The Kentucky Kernel


(Formerly The Idea)
PaMIsaed every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body
of the state University or Kentucky, ror the benefit of the students, alumni and faculty ef the Institution.

TIM KENTUCKY KERNEL Is the official newspaper of the University.
The Kentucky Celsnal fays:
It la leaned. with the view of furnishing to Its subscribers all the college news
The way the young folks do these
ef JClaeky, tegether with a digest of items of Interest concerning the uni
tWlU ef ether States and Canada.
days Is awfal, suh. I Bee In the paeans
FIVE CENTS FER COFY that President Wilson called on his
mall matter.
ntered at Lexington Postoftlce as second-clas- s
fiancy last week, and didn't leave till
Bart N. Peak


midnight, suh.


Assistant Editor
Managing Editor

Our worthy, editor, J. Franklin
Corn, has picked himself for
tucky linesman. We really believe he
Athletic Editor
Exchange Editor 'carried it most gracefully and was
rivalled only by K. Zerfoss, although
J. T. Oooch
Locals and LawMlss K. Mitchell. ...Home Economic
Bart Peak's work in the Tennessee
Harry Melton
Mechanical Herbert Graham
(8. J. Caudlll
Mining Miss Anna L. Whltworth. .. .Sororities game was worthy of attention.
Agriculture Miss Elisabeth Duncan
James McOoaaeU
Patt. Hall
Miss Elsie Heller
The Serpentine "Doc."
"Doc" Tlgert ,gave a
M. C. Finney
H. J. Evans
W. T. Cottlngham
'Estill Woods
write-uMiss Mildred Taylor.
of "Doc" Rodes in the Lex
ington Herald last Monday. Here's
IW. J. Harris
Business Manager
what the English language was able
to do for "Docc," and it's all true:
Thoughts From the Football Season.
"He combines the cunning and the
motion of the serpent with the speed
State University has just completed one of the most successful foot of Eva Tanguay. He is unquestlonj
Out of the most difficult schedule ever ably the greatest open-fielball seasons of Its history.
runner in
assayed by a Wildcat team, Kentucky has emerged with the glorious rec- - ;
the State, .possessing twist, elusive-nesord of six victories, one tie game, and one defeat, and with a total score of
high action, quick reverse,
149 points to its opponents' 38, and of these 38 points, 13 were scored
change of pace, deception and many
against the Freshman team In the Earlham game, after the 'Varsity had things that I can't think of now and
rolled up a total of 54 points against the visitors.
many more that no one ever thought
about. .He is a supreme strategist, an
We hare seen a demonstration of interest and enthusiasm on .the part
expert punter, a matchless place kick
of the alwaai unknown before in the history of the school; convincing
er, a terrific tackier, and unsurpassed
proof has been given that Lexington is a football town by .the Immense
In handling forward passes. He Is a
throngs which were present at all of the big gsjoes; and the courteous
treatment, ef visiting players by the "rooters" has furnished conclusive human firecracker imparting explosive
proof that, the Jays ef ruffianism and "hoodlumism" are forever' gone.
force to all his teammates, etc."
Miss Anita Grabbe
William fihinnlck
MIm Rebeoca Smith
MoClarty Harbison
J. R. Marsh

"Squirrel Food"











upon them find havVsnld that they
know that they deserve the place,
The following are the selections of
Squirrel Food:
Coach According to
statements in the Lexington
Herald in regard to his team It Is conceded that this place will go to Coach
Stewart, of Transylvania, who developed nine
men this year.
The position of chief dopester, like
wise will go to Transylvania, as one
of the professors figured It out that,
with his assistance, the whole German
army would be useless against their
According to a few
words by Dr. Tlgert, It seems that
"Doc" Rodes, of State, should be
Yell Leader Wayne
Haffler is chosen by a few points. Dr.
Caswell, formerly of Georgetown College, is selected
Doctor Doctor Pryor,
of State.
Fay O.
Townes, of State.
Gate Keeper E. W.
Hopkins, of State.
Trainer Petey Moore,
of State.
Picker Squirrel Food,
of State.
well-chose- n




