J - 1 -
I c/o D. C. Ross, Calhoun. Founded 1919. Commander, L. H. Lcachman, Calhoun,
o Adjutant, D. C. Ross. Telephone 2001. Terms expire July , 1945.
Membership: 51. Que1ifications,0Pon to veterans of World Tar l. with an
honorable discharge.
§ Committees: Executive, Coy hcC1ellan, Tom Emmib , L. H. Leachmun, of Cal-
· houn; J. D. Kittinger, Jerry H. Rust, of Rumsey, Lon Riley, of Sacramento.
Purposei To better serve the United States of America in a patriotic wey.
F Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with civil defense, schools, including
E P. T. A. groups and lh S. armed forces. Rendering service to disabled com~
s rades and other needy worthwhile enterprises.
, Defense Activities: En;agcd‘in Collection of Scrap hotels and Other Metals.
Q Interested in Red Cross Assistance, First nid, Child Care. Post has turned
i over to the UL P. D. its captured German cannon, wcighté550 lbs.
— Local Publications: None.
Y AMERICAN PED CROSS, McLQLN CHLPTQP (American Tational Ped Cross), o/o Fred
Gibson Calhoun. Founded 1918. Chairman Fred Gibson. Secretari Mrs. Lir-
3 3 J
1 tle Harrison, Calhoun. Teleyhone 2821. Terms indefinite.
1 Membership: 200. Open to persons who join and pay dues of one dollar or
? more.
J Committees: Executive, Louis Qennett, Myra Johnson, Irene Scott; Production
{ {Sewing}, [aud Ualtrys, Anna Robertson; Production(Hnitting), Irene Scott,
{ all of Calhoun.
Q Purpose; To give relief in cases of emergency and disaster.
5 Formal Civic Activities: Temporary ;clicC to victins or flood or otbzr dis~
¥ aster, aid to personnel of u. b. Armed arrows. _
é Defense Activities Engaged in Sewini and Irooaration of Surgical Diese-
] ings, ned Cross Assistance, First nid.
E Local Publications: None.
L CnLHOUN 4¤H CLUB (State and National é»h Clubs), e/b Home Demonstration
Agent, Calhoun. Founded 1957. President, lwncv Lockxry, Sacramento, Sec~
· rotary, Nancy Jackson, Dench Grov ~».‘· . Tel phono QEVQ. L crctary, Jildrod r
Roberts, Calhoun. Terms indefinite.
; Membership; 95. Open to rural boys and iirls b ·..· tween tht ages of 10 and
, Bl years of age.
L Committees: Prograw, Lubby Thoclor; Clothinf Project, Judy E§nhett, both
T of Calhoun. i _ .- . ,