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°L'"°n° °· HAGAN   ‘   `»'` ° ‘:*EEE:E;      I»Q   ’A ``   EEE    if ‘ t
~ Exp¤¤Si<>¤ of the f¤<>tl>¤U tr¤i¤i¤g w<>¤¤ wd ¤dditi<>¤ 0f =¤   ~ `’; .    .,.,; a; ;;.  ;S i , , §;; » t :  -=    :“‘   ·¤ »‘‘:°°‘  ‘ i l
beautiful player’s lounge at Shivcly Sports Center, new   `“`‘»` `     _
carpeting in the stadium football offices, a new basketball   ___» _· - ``·      ---·-·—·==  
office complex in Memorial Coliseum, re-arrangement of the       ``` `   ··r· =   ·l‘·       gi "  
i baseball fences and a new surface for the running track are   _    ·`   __;;    V__
just a few of the recent improvements that signify the eon- isQ_;;;,;ll   T   i‘=·     ° 1
tinuing progress of UK athletics since Cliff Hagan joined the _ i‘ii``` T i     l l
\Vildcat Staff seven years ago. _ _  _    ri   ;  __`       __ J
Recognized nationally as a progressive, business·oricnted ,   »· r  1  
. and promotion»minded administrator, Hagan has seen and _.     _,:_VVV_ l
overseen vast improvements in all phases of an ever-expand-       "··‘ i§;-sn :___A   ····V»,’ - · r·,,g.:1;,§j:,gg.i?,f;·»  j ` »`__· {
V ing operation that has encompassed 16 sports since the men’S      -  ·      __ _‘____   :-=»·   ‘·=‘*’ 1
and womcn’s programs were merged in ]uly of last year.   ’  - _;_`»   { Y 1     iill _ l
The merger, under 11agan’s direction, has been orderly, j A       =‘‘‘   -»._,;___  
with office space remodeled and in some cases created to  
make room for the womcn’s coaching and administrative staff. ·
The indoctrination of Hagan into the UK athletics admini— Alter gmdnnnnn from UK in 1954 Hanan served two years l
strative structure came in 1972, when he was named assistant nr Anrlrows An Banco Bnso, Nvnslnngrosl D_ Cs ns n oom_
ln Hn"Y C- Lnncdstcf nnd gncn tnc tnsk Of lmplcmcntlngfhc missioned officer. He led the base to two \Vor1d \¢Vide Air 1
Blue ec \Vhitc Fund for 57,60()—scat Commonwealth Stadium porno ohnmplonshins nnrl won Alhsorvloo honors both yonrs_  
_ j and later for Rupp Arena. The fruits of his labors in this area Dunno ron yonrs with rho Sh Louis Hnwks, ho high rnnlrod *
have provided the additional financial support that has cle- nrnong ill nlnyors on rho longyno soorlno Charts with 12,433
n vn?-ld tnc   ndncncs Pmgfnnd nlm n fnnl Class OPS£nn°n‘ points in 672 games for an 18.5 marknand was selected to l
agan was named Athletics Director in ]uly 19/0 follow- nlny in nvo Ensnl/Vosr All_Stnr nrnnos nnrl wns nnmorl to rho
1 ing Lancasterls retirement. NBA geeend All-League team tlvicc. He hit over .790 from
° Hagan also has been an advocate of a strong scholar-athlete rho froo throw lino sovon yonrs in n row nnrl held rho NBA
program, feeling “a genuine commitment to provide all the ronorrl for rnosr nolrl nonls soororl rn n srnglo nnnrror (12).
¤<·¤d¤mi<‘ SnPP‘nt nnd ¤¤¤<>¤¤¤s¤m¤¤* WC cnn td nclf) Our The Hawks won the VVestern Division six times during
ndncfcfl 1***0 nnf Cnmllns with n Cnnctlc cdncnnnn nnd n Hagarfs playing career there and defeated the Boston Celtics
d°gfCC· _ _ _ _ in 1958 for the world championship. Hagan was All-Pro in
On the personal side, Hagan received one of his highest rho NBA in 195792 lnolnsno
individual honors last May when he became the first Uni- Ho ronolvnrl his il_S_ ln orlnonnon from yvnslnnglon Unl_
versity of Kentucky basketball player to be installed in the versity in 1958.
Naismith Memorial National Basketball Hall of Fame in ln 1965, rr llorhorr Hoover Boys Clnl) of Arnnrion wns `or_
Slnlngncldr Mn$S· _ ganizcd in Owensboro and named the Cliff Hagan Boys
The road to that honor began at Owensboro, Kentucky, Clnh or Arnorlorr
where he established a then state high school tournament Ho rhon lolnorl rho Dnllns Chnnnnrnls ns nlnyonconoh and
record of 41 points, which was recently voted the greatest wns snloororl ns rho 1958 Toms prolsosslonnl Conoh or rho
individual performance by anyone in the history of that yonry lyhnn ho loft Dnllns ho wns only 92 nolnrs shy or rr ,
tournament, in leading the Red Devils to victoryiover La- rngulnnsonson Cnroor tornl nf 15,000 nolnts l
fayctte in the 1949 chainpivlwhip g£UTl0· ln 1974, he was named to the Hall of Fame M£1gi1Zi¤€’$
Ai Uk hc Pkrycd vv mms the W<>¤ 86 OF 91 s¤m¤S mid A11-Amcnm sCCO¤t1-rCam as the iasriors period to the 3
nn NCAA Cnnnllnnnslnp (1951)· Tnc 1954 tcnnb nndcfcntcd Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel Star’s All-Time Southeastern Confer-
in 25 games, elected not to participate in the national tour- Cnco first ronrn, nnrl rho All_Tnno ton Collcglnro nlnyor in tho
nnmcnn . State of Kentucky by Inside Kentucky Sports Magazine. In
Hagan sct a dozen Southeastern Conference records and an 1975, he was named to the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame,
NCAA record of 528 rebounds as a junior. He averaged 24 was inducted into the UK Alumni Association Hall of Dis-
points a game, lcd the nation in rebounding, and scored a , tinguishcd Alumni and was a recipient of the University of
UK record of 51 points against Temple in 1954. Kentucky Centennial "K" Medallion tendered by the UKAA
I-IC was pr mpmbcr Of Sigma Nu Fratgynity, Student (gov- for past athletic accomplishments, during UK’s Centennial
ernment, Baptist Student Union, Fellowship of Christian Ycnr 0b$CI`V€m€C·
Athletes and twice was selected among the top ten students He is married to the former Martha Milton of Owensboro. .
in the College of Education. They have four children: Lisa, Laurie, Amy, and Kip.
` 4