The spirit displayed on the part of the students has 'been good to see.
Their attendance at the games was encouraging; their confidence in the
team inspiring, and their cheering, when cheering was needed, all that
could be deeired. Under the guidance of two cheer leaders, Mr. Haffler
and Mr. Taylor, such as Kentucky has not seen for many a day, the rooting
machine rattled out its noisy product with the pep of a Winter Garden
show and the Irresistable "appeal" of a German
These and many other things are each as .to cause every "State"
man to thrill with pride in his Alma Mater.
'We believe that one factor, as much as any other, to which these good
results are due, was the difficult schedule. Graduate Manager Turner arranged a aeries of hard games. Doctor Tlgert and his raging Wildcats
worked harder so as to win a majority 'of their starts. They delivered
the goods, and as a result we see student enthusiasm, alumni enthusiasm
and town enthusiasm with all Its attendant good features. Let us have
more hard games. We would rather be defeated In a hardwell-- f ought contest than to win In an easy, uninteresting game.



Another Step Forward.


The Commissioners of Lexington are to be congratulated upon .their
ordinances recently enacted. It
action in the passing of the two anti-vic- e
is a great step forward. Rigid enforcement of these two meaejurAg-jShetilput an end to commercialized vice within the city, and, although they
may not eradicate it entirely, they should reduce he .white slave traffic
to a minimum.
segregated district
111 repute throughout
the city. The fallacy of such
The ordinances in question do not merely strike at
they strike at the evil wherever found. Moreover,
were scattered throughout
these houses of

It is contended by some that abolishment

will scatter houses of
reasoning is apparent.
the red light district;
under the old system
the city.


These unfortunates will now be compelled to ply their trade in stricter
secrecy. Obscure and hidden vice Is never so graVe a danger as vice
which is openly tolerated or winked at by the law and the public. Evil
that constantly presents Its frightful mien to our very eyes is much more
a peril than that which hides its visage in the shadows. "Familiarity
breeds contempt."
Difficulty in plying their trade will necessarily drive scores of these
unfortunates of the underworld out of the city and into places where commercialized vice is tolerated.
There is one great benefit acquired by the passage of the anti-viclaw which permits no dispute. In this city are no less than three colleges, one University, a High School, and several business and music colleges. The removal of so great a temptation from the thousands of young
men, who each year come to Lexington in search of education, Is an
achievement of Immeasurable value.

We do believe that few State men are frequenters of the
"prohibited territory."
The University man who enters this district is
the exception rather than the rule, and University Ideals in moral con
duct In State have long since reached a plane where men so Inclined are
frowned upon and ostracised from best school associations to such extent
that lev are hardy enough, at this time, to incur the popular disapproval
certain to follow so reprehensible conduct.
Parents all over the State may now well feel added security in send-n- g
their seas and daughters. to the edrnttnwi1.1satttutleaa aChalagtotL


Dp your Christmas squabbling soon,
If you keep your presence of

It was announced in last week's
mind you may also keep the other Kernel that the Athletic Committee
had decided on the Wildcat schedule
for next fall'. This schedule will in
Get This Deep One.
clude games with three Kentucky
Nowadays, every little chicken tries teams, one Northern team, and with
,to Ibe a Bull Cochin.- - .
three, possibly another added, South
ern teams. The distinction that a.
Now that .the first snow has faUea, team may win can only come with
we way expect some, of that poetry having a well and
soon., .This is a threat, not a promise. schedule
A team that has not .muck'
distinction can not get big, responsible
games without first asking lor them.'
The ''Little Minister.
ASHEVILLE, N. C, Nov. 25. (Spl.) Kentucky State is a Southern Univer- IXJi '
J. L. Crook, Mayor-elec- t
of West sity and our football team snould be
6 feet 9 in- recognized throughout the Southland!
AsheVille, is a preacher,
ches tall, weighing 260 .pounds. News We all know that our teams are re
Item.- garded lightly by the big elevens of
the North and East And much to our
shame, it is little better south of the
We Hope It Was Tender.
Number of Cheyennes are camping Ohio. The way we must hope to
with Bad Teeth on Boggy Creek near change this sentiment is by putting
Bessie. Bad Teeth bought beef from Kentucky athletics on a respectable
some Pale Face and this camp is hav- plane throughout the South. To do
this we must play more of the big
ing lots of beef to eat. Oklahoma
teams that contend for Southern hon
ors. '
The students here learn with no
That New Yorker who called Willgames are to 'be played
iam Jennings Bryan a liar probably pleasure that
2xt fall with Centra aid Georgetown,
slogan Is
knew that Mr. Bryan's
when they were expecting gridiron ex"peace at any price."
hibitions with some of the strong
According to the meager support teams of the South. It will mean litwhich his latest project is receiving tle to athletics here to play these
It looks as if Henry Ford will have teams, either from a financial standto equip that "peace ship" with one point or in the Southern championship running. If we confine ourselves
of his
so largely to the narrow hamlet of
State athletics, we must suffer by everWinter.
lasting smallness. The Wildcats are
Bleakest blustering breezes blowing;
Silvery snowflakes' semblance show- a great team and the bigger the op- widely-arrange-



