- 12 .. i
Amuriccn Legion, Jsmcs Bothol Gresham Pcst¤#64, 1
Amoriccn Rod Cross, McLoon County Chsptur, 1
Calhoun 4-H Club, 2 "
Calhoun Cirls Rcscrvo, 2
Calhoun High‘Scho¤l Lthlctio Association, 2
Calhoun Hi-Y, 5
Calhoun Parent-Touchor Association 3
Calhoun Esft Ball Association, 5 _
Christian Ehdouvor Sfcioty, Christian Church, 4
Frcc ind Aocoptod losons,Vicnns Lcdgo4fQ25, 4 I
Futurc Furmors of Amoricu, Mchcon County Chsptor, 5 C
Junior und Schicr Eationnl Honor Socioty, 5
Lions Club  i‘ Czilhotm, 5
NcLomx Couuty Norm Burcuu, 6 ‘
NcLoan County Gcmo and Fish Club, 6 ` ‘
Hohouu County Homomokcrs Association, 7
McLcun County Ncdical Socicty, 7 ‘ .
HcLoou County Tcuchcr's Association, 8 _
Ordor of £KSiOTH Star, Viouua Chcptcr $66, 8
"Womsu'c Scoioty of Christiin Scrvicc, Moth dist Church, 8
Tbwou's Yissioucry S`ci»ty, B ptist Church, 9
Vb ©u's Iissiondry Society of Christian Church, 9
Young Fcoplo's Organization, Nrth¤list Church, 9 °