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The Kentucky Kernel


It may be time for work, yet the University
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper
of the students of the University of Kentucand the old grads arc taking time off for friendky. Published every Friday throughout the ship's sake and heve declared Thanksgiving and
college year by the students of the University.
game as Homecoming
the Kentucky-Tennesse- e
Day. Long before the day great numbers of
Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year. former students had made extensive plans for
Fire Cents n Copy. Entered at Lexington reuniting and renewing old acquaintances.
Postofflco as second class mall matter,
The fond attachment of those who have attended the University, where they were started
Here Shall The Kernel Press All
into life's long race, maintains such unfailing
Student Rights Maintain
sway that the happy gatherings held on homeEditor-in-ChiWILBOTI O. FRYE
EDWARDS M. TEMPLIN .... Managing Editor coming day arc inevitable.
Asst. Man. Editor
Like tears and laughter, old familiar spots
ond associates remain In memory forever. They
Jess Laughlln
Frances HolITday
are brought to light at intervals and events conMargaret Cundlff
Warren Llndscy
nected with them relived again. Though the
Clarence Barnes
companions of college days have been widely
News Editor scattered, they gather again at alma mater on
homecoming day. Friendships arc restored to
Edna Smith their former status and numerous pleasantries
Earl Cclla
Kathcrinc Phelps
Society Editor )f bygone days recalled; tributes of remembrance
arc laid at tRe shrine of alma mater, and its
Emily Hardin
Hazel Baucom
place in the heart of each of the alumni
Henry Etta Stone
SHROPSHIRE .... Sports Editor
The student body of the University eagerly
VERNON D. ROOKS . . Assistant Sports Editor welcomes all the alumni. Students wish them
to feel at the end of their visit at their alma!
Hays Owens
Jack Robey
Lawrence Crump
mater that many improvements have been made,
Harris Sullivan
Elbert McDonald
Al Jones
Coleman Smith
and that the University of Kentucky is, as it has
always been, a school well worth praise and atSPECIAL WRITERS
tentive work.
O. K. Barnes
L. Riley
When friend meets friend and old acquaintance renews, forming again contacts that have
P. H. Landrum
Pat Rankin
been frayed, then homecoming day is a success,
Virginia Dougherty
Louise Thompson
and has fulfilled its purpose.
Louise Schmltt
L. W. McMurray
Daniel Goodman
Marvin Wachs"ie,tt VFL
Virginia Meacham
Virginia Hatcher
Horace Miner
Louisa Bickel
Edyttae