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CALHOUN Hl»Y (Kentucky Y. M. C. 4. ), c/o Jason Robertson, Celhoun. Founded
1937. President, Nerion Yates, R. R.·#l, Utica. Secretary, Jason Robertson,
Terms expired 1941. Executive ¤ecretery, Cerl Telkcr, Celhcun. Term lndof—
Iombership: 45. Qualifications, o member of Senior High School and inter~
estcd in Christian work, .
Committees: Done reported, .
Purpose: To promote Christian education in the schools.
Tormzl Civic nctivities: Cooperating with P. T. A. in school activities
and with religious organizations.
Defense netivities: Engaged in Entertainnert, Recreation, Collecting Looks,
Discussion Lenders, Typing and Other Clerical nssistence, Training for
Recreation, Discussion Lenders. Interested in Ped Cross nssistnnce, First
Lid, Public Sieeking,
Local Publiestionsz Tone. `A
CLLEOUN PLZEKT-THLCHBP nSSOC1nTIOY (State end Intionxl Cyigrcsses of P;rontS
and Teachers), c/o Hrs. Dorothy Smith, Cilh un. P unece 1QO9. President,
— - »· 'V r _ »-. · _ T .,-_, · - . ..e .· A ·» w
rrs. Elmo frunnel, R. L. yi, Calk un. secretary, ;;s. Dprsthj Smith, n. L.
P gtl, Calhoun. Vicc—President, Hrs. Bert Ven Cleve, Calhsun. Telephone i$75.
. Trems cxpir 1945,
Henbcrship: 100, Cpen to parent or teacher of child ett-nding county sch- '
Committees: None reported. , N
' Purpose: Cooperation between bore ine schoil {sr irgritement `·`-. if child
Normal Civic netivities: Assisting in gll cnefieizl Letivities for the
betterment of the community,
Defense netivities: lnterest,e in Pcspitpl ind Clinic l gsciwt neo, lev-
ing und Preparation e,’, f Surgiegl Urossinns, Lei jr sc ncsistencc, Cbild
Ogre, Library ¤erviec, Cqllecting Bovks, Vlscussiin Le ders, he ching
‘ nmeriennizetiqn ClLSEeS fir nlien xnd Others.
Loe;1 Publiestirnsz None.
CQLIOUI SQFT ZWLL MQSCCILTICY, G/e [1 5. Bruce, Cvl un. Founded 10oZ.
Prcsid nt, "Q S. Bruce. feleph1n .~‘.. 25C2. Term expire: 3eptemb,r,19@2.
Executive~5ecrctnry, L, Tg Zetson, Cilhfun. Torn 1T ;“;nice.
Lembership; SO. Coen tf znj enc jirticipeti;; in and girine sup: rz ti
Soft Bell,
, A-/v