poaitlen, --tVe? teNte-MMtffct Yet
there Is llttie.enwrfaam afoueed Jh
playing lees responsible teams., WHh
big eleven that, Janet be
played before a clear claim to South-manern honors can be made, the students
are mx4om that a uirig Mr be wade
to reeJaee these two
responsible feofbft.
In arranging Mm 1111 seaedunv-a- o
meatten was made ef the
game. K the AHjUMii
Committee wants to
with other Kentacky leave wfey net
ask for a game with Transylvania?
Everybody is aaxloas
nee 'these
two learns meet again, with poeseMy
the exception of a few that at se set
In their eetaions tfaet pnbHc seatl-mecan not ehange them. This
would mean mere toward dnmasai
than any other gane it is petaWHs 1o
arrange. The Transylvania enthusiasts and the papers have been very
open this year in naming the T. C.
players as being superior to the Blue
and White defenders. Not later than
a week ago there appealed w. The
Lexington Leader an article ikswtng
where Transylvania oeald defeat Kentucky State by flgnring front fonr different angles, the scores of widen are
as follows: 116-0-; 108-0- ; 214; 1M.
This crowing is annoying and cntrenis
ly 'humiliating. We, the studM ef
the University of Kentucky and ma
porters of our fighting Wildeatoi, ao
not believe that a tea
waiea defeats one of the great Western Conference teasas can be beaten by the
Transylvania. College, olontpn.l
only war-tettn thla is So play the
The students of this University are
behind its athletics. We. give our
money for their supports and would
willingly give more, when needed. We
go out .on theibleaehera and yell until
our throats are torn to pieces. We
parade the field in make dances, and
when the game Is over, we carry Doth
teams from, the gridiron. Everything
that Is possible Is. done by the stu
dents to. make .our, team a winner, and
the visiting team to feel like they
had, received the best of old Kentucky
.hospitality. We ham supreme confi
dence in our coach and his assistants.
We "will back our team against the
.strongest that the South can produce.
Now we ask the faculty Athletic Committee to arrange a schedule that, will
igive Kentucky ar chance-t- o Trove lieV
strength. IVith this schedule made
out we believe that next fall the Wilduaheni
cats will win tie twveeed
championship, and then wilitid 4Ca- tucky be respected, and lfc::Ski
Wthite wiU wave in awes
over the South.







I hereby wish to thank each and
every one who nelped:eld. dsarga n
enjoy his Thanksgiving turkey
everyone else, too, whether they


ana or net. trtolrenfonse to aw

Thanksgiving proclamation
cause of much jubilation



and graav

fl cation.



Groaning grocer gruffer growing
Over omnipresent owing.

the sporting writers of
the State have, by oversight or lack


As most of

of statistics, failed to choose an All- Kentucky football team in the way it
should be done, herewith Is submitted
"pickings" for the mythical team. The
men whose names appear below have
been notified of the honor conferred


Visit us and ate our excellent Unas.



West Main

Sssctsl attenfls

H University

