l   Fulton Rotary Club (Continued) ‘
F _ Normal Civic Activities: Rural-Urban cooperation. Crippled chi1dren's
` work and student assistance.
Defense Activities: None reported. A
g Local Publications: Year Book. `
{ FULTON SPORTNAN'S CLUB (Sportmen’s Club of Kentucky), above Lowes Res-
taurant, Fulton. Founded 1940. President, A. L. Bushart, Fourth Street, —
y Fulton, Telephone 747. Secretary, Mansfield Martin, Fulton, Telephone 5. z
Terms expire February, 1942. *
  Membership: 75. Qualifications, interested in hunting, fishing and h
conservation of wild life. A
Committees: None reported.
Purpose: To promote conservation and replacement of wild life.
Normal Civic Activities: None reported. 1
· Defense Activities: Training for Auxiliary Police. 7
Local Publications: None. y
FULTON WOMAN'S CLUB (Kentucky Federation of“Women’s Clubs), 311 Fourth’
Street, Fulton. Founded 1921. President, Mrs. Gene Moon, 509 Eddings,
Fulton, Telephone 725. Secretary, Mrs. James Warren, 502 Fourth Street,
A Fulton, Telephone 716. Terms expire April, 1944.
_ Membership: 190. Qualifications, any woman residing in Fulton or sur-
rounding territory and interested in improving human conditions}
A Committees; Press-Publicity, Mrs. J. C. Hancock; Legislative, Mrs. J. C.
Sugg; Program, Mrs. Walter Voelpelg Finance, Mrs. Robert Gramam; Library,
Mrs. Arch Huddleston, Junior, all of Fulton.
Purpose: Stimulate intellectual development and otherwise improve human
I Normal Civic Activities: Sponsor of Free Public Library, Girl Scouts.
. Coopesates with Red Cross, County Health Unit and Cancer Control Drives.
Defense Aetivities: Fngagod in Ped Crass Assistarc¤. Trainipg_for
· F1I‘S`l] Aid.
Local Publications: None.