ogy, the Idea of representation

of any Judged by the audience if It tried, and
thing except one's own views in de are not so Judged by the Judges, who CROWD SEES PROGRAM
bate breaks down in theory when ex don't try. The analogy of an oratoriamlned, as it has broken down here cal to an athletic contest Is oven reOF AESTHETIC DANCING
In practice when tried.
Apathy to moter and falser than In tho case of
may be Just debate. The contestants nro not even
the mute expression by the college playing the same game. As a contest
Third Presentation in
community of an Intelligent grasp of It puts one In mind of a thing Imag
ests of Community
and of athletic spectacles. And who this truth. It may be more. It may inable, but seldom seen, a progressive
Editor Kernel:
Drama Is Artistic
It is perhaps pointing out the ob can blame them? Hence the presence be a manifestation of our Innate love solitaire party.
. ..
persons martyrs to wit of sincerity. Perhaps the greatest
vlous to say that college oratory In of only
ii iivu ineriiry societies ana an
the University Is not on a very satis ness the U. of K. and Cincinnati Uni fault to be found with the elaborately elaborately
series of
intercollegiate and In speaking contests have failed hopefactory basis. By oratory is meant, of verslty debate, and of only an aud
A capacity crowd braved tho storm
debate is that the debaters lessly as agencies to encourage effec- to soo the first presentation
course, all forms of undergraduate ience of sixteen curiosity seekers at
of the
may not believe their own arguments. tive public Bpenklng In this Univer- third community drama program In
public speaking.
Your anonymous the resuscitative clinic of T. K. A.
contributor desires at the outset to the society of rhetorical "K" men. The Their side of the question may be sity, Is there any other expedient left tho Llttlo Theater, University campus
playhouse, Monday night. Dances,
confess membership in two of the "protagonist" shall we call him, of chosen by lot, and the lot may fall on to be tried? There Is.
University literary societies and to this society, the chief contestant or a man to support the side he doesn't
aesthetic, folk, classical and interpre
plead guilty to having 'represented chief sufferer, whichever you like, in believe In. The writer remembers this
tative, and musical solos composed the
the University once in debate, hoping his opening remarks referred pathetl was distinctly so in his own case.
As Harry Lauder might say, "It
thus to allay hostility to his remarks cally to the suffering which he and his Now, audiences enjoy plays wherein
confreres had undergone in "repre actors speak their lines without pre
as being criticism ab extra.
went off with a bang." The dances
DISCUSSED BY M'VEY wore colorful,
There are now and have long been sentlng" alma mater on the bema. tense that they are expressing their
elevating. It has been a long time
in existence at the University two Taking his words as indicative of the own views, or even the view of the
Each of the dramatia
Hnce Lexington audiences have seen
agencies designed, quite badly, to en feeling of men who participate in dramatist.
ersenae speaks In character. But a Juniors and Seniors Have an amateur terplchorean presentation
courage effective public speaking, speaking contests, and the size of aud
First Special Chapel
is good. Much of the success of the
These agencies are the literary socle lences of these contests as indicative certain innate sense of honesty in the
of the feeling of those who only reluc audience is offended by the prostitu
ties and Intercollegiate speaking con
"Teaching is one of the great pro lances were duo to tho lighting effects
tantly listen to them, Isn't it strange tion of the debater's powers of speech
and stage artistry.
fessions of the world on which civili
The program was opened by Kath
that such vehicle of misery for all con to the defence oj a proposition to zation
There are Ave literary societies: the
and progress rests. It Is the
which he himself does not really as
Union, the Patterson, the Phllosoph- - cerned should be so persistently bol
great connecting link between the leen Renick, Jane' Gregory, Martha
sent. One can listen with pleasure to
lan, the Horace Mann, and the Henry stored up and maintained as one of
present and the future. The teacher McClure and Virginia Throckmorton
In a fairy dance. Tho buette polka
the activities of our university life? the spontaneous exuberance of genu
Clay. In so far as these five exist for
holds In his hands to an enormous ex
ine conviction, even though it be in
of the classical (Variety, was very
th'e purpose of cultivating the art of Let us examine the false basis of in
tent the destiny of the human race.
artistically done by Dorothy Potter.
and inter-tha- t
speaking con fact erroneous, but one simply fails
effective public speaking, there are
Without him civilization dies," said
to be charmed by premeditated sophis
"By the Firelight," a picturesque
four too many. It is far from the in tests and see the reason why they re
Doctor McVey In a lecture before the
try. If It leaves the audience cold,
gypsy dance, wilth Virginia Downing,
quire to be bolstered up.
