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 `     I_   you are going into the Yankee stadium anything in particular, the one and only ,
» . r -· IJ . now when you start meandering through motion that remains fixed and undis-
. I   -_ those tons of concrete pillars. The stu- turbed is that it’s going to be a power-
‘ . I dent body which will be on hand will ful day for Thanksgiving. However, we
T I —   number more than 3,000 and one third must meet the gorgeous crimson tide
” I   I T I I _ of those will don the blue caps of the before we get any further, and the best
_.   I I ` freshmen. The Best Band in Dixie will backing that can be given the team now
', I I T   . be there strutting the stuff southern is to show the world that the alumni
I I I   scribes have called "aristocratic" and from the beginners toT the twenty-niners T
. I _ ' · making music that stirs the soul to un- are on Stoll field pulling for victory
· I   g   known heights. The present day mem- from start to finish.
E · T ;’T `I   bers of Su—Ky will be on hand to sell Believe it or not we have a Mr. Pres-
T   I T Isl 3 IIN popcorn and peanuts and remind you ident and a Mrs. President on this cam- »
TE l   I" I?} of the good old days when you earned pus and they have invited the alumni,
_     I   .   » the right to wear the little blue band on faculty, teams, and other visitors to
E -   ` I I .   your coat sleeve. The co-eds will do the "drink her down" with a cup of tea af-
E   I I   selling and believe it or not, they are ter the game. This exquisite courtesy _
; _ Q T I I. I T . T prettier than ever. A loud speaker has on the part of President McVey and
. I T . I been installed and no matter whether Mrs. McVey has come to be a charming  I
T ~ I I I I Q you have forgotten your football rules part of every home-coming day pro-
I T T ' ? or never learned the new regulations, gram and this opportunity to spend the T
`I T   some one up in the tower will tell you twilight hours of an exciting day in
I ` . ,T I all about it and you will not have to fol- such delightful hospitality will indeed ‘
.   I p I Icogv downs on the scoreboard and miss beTa1ppreciated.f t f h _
I ; » I I e p ay. e c osing ea ure o ome-coming
I I   Qh yes! At this homgcomjhg party day will be the dance which is sponsor-
T I I on Stoll field, Saturday afternoon, No- 9d by blib LQXIUEIOH Alumni Club dud .
I I I T   vember 1, there will be about nfty \IVild- where you will have another chan_ce to .
_ II ' I cats and eleven of them will work at a €0ug1`9~l5lllut€ '€l1€ Wildcats aud €uJ0Y 3 I
T shift until there are no more-—Ala- Sddd dumb-
.· I A- bamans. That’s the football team of —-———————·  .
I i K . 1930 and we want you alumni to know PROF. GREHAN REAPPOINTED
I; it is some team. Captain Forquer and TO ATHLETIC COUNCIL
  company, if you please. Every one ——·· I
I knows ‘Floppy" and there are about 49 Prof. Enoch Greham, head of the de- _
I _ other excellent reasons for the unusual partment of journalism, has been noti-
I I interest in the contest. We dislike to fied by President McVey of his reap-
I I .I start mentioning the interesing bits of pointment to the Athletic Council for
{T   gossip we have on many of the team be- a term of three years. Professor Gre- 1
I, T cause each deserves special attention, han has completed, this semester, nine
I I I T and whether they come from Kentucky, years as a member of the council. .
§I I I T Indiana, Illinois, or Colorado, they are Members of the athletic council are
  I 5 doing the best they can and it’s a migh- Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, chairman; Prof.
_ I,   I ’ ty good best in the judgment of one Enoch Grehan, E. A. Bureau, S. A.
Il I I who has watched every Wildcat squad Boles, faculty representatives; Louis
I I I ` develop since 1898. Win or lose, the Hillenmeyer and Judge John Stoll, alum- I
I I ; team that makes the home-coming day ni representatives; Len Miller and Gayle ,
, I E program of 1930 is the greatest team Mohney, student representatives, and .
  I that ever represented the University of L. L. Haggin, resident Fayette county. i
l I I Kentucky at any time and they are con- --———-;-—— ;
I  T 1 l I tenders for the honor of the Southern PRESIDENT TO DELIVER ADDRESS 3
I I Conference Championship. As such ———- .
° T they have been officially recognized in President Frank L. McVey will speak
*  every state in the South and as such before the Ohio Teachers’ Association I
‘T · thev will live until the last whistle blows at Portsmouth, Ohio, October 31st. The T
I — . ~ AME in Knoxville on Thanksgiving Day and subject of his address will be "Our
, j I 40,,; while the writer is not promising you Prison Congress". `
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