Kentucky Agricultural Experimcztt Station 55
be tions of the law and 926 samples of feeding stuffs have been
; in analyzed and the results reported to those concerned. The
be number of tons of feeds consumed in the state is in excess of
not 250,000. The number of brands registered during the year
zen. was 5,078, representing approximately 1,200 firms.
>ra— Fertilizer Control. The registrations for the year covered
ard 803 brands of fertilizer. Analyses were made of 728 samples
for collected by official inspectors and of 22 samples sent by farm-
test ers, county agents and others, in addition to the samples sent
ults by the manufacturers representing the various brands regis-
had tered. There were issued to the various manufacturers 2,-
eek 923,000 tags and stamps covering 90,9581/Q tons of fertilizer.
wl- · Nitrogen Determination in the Precipitation in Kentucky.
duly The amount of ammonia and nitrate nitrogen brought down in
iees the precipitation has been determined for the period from
'hy- April 1, 1922 to March 31, 1923, from seven different places in
ple- the state. \Vide, and often inexplainable, differences in re-
vith stilts were found between different periods of collection and
s of in particular between different places of collection during the
iber same period. The average total ammonia nitrogen found dur-
1t a ing the year was 11.6 pounds per acre; nitrate nitrogen 7.2
pounds per acre. ~
’ootl @ Sulfur Determination in the Precipitation in Kentucky.
lved . Sulfur deterniinations were made on the rainfall collected for
for ii two years at the same places as for the nitrogen determinations
CX- reported above. The following table gives the average annual
[rug rainfall and sulfur content for two years.
Q all lAverage- an-l Average an-
pm of Collection l E".?} ‘i1“§‘$IL l LSLEEZL Jlriiltt}
llmd l Inches l in lbs. per acre
titn- — +* — ·~ — —l+—  —-It ~--~ -—~ 
Lefiington (Van Meter Farm) .............. 45.60 23.84
Lexington (Fayette Nat. Bank) ............ 44.90 l 41.18
tate Lincoln Institute (Shelby County) ...... l 41.37 1 17.10
ade, Paducah (Lone Oak) ............................ ~ 42.80 F 33.86
. Mayfield ........................................................ 49.62 2;).92
B m' Russellville _..__._,__.__.._._______,_____,_________________ g 42.56 { 29,80
{Ops Greenville ...,....,____________.______________._______________ | 45,54 l 35.97
ian- we--L. ....   --     - ----l ------.nn-n--lt----;