T  =  ,—  ·  s i.  ·   ·.  
Z AN EX-PRI§§IDENT S ECHO St $1; rf&e ieslzvlnlnee-gegitéicky §ame, the   · l
i ey DR G- ems BUCKNER of the University ofllgnstutellt §°eli°nS `  
5 The moment a president becomes an ly applauded the excellent playts asndrin- l  
Z eX-president, he becomes 3. pest. FOI'- jured players of Sewanee as if the- tl l  *
, tunately, there are presidents who neV- were wearing the Blue of Kentucky Ist      
i er say anything While they are Dfesid- was also noticed that the decisions of   l I
; ing and Conseqllehtly seldom Say any- the officials of the game were accepted   T l
thing as ex-presidents, as least nothing without comment,     il l
i of consequence. At other times there _________    
_ are presidents who fail to realize how F;. l g
_ little they have accnomplislhed as a presi- BAND MEMBERS PLAY AT FAIR A lf? Q  
dent and instead 0 quiet y retiring into _ . > . Q Q
Q sweet oblivion they continue to talk and enpigsldgnt ll§cV€y’ Qeee C°°l°€l" sel" · ·T;.~ E i
_ make idle suggestions and thereby an- Cone eg] Fr; ejollft t 9 faculty ef the     Q
, . noy the new president. Selecgedo gtlcu umn tmdha glloultof   F  Q
1  . It is not the intention of the writer of Prof tE{lSlclegS’Sul; ell t e dlliectlml   i .
e   to annoy President Frankel by any of annual nobmet   ll Zelentflttellded the AT;  
_ e his utterances or in any way to inter- at the EX gies tagvis t 5stlVl’{l’ held P l  L
3 fere with his administration which is at Quicksgnd lfgn uf 3 me- feeeted   A i
1 destined to govern the most successful een K€n,wck’ me ml es east O Jack`    
1 V year in the existence of the Alumni As- ` ’ y' . _ _ _ fs?   .
sociation of the University of Kentuc- Reports fren the suustatlen lntllente it  i 
, ky, But being of a communicative na- the'; the eltlllblts Were unusually geell    fl l
i _ ture the writer cannot resist from call- tllls year ln splte ef the ul`eutn» es  
j - ing attention to certain things connect- many excellent CYOPS were l?l`0dUC€d IU ·  ,<; g
D . ed with the University which deserve the Yalleys. ef eesteln Kentucky- A _ -  , 
3 apnlause special fruit exhibit was sponsored by   ;
The Alumni Association might well the Stete Hettleultutel SeeletY· The    
have as its guiding motto the word tlltegmm else, lneuueu, el eenlplete {LH f  Y I
~ asportsmanshipii which Should be m_ Club_show, with premiums for cooking,   _
- terpreted as meaning justice and fair- °elllllllg* °°l`ll· .eettle# eee eletnlng ,   ’
“ _ ness in every phase of University activ- Many ef the exlllblts were Jutlgeu bt? ln'  l `
__ ity. It should seek or demand for the ettueteéi from the Cellege ef_Agl`leul‘   `
J_ ’ University the things the University I5llte‘ Cese feeuétgi n}en}1t;els_ Were: _;   A
{_ needs and see that the University ob- t eee; eeeei an §l`if’le_ ~l· lnstlue‘   _ 
I. tains them. From time to time the Bt/Els.} sWls· °gnn» e alus> Welu°n·  Eji , 
__ t writer intends to discuss this subject =i1$;l» and tM°Ell`(3e‘_ k d _ th m    
’ more fun _ e even a uic san was in e    ;;
Q The sulbject for brief discussion to- nature ef 3_f€StlV3l ZS Well 38 en agri- _   < 
6  e dqy will be the imnneesions made On the cultural fair: The exhibits mcludled   A 
F   mmde Of many Of the Alumni who ne- antiques, relics, ancient books, home- i    é
"` ~ turned to witness the Sewanee-Kentuc- made fuYmtu1`€» b3Sk€'fSi teel handles. . in z 
E   footbau game 34 few Weeks agO_ l`ugS, COV€1`l€tS, and also dlSpi3.yS _of ,    
l_ Sportsmanship is not only exhibited h&¤dW01`k» W00d_ W01`ki and Weewmg ·`   . 
9 i On the Held Of SC1~immag€ but also in from themountain schools. Public a_d- my nz y 
d the bleachers. it may be that the large dresses. mstrpmentel and veeel music. / 3;  
, and brawny are fond or the very popular and eerqtests in hee eellmei cow eellmgi _ jg  
· ’ ML Lane who acted as ulllpire had an competition between saddle mules, and   é
S . mgnence that would msmne the play, between mule teams were all included l   1
e1`S to be sportsmen, especially in accept- m the f€StlV9·l l?l`03`l`am· l    
k ' ing his decisions and in their contact The gift of 15.000 acres of land by gin-;  
H and attitude towards their opponents. E. O. Robinson, Fort Thomas, Ky., and site E
Q This influencing "mighty-right" does F. W. Mowbray, C1nc1nnat1, Ohio, to the »   ;i
1, not reach into the bleachers and there University of_Kentucky has_made DOSSI-   f
’ One finds sportsmanship unhampered ble the experiment sub-station and also   A
and freely expi~essed_ the annual fair and harvest festival. e f _
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