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McLean County Game and Fish C1ub(Ccntinucd) » l
Defense Activities: Interested in First did, Recreation.
Lccel Fublicetiensz Nenc. —
KcLBAN COUFTY HOVEMLKQPS ;SSCClMT10F(N;ticn;l Hcmemmkers; Associated Ceuntry
Eenen of the Wlrld), q/0 Mrs. T. H. Lcit, Czlheun. Founded 1016. President,
Mrs. Elmo Trunncll, Celheun.eTelcph;ne 2769. Secretary, Mrs. T. H. Liet. Tel-
ephenc 2551. Termsexpire Scptembcr,_l942. Executive Secretary, Mildred Rcbcrts,
Heme Dcminstretien ;gent,.Celhvun. Telephene 2601. Tern expires 1942.
Membership: 200. Open ts rural wenen interested in the ccenenics cf heme
Cmmnittccs: Library, Irs. B. A. Ve;C1evc, Cs1h;un; Citizenship, Mrs. Stanley
Perter, Calhoun; Gardening, Hrs. Aden Lyer, Livia;'Lsndsc@ping, Mrs. J. R.
Gunn, Celhcun; Feeds, Mrs. Hessen Freels, Islindg Clothing, Irs. nlm; davis,
Ruszsey. _
Puretse: Te extend tc hanemckers in ipecrtunitv ti familiarize themselves
J. .. . ..
with hcmemdking pr`blens under trained leadership. ·
Eirnal Civic Activities: Cc percting with Tad Crsss, M.?.;., P.T.n., Library.
Defcnse`4ctivities: Engaged in Red Cr`ss nssistunce, Prepuratisn and Serving
if Feed, Entertiinment, Recreetien, Discussien Lenders, Public Speaking.
Training fer Preperetien and Serving 3f Ford, Entertainment, Recreitien, Dis—
cussi L Leaders, Public Speaking. ,
Leeel Publicetiens. Nero. .
` McLEdF COUUTY UEDICML SOCIETY (American P iieil ;ss·ciiti’n;Btate Tedieel
Siciety), Celheun. Feunded 1900. Presid.rt, Dr. M. R. Till, Cilheun. Tel-
ephcn; 2881. S;cretary, Dr. F. L. Jehnstr, Livtrv rc. Pelcpb we 2623. Terms
expire July, 1945.
Fembership: 7.0pen tc practicinggyhysicing ur ‘s·. drited fr m e rccegrized rzdicdl
Ccvmittecsz Neue.
Purpese: Discussirn and ¤dv;;c ment ii ¤edie;1 science.
Firnal Civic netivities: Ce pereting with Red Cr ss, F. T. L. ned Uiilth
Depsrtrent. l
Defense Lctivities; lntcrqsted in Prep r ‘‘.’ tiin and Serving >f F; d, Child
Care, Rdsedreh dssistance.
Lcc:1 .».. Publicstifns: Neue.
. ..1