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NEW YORK ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The seats are $4.00 and will be delivered  
· _ —————— to you at the dinner-dance. These seats .» is
n I Dear Fellow Alumnus: are all in a block and will give us anoth-  
Ki The New York Alumni Chapter of er splendid opportunity to get together.   E
en   the University of Kentucky has at last Very truly %?nlg» HILLEN   , E
he A been established on a good working Secret é1_y‘ ’   i   
hg  _ basis. Eight directors WeI`€ 3.ppOIHt(-ld P. S. Donrt forget, Friday; November. _7`    
6 at a dinner—dance last spring and they 7th, Ambassador H0te]_ >     ,
E; z in turn chose the present president and -——— ——; ry.   Q   
>n, See1`el5el‘Y· VESPER SERVICES I      
1r- ‘ We have decided to put the club on _ ——— _ _     ;
Q a normal financial basis by charging VBSPQY Servlces et tne llnwersnr of '      
he y yearly dues. These are $5.00 for all K€ntn‘{kY ere ja eornperatlvely new 3c'     E
V those who have been out of school for tgvlty In inn lrfeuof tlne c3·IinP]§nS· gne   ~  I
l over a year, and $2.00 for those who i ea was origina y t at o resi ent     Z
r have finished Within the year. This Frank L. McVey, who appointed a mu-     ;
rnoner is to be used in defreyins the ex- sie committee under Dean w. E. Free-   l i
  senses ef the Club ere help to subside- man to have charge of the arrange-   ,
 · ing the various social functions that t D F . t d   2 A
V are given during the yemx men s. ean reeman appoin e a ves-    
 n A number of the Alumni have been r];er1gIegngntree»fhee]ee