l§,l`]llZ(“(l that quite frequently eases are (‘lll'f)lllll(’l`(‘(l
rvepg Wl11Cl1 give a false positive or negative reaction. The (*211150