said, speaking each word low, but distinctly. "I for-
give you for the deception about the money. Uncle
Arthur has returned wealthy, and we can refund that
to you soon. "But-" she raised her head and looked
at him-"can I forgive the rest"
  "Can you forgive it" he repeated, pillowing his
elbow on his palm, and resting his chin on his finger
and thumb. "Can you forgive it Your heart must
answer. If you love me-if you love me-"
  She could not endure the appeal in his eyes, and
her own dropped, with a sigh.
  The moments raced past.
  "Julia, have you no word for me"
  Silence unbroken. He waited for a while longer,
then moved slowly towards the door. She heard his
footsteps pass and recede, and it seemed that the hope
of her life was going too. He reached the door lead-
ing into the hall.
  "John !"
  The low call was weighted with despair and love.
  In a moment he was standing before her, with both
her hands in his.
  "You called ine !" he whispered, reading the mes-
sage in her swimming eyes. "You called me!"
  "Back to happiness, John, if I can give it to you!
You have borne so much, poor boy !"