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°   P   6 Kentucky Bulletin N0. 246 ~
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  with ca ital stock and some are nonstock organizations. The
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  I organizations which have capital stock, adopted this form mainly · b
·   l because they desired to incorporate under a law which provided
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    _ only for capital stock organizations. The amount of capital stock D
  _·i° z   l is not very large in any case. The nonstock plan is well suited ,1
[Q€~iY_?'v:§g;Q;·§_’| i to the needs of strawberry marketing associations and, since the t_
2 ",§"·»:‘—fg; ‘» _ . . . . .
  ; Bin ham Coo erative Marketm law, which was enacted in s
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  [ l l January, 1922, provides for the incorporation of cooperative asso. Q
  Q ciations formed either with or without ea ital stock it is likelr
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i`§§;\¤§¢jj_ __; { that at least some of the associations will organize and mcor- C
    porate under that law. One strawberry association has already 1,
 it . S incorporated under the Bingham law and others have this step O
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  E;. s under consideration. O
  3  { These associations observe the cooperative plan of voting,
  ~ { each member being limited to one vote. They are managed by a i,
    board of directors selected by the members from among their B
    2* ~ .
  l own number, and employ a business manager, who has charge 8
. §7i.$·•{»§S»2g5Q ` l . . . . .
  . . l of the business and selling operations under the supervision of O
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    l the board of directors. t
  ~_ . . It is customary for the members to market all the berries y g
Qi " V   ‘ which thev have for sale thru their association exce t. in some n
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  ‘ eases, berries for local consumption may be sold by the growers. d
  The members are re uired to sign s ecific marketing contracts t
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   · l only in the case of a few of the associations. The others have fl
 it . 5 sections in their by-laws which stipulate that the members must
  - market their berries thru the association. It should be noted n
  that the situation with res ect to these or anizations differs te b
gee;  l some extent from that found in the case of many cooperative mal'-_ cl
;‘ vi: as {   _ . . .
  gel ketmg organizations due to the fact that the strawberry market- o
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  3 1ng associations have devclopt with the industry and have not
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  , * been organized to supplant or compete with existing marketing
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    . ¤ A agencies. The growers consequently regard the organization as
  l the logical outlet for their strawberries and no tendency to sell t`
‘ i {til   ~ . . . . . .
  the berries outside the organization has been in evidence. Al f
 all _ , one or two points, it is true, there has been some lack of under- Y
  St‘aH(li11g among the ]11ClI1l)€1`S, with the result that two or more G
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