Friday, April 27 Second perform
ancc of "Lady Windermere's Fan," in
evening at Woodland Auditorium.
Saturday, April 28 Kappa Sigma
fraternity dance in ball room of Phoenix Hotel.
Alpha Xi Delta lanfMt
The thirtieth anniversary of the
founding of Alpha Xi Delta fraternity
was celebrated by the members of the
University chapter Saturday night in
the .ball room of the Lafayette hotel.
The tables bore baskets of Columbia roses tied with pink tulle, and the
place cards were programs embossed
with the fraternity shield.
Zula Ferguson presided as
and her introductory talk was
"On, On, Alpha Xi Delta." The other
toasts were: Frances Static!, "The
Kick Off" (They're Off); Mary Kath-crin- c
Jasper, "The Forward
(Forward March); Elizabeth Morris,
"Our Thirty-Yar- d
Line" (By Leaps
and Bounds'); Norma Rachel, "The
Touch Down" (Arc We Downhearted? Goodness Not) Betty Brown "The
Something Done); Lula Blakcy, "The
Touch Back" (Secure in the Thoughts
of the Past). Lucy Smith sang "The
Evening Song."
Covers were laid for the following
members of the active chapter: Dorothy Blatz, Betty Brown, Laura Hubbard, Lois Peart, Kathryn Pennington, Irma Bain, Mary Elizabeth Craf-toKathleen Edwards, Elizabeth El
lis, Frances Harris, Mary Elizabeth
Luxon, Lucy Smith, Frances Stahcl,
Zula Ferguson, Elizabeth Holmes,
Georgia Lee Murphy, Elizabeth Mor
ris, Norma Rachel, Elizabeth
liams, Rowena Noe, Shelby Northcutt,
Mary Katherine
Jasper, Henrietta
Green, Zelma Hall, Louise Atkins,
Sarah Morris, Mary Louise Morris,
and Sarah Collopy, a pledge.


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Tennis Club Officers
At a meeting of the University of
Kentucky Tennis club held recently
the following officers were elected:
President, Charles Spillman; vice president, Eugenia O'Hara; secretary-treasureDewey Welsh.

At a meeting of the Philosophian
Literary Society of the University of

Kentucky held at Patterson Hall the
following mcmibcrs for the forthcoming year were elected: Elizabeth
Wheeler, president; Marion Parsons,
vice president; Rowena Coatcs,
Louise Carson, literary
critic; Lucille Bush, scrgcant-at-armThe society voted that the next
meeting which will be held May 7, will
be an open meeting to which all former members will be invited.
Numerous committees were





Frank L. McVey, Dean and Mrs.
Paul P. Boyd, Judge and Mrs. Lyman
Chalkley, Dean and Mrs. C. R.
Colonel and Mrs. G. D. Freeman, Major and Mrs. Albert Tucker,
Professor and Mrs. Edward Wicst,
Dean and Mrs. W. E. Freeman, Dean
Frances Jewell, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Dr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. Charles Judson Smith.
Members of the active chapters arc'
Mystic Thirteen Marshall Barnes, T.
G. Baylcss, Lowell Truitt, Snead Yager, Carl Riofkin, Edward Gans, Arthur Bcntlcy, William King, Daniel
Morse, Charles Spillman.
Keys William Tate, Rj'anrt Roberts, Thomas Fcnncll, K. H. Rohs,
Wayne Faust, Tyler Mumford.
Mcl-chc- r,

The alumnae present for the banquet
were: Misses Anne, Elizabeth and
Nell Wallace, Virginia Croft, Austin
Lilly and Mrs. Henry McConathy, all
of Lexington; Misses Sarah Cardwell,
Harrodsburg; Elizabeth Lovctt, Benton; Virginia Shanktin, Fulton; Lucille Blatz, Lillian Allison, Roxanne
Trimble, Willctte Fritchncr, of Louisville; Isabcllc Darnell, Mayslick; Nell
Ginglcs, Murray; Elizabeth Guthrie,
Mt. Sterling; Mrs. Richard Hopkins,
Misses Zcrclda Notand and Lula Blakcy, of Paris.



Pi Alpha Theta Luncheon
The members of the Pi Alpha Theta
fraternity of the University of Ken
tucky entertained delightfully with a
o'clock luncheon at the Lafayette
hotel Saturday.
A centerpiece of sunburst roses, the
fraternity flower, was used as the
decorations, and the black and gold
motif was carried out in the place
cards and favors.
After the luncheon ithe guests motored to Winchester to attend a reception given by Miss Lucy Gardner at
her home there.
The guests were William Emreys
Davis, Marvin Wade Marsh, Anne
Riddell and the following members of
the active chapter: Bernice Booth,
Gladys Booth, Anne Crabb, Genevieve
Dunavant, Ruby Lee Dale, Lucy Gardner, Kathryn Evans, Lena Johnson,
Lillian Mitchell Katherine McElonan,
Elton Rice, Julia Gardner Ross, Mavis
Sternberg, Belle Scott and Daisy Al
len Taylor.

Miss Rosalie B. Gcer, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., national editor of Kappa Kappa
Gamma fraternity, is spending a few
days with the local chapter of Kappa

Kppa Gamma.
Banquet for Miss Geer
The Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity entertained with a bnquet Tuesday evening in the palm room of the
Phoenix hotel in honor of Miss Rosalind Gcer, of New York, a Kappa
Kappa Gamma National officer, who
is a guest at the chapter house.
The tables were beautiful in pink
and white, arranged in the design of
a K and decorated with many crystal
vases of pink and white carnations.
The menu ws elaborate and there were
impromptu speeches and fraternity
songs. An electric illumination over
the mantel glowed with the words,
"Welcome Kappa Kappa Gamma."
A list was not obtained but among
those present were: Miss Geer, Mrs.
J. B. Miner, Miss Maybclle Cornell,
Mrs. M. P. Taylor, Mrs. Albert Shouse
Frances De
Misses Mary Walton,
Long, Fan RatlifTe, Janet McVey,
Elizabeth Helm, Eleanor
Smith, Mary Helburn, Emilie Greg'
ory, Dorothy Monroe, Mary Snell,
Ruby Virginia DcLong, Grace Davis,
Helen VanDerveer, Elizabeth Millard,
of Shelbyville; Sarah Blanding, Mabel
Ruth Coates, Isabel Bennett, Laura
Isabel Bennett, Julia Willis, Jo Evans,
Elise Bohannon, Elizabeth Cromwell,
Monroe, Patsy McCord,
Elizabeth Hume, Minnie Peterson,
Mary Peterson, Rowena Coates.
Luncheon in ,New York
Mrs. Mary C. Love Collins, of this
city, national president of the Chi
Omega fraternity, was one of the
Chi Omega fraternity, was one of the
lunchspeakers at the
eon given last week at the Hotel
Pennsylvania in New York City. Mrs.
Collins has been spending some time
in New York but came home for a
few days two weeks ago. While
here she was called from New York
by long distance asking her to be one
of the speakers for this luncheon.

Fraternities' Dance
The Mystic Thirteen and Keys fra
ternities of the University entertained
with the annuel dance Saturday night
at Buell Armory on the campus.
The April Dance
The chaperones were: President Won't you come to our April party?
We know you will have a good time.
We'll have plenty to drink, from
glasses that jingle,
But we're sure it will not be wine.
It will be a cool, clear rliquid,
That comes from a well meaning
It will give you the pep, to get into
the step,
And around the floor we'll swing.

Fag Thret

Contiaued from first page.)
luctantly continued to Birmingham,
arriving there early Friday morning
And then, perhaps, more forcibly than
ever before was brought home to them
the wonderful spirit that exists among
the "old boys" of Kentucky. Hardly
had the newer generation
breakfast when in burst the boys of
yesterday's Old Kentucky. And the
wonderful part about it was that they
were not there because they felt it
their duty but because they really
wanted to be they were proud to be
seen with an embryo product 61 their
old Alma Mater. For two days they
were the hosts in a tour thru the Birmingham Valley. The iron mines, the
roller mills, the blast furnaces, the
converters, the coal mines, were visited under their supervision. They had
us for luncheon twice and for a roya
banquet at the Birmingham Country
Club they made a beautiful blueprint
of the itinerary while in Birmingham
they prepared a leaflet describing the
places to be visited they treated us
they showed us
as visiting monarchs
the finest example of that divine hospitality that only one Kcntuckian can
bestow upon another and they made
us ashamed for our listless love of the
grandest old school in the world.


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Graddy-Rya- n


The date will be April 2th;
The time let's say,
The place well, make it Dicker rHall.
The girl ??? someone "pirty."
If your wife should be out of town,
Don't let that make you blue,
There are plenty of girls who will be
right there
To give a welcome to you.

On the other hand, if your husband
Should have an appointment that
Just come right along and forget him,
And you'll not be a
And now for you who have children,
Don't let them keep you at home,
But just be real prudent, and call in
a student,
While off in Dream-lan- d
they roam.
wall-flowe- r.

L'.ly Kohl,
M!ss Maybffle Cornell,

Mr. and Mrs P. E. Karrakcf,
Mr. and aaVs. J. S. Gardner,
Mr. Wavland Rhoads,
Mr. Jack Dorr.

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