tentlon of the writer to urge the disso
lunlor and senior classes In chapel
won applause.
Tho few minutes beIt is admitted on all sides that Inter does it not also tend to corrupt the Friday.
lution of any of these five. Each may
young speaker? The losers
tween the first aud second series of
collegiate and
speaking successful
have other reasons for continuing to
"Not everyone, however, Is fitted to
of the decision are perhaps the gain
dances was filled with a solo by Miss
live. The Union has a charter from contest's are not popular events. It is
teach. In the great human race there
ers in a moral sense. For is it not
311en Blanding.
The number was
the State. The writer never having admitted that athletic contests are.
are two general types of mind, the
Speaking contests seem to be based better to lose the medals, the tangible motor and the sensory. Each type is Eckerfs "Swiss Song."
read the charter is unable to say that
rewards of intellectual dishonesty, of
Miss Frances Smith, a dainty miss,
it does not assign to that society on a (false analogy to athletic contests.
fitted best to pursue different profesrhetorical knavery, and to sit in de
opened the second series with "Mo
broader objects than those merely Their whole machinery, methods and
sions. Of the motor type of man is
feat nursing the reflection, that after
ment Musical," a classical presentaforensic, the attainment of which terminology are assimilated as closethe engineer, the surseon, the man
all, in life, the best way Is to be hon
tion. A patriotic color was lent to
The ly to those of athletics as may be.
would Justify its continuance.
ufacturer; to the sensory type belongs
est? Such roundabout utility hardly
the program by "Dixie," a number
tho statesman,
Patterson enjoys a sentimental con Why athletic contests succeed as popthe preacher, the
given by Margaret Parrish.
events, it is beside the poinfto amounts, however, to justification.
nection with the former president ular
teacher and the lawyer. This psychoWood Nymph," a
during his, Inquire. It is enough to say that they
which would Justify its life
Of the other kind of oratory, from logical fact is, however, seldom reic terpslchorean effort, was danced by
and its continuance afterwards in his do. It is not enough to say that speak which the element of debate is lack garded by college students. They are
ing contests, built on analogy to ath ing, and of which the main object is apt to choose their professions rather Virginia Downing, which with her
memory, apart altogether
from the
gypsy dance of earlier, gave her two
Matter of public speaking. The Uni letics don't, and to wonder why. The not to persuade but to delight, it can with regard to their pecuniary results
triumphs in an evening.
verslty is not rich in things of tender fact that they don't succeed is proof be said, that it has always been hard than because they are adapted to such
Leland Snoddy, piano soloist, gave
analogy is forced and false. to see how several "orations" having a vocation and will gain their greatest
sentiment; and the writer would not that the
three numbers following Miss Down-ing'- s
poorer. The Phil Occasional oratory has one function, nothing of subject-matte- r
gladly see it made
in common, happiness therein.
There were "Grieg's
osophian has for years delighted us to delight. Debate, whether joint or in no way related or opposed to one
"There are great opportunities in
Prayer and Temple Dance," Nocturne,
to per another, delivered in vacuo from
the teaching profession; first there is
with its charming annual dramatic otherwise, has one function,
from Chopin's "Opus" 15, No. 2, and
productions. No one could desire Its suade. What place has either delight clear sky, without reference to any the opportunity for influencing and
Isolde's Liebes Tod, the" Wagner-Lisz- t
The Horace Mann or persuasion in a contest in which occasion or pending issue, simply ab moldling lives and through these of
and Henry Clay are both of them de- the other speakers and the audience solute and elaborated outbursts of the influencing the trend of civilization
Misses Margaret Parrish and Dorare alike ignored while the speaker gift of gab, can properly form the and of leaving one's mark upon pospartmental societies which can find
talks only to the Judges, who score basis of a contest. If they all delight terity. Next Is the opportunity of en- othy iPotter reappeared in the
technically useful work to do.
a folk dance of interesting
It Is only as means of encourage- him on points; Just as experts in the can we say which Is best? Can you gaging in fruitful scholarship of enter
nature. This was followed by two solo
agricultural college would judge a fat say which is best, a juicy
ing Into the field of scholarship that
ment of effective public speaking that
the five societies are arraigned. The bull? Nobody can be expected to be a toothsome cherry pie, or a smoking shall not only be a help to others but numbers rendered by Miss Ellen
Awakening," 'by
only objection to them is, that there interested in such a contest except the cup of coffee brewed exactly to suit a Joy to one's self; the opportunity of Blanding,
your taste? There is no basis of com being brought into contact with big Spross and "Love I Have Won You,"
are too many of them; that instead of Judges and perhaps the bull.
Debates deserve no more audience parison; each is best in its proper or people and with big things; opportun- by Roland. Martha McClure, who apbringing together all the undergraduates who would like to exercise their than a moderator and the judges. If der? Well, let us assume the ora ity of intercourse with the master peared in the .first number of the
delightfully returned
to the
in- the number of Judges be arbitrarily tlons are alike enough to compare. Of minds of science, of literature and not
nascent powers of disputatious
to three or five, the absence of six cherry pies which is the best? the least important, of being brought spotlight In "Vive la France," an inthey keep such
number. The program
apart, split up into ineffective much more audience than this number Whatever you might say at the time into contact with the students them- terpretative
of eating all six, It is almost certain selves. "The real teacher will never was closed with "Two Butterflies," an
little groups that simply get nowhere. should be put down rather to the
than to the insensibility of the you would say next day, the first. It's become old except in years, for the 'nterpretation dance in which KathIt may be doubted whether there is
However much one may dollars to doughnuts that no mere spirit remains always young." The leen Remiek, Virginia Downing,
sufficient Interest in public speaking absentees.
Porter and Margaret Parrish.
here to hold together one University enjoy being persuaded by Mr. A., one human would say, the last. And yet opportunity of leisure and of forming
certainly cannot be very keenly interested in our assumption would suggest the pos pleasing associations are among the Miss Renick's performance was esdebating society. There Is
no doubt of there not being Interest watching .Mr. A. persuade no, not sibility of comparing impartially the other opportunities offered by the pecially well done.
;Miss Birdie ICombs was tho accom
enough of this sort to require five persuade, but show off his good points, pleasurable effect of six orations very teaching profession.
panist for the dance. Fred Augsburg
Is the his "delsorte," and what not, to Mr. much alike. Of course the effect on
separate forums. Proof of this
"The chief disadvantage of teaching
Tho producing
Judge B. The answer might seem to the audience Is not the thing that is of course money, the small salaries was the electrician.
anemic state of all Ave.
The other agency mentioned was be, to make the whole audience judges counts. Again the Judges are there paid to the teacher as compared with directors were Mrs. R. L. Stout and
of these debates. Obviously, you with their score cards, their feelings those paid in other professions. Sal Miss Sarah Blanding, tho heads of the
the only proper instruments of this aries are, however, becoming increas women's section of the Department of
contests should be mentioned also. could never thus have impartial
debates. kind of oratory in abeyance. They ingly higher. The time to enter a Physical Education at tho University.
One cannot help being reminded of Judges of
girls who appeared In tho prothe Greek word for "contest," "agon." The "home team" (athletic nomen don't eat any of the pies; they merely profession Is when other peoplo are Tho
gram are their pupils. Miss Blanding
English word "agony" Is said to clature!) would always win Any Judge them "on points" as they would leaving it. And the economical prosOur
explained each number before Its prestrace back to this. Before the days of other result would be conclusive evi judge the good ladies' pies at the pects of the teaching profession are
country fair, In utter forgetfulness ap- brighter today than they have beeu in entation, assisting tho uudieuce to a
inter-tha- t
inter-thlspeaking con- dence of gross lack of "support" and
tests agony meant the suffering of the "college spirit." Even in the case of parently of the fact, that after all, many decades. Another criticism of true understanding of real urt.
Tho program was repented Wednos;
debates the bulk of the the proof of the pie is In the eating. teaching is that teachers are out of
Now It more aptly describes the suffering of the audience. audience would be swayed not so Without further ado this part of the touch with uffuirs. This stutemeut Is day night as a part of tho athletic
College men and women are willing to much by the persuasiveness of the de subject may be dismissed with the not entirely true, for in many cases carnival program given in the gymnu:
suffer in a great cause. They showed bater as by considerations of loyalty dogmatic observation, that tho rela the teacher is not only the best in- slum of the University.
The tive merits of bJx consecutive, absolute formed citizen, but the leader of
this in the war. But not otherwise. to the society he "represented."
pleasures of dancing whole truth is that the athletic anal orations could not bet Intelligently
They prefer the
Patronize Our

An Examination of Some Aggravating
Causes of the Sickliness of
College Oratory










inter-societ- y






Mil-ire- d


Inter-societ- y



