*¢ ‘"‘  r l    
. if
3. .
_ iate Professor of Mathematics (in to 1:30 p. m., Dr. H. H. Downing Asso-  
charge of Astronomy). Subject-"Pop— ciate Professor of Mathematics (in V.   ·
ular Astronomy, N0. 6." charge of Astronomy). Subject-"Pop- . il ‘
Friday, October 31-12:45 to 1:00 p. ular Astronomy, No, 8," ` 11: ·
_  · m., N. R. Elliot, State Agent in Charge Friday, November 14-12:45 to 1:00   Y  E
t . of Specialists. _ Subject-"What Farm p. m., Nl R. Elliot, State Agent in Ti`? — E
° Folks Are Asking-" 2 Charge of Specialists. subject-·what ian Q i
g' Sunday, November 2-6:00 to 6:30 Farm Folks Are Asking,"  I ; E
_ p, m:, Men’s Glee Club and Helen Stark, Sunday, November 16-6:00 to 6:30 it   l i
fl? DiH¤1St- D. m., Philharmonic Orchestra and Blue-   ;
` · Monday, November 3-12:45 to 1:00 grass Quartette.  l .  
VS- Q p_ m., Fordyce Ely, Professor of Dairy Monday, Nevember 17-12:45 to 1:00 2 0 ·  1
-0* Husbandry. Subject- “S€l€C’C1Hg the D. m., John S. Gardner, Field Agent in   l 1
th Dairy Sire." W. W. Magill, Field Agent `Horticulture. Subject-"Is Your Gar- l    F 1
gs in Horticulture. Subject -·"Winter den Ready for Winter ?"   ·  i
§S» _ Spray Program." Tuesday, November 18-12:45 to F 1 I
·°' Tuesday, November 4-12:45 to 1:00 1:00 p. m., Agricultural Program; 1:00   Q Z
?c‘ p, m., Agricultural Program; 1:00 to to 1:15 p. m., Earl Senif’s Kentuckians; tj i »
ith 1 :15 p. m., Earl Senif’s Kentuckians; 1 :15 to 1 :30 p. m., Dr. L. H. Carter, As- · ¥ ¥
al' 1 :15 to 1 :30 p. m., Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, sistant Professor of Economics. Subject Y2,.  
tO Associate Professor of Economics. Sub- -"The Future of Public Utility Regula-   j
’u_I` ject-"The Effects of Patents and Copy- tion." .  » ‘ 2
*1* rights Upon Business and Public Wel- Wednesday, November 19-12:45 to A   { ‘
lat fare." 1:00 D. m., Agricultural Program, ’”  Q'?
·€d I Wednesday, November 5-12:45 to -   ‘
·°’·JP' I 1:00 p. m., Fordyce Ely, Professor of FRESHMEN ENTERTAINEI) BY *:  .
his Dairy Husbandry. Subject- "Proven LEXINGTON ROTARIANS ‘  · 
mg Dry Sires." -    
  · Thursday, November 6-12:45 to The Lexington Rotary Club enter-    fp j
ng ` 1 :00 p. m., Agricultural Program; 1:00 tained as its guests for luncheon at the i   , 
’  » to 1 :15 p. m., Musical Program; 1 :15 to last meeting, sixty-five members of the ...  1 - _
in y 1:30 p. m., Dr. H. H. Downing, Asso- freshman classes of the University of ·  
kg   ciate Professor of Mathematics (in Kentucky and Transylvania University. 5.  j
im; charge of Astronomy). Subject-"Pop- The meeting was held at the Phoenix . I 2  1
nd . ular Astronomy, No. 7." Hotel. g  ; 
l f Friday, November 7-12:45 to 1:00 Each fall, the Lexington Rota1·ians   4 
_O ` p. m., N.R. Elliot, State Agent in Charge entertain representative members of   ;
° a I of Specialists. Subject-"What Farm the freshman classes of Lexington’s r    
my Folks Are Asking." two universities. This has been a cus- ,  gé  
mt Sunday, November 9-6:00 to 6:30 tom for years. In the spring, members ‘ "  A 
' ' D p. m., Operatic Sketches. of the senior classes of the two colleges I ,i  ’ 
·· , Monday, November 10-12 :45 to 1 :00 are entertained.   L 
‘_  D. m., E. C. Vaughan. Field Agent in Mr. Frank Jones, a charter member g,  5
Marketing. Subject-"Preparing To- of the club, extended a welcome to the L   4 
_ bacco for Market? freshmen on behalf of the Rotarians. ..   gl
Tuesday, November 11-12:45 to Mr. Jones’ talk was very interesting    
[en- 1200 D. m., Agricultural Program; 1:00 and entertaining, pleasing the fresh-   1
:0v- to 1:15 p. ni., Earl Senff’s Kentuckians; men, as he did not give them advice or - lj g
‘. 1:15 to 1 :30 D. m., Rodman Sullivan, In- a list of does or don’ts.    
to Structor in Economics. Subject-"State The program consisted of short ad-   ,
. Of 311Cl Federal Attempts to Stabalize Em- dresses by representatives of the two    
ite,. _ Dloyment." classes and a vocal solo by Richard Alli- . ; ih
Wednesday, November 12-12:45 to son, Translyvama student. The Dm-   .3
. _00  — 1200 D. m., Agricultural Program, versity of Kentucky freshmen were reD- i g  ·.
[foo · Thursday, November 13-12:45 to resented by William E. Fanning. and   D
5'to 1¥00 D. I'1'1., Agricultural Program; 1:00 Transylvania was represented by DHVIS 4 ;
3Oc_ fe 1515 D. m., Musical Program; 1:15 McGa1‘vey.  1.;; .
 `  iii A
, lj  li. E
 _ 1 1
. - - l _ .. ·  .
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