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W¤nen's Seciety of Christian Servicc,Neth:iist Chureh(C0ntinutd)
Nermul Civic nctivitiesz Ceeperiting vith Hen Crass end 1:cal charities.
_ Defense Lctivities: Interested in Red Crass Assistance, 1 I
Lsc;1 Pubiicptiensz Nene. I
, 1WI"EN'S IISSIOIMRY SOCIETY, B;PTIST CEU`CH(St&te and Seuthern Hemen's Liss-
» ienarv Union), Baptist Church, Calhoun. Feunded 1900. President, Hrs. Dwruthy
Smith, Calhsun. Secretary, Irs. Fsrect Thcucssr;, Calheun. Terms expire Oct-
cber, 1942. A .1 -·
Nembership: 50. Open t; Christian rumen interested in mission ry v;rk.
Cemnitteesz Enlistment, Irs. nugh Cer; Pregren, His; F rest‘Lee Smith; Mission,
Study, Mary Ktreheadg Fersinml Serviee,Hrs. Elmer Hhiteheuse; Fub1icitv,Miss
Bess Landrum; Stewardship, Mrs. Jack Smith. a11 rf Cslhrun.
Purpwsez Thr ugh ~ff;rings, extend riligiqus A ·.*’. rk thr ughcut the wnrld.
E’rx11 Civic Activities: Help the n edu and eetperite with Zed Crass.
Defense Lctivities: Intercstti in S wing and Erepireti n of Surgienl Dress-
ings, Red Cgtss gssistsncc. .
Lecrl Publications: None.
* .`·. @TEI’3 N13S10HnRY SOCITTY OF CFHIQTIQY CHJRCE(United Christi¢n Iissienmry
Society), c/0 Hrs. Jshn Hentfn, Cslhsuu. Fzunded 19eG. Trecid nt, Irs. Jenn
E. Chry, Ciiheun. Te1eph¢n; 2301. Secretcrv, Mrs. J hn lcnt=u. Terms expired
June, 19@2.
Perbership; 5. Ienbership cyan te any i‘vi1 ‘.v‘ int;rcsted in ri;si¤nary :~rk.
Committees: N*1m.
Purpose; Te lremste the church missi*n"rT @·¤gr;u.
D rua} `~._ Civic netivitien; Font repented.
Defense netivities: Int rested in I spit.n ;;d C1ini2¤1 nssist ucc, Sewing
and [reparation ef Surgie;1 Dr sein x.
Lecil Iublieatiehs; Fun;.
YOUNG PE©PlL'S OD&rI1ZnTIC7, ]YT§'Q1bT ClD*CH(Kentucky Ziurg !-*y1e's ergxn»
izatien), c/t I&rj’r1» L. Iintiie tt’1, C*1h`un. T utled 1Q12, Tresident,
Juanita Gunn, Calh un. Secretdry, Yirj ri, L. Tinterbittcw. Terns ,xpire
Benteuber, 1942. Executive Becietnry, *r0ne;s D1 reeit, C.1h M;. Term inlai-
init .5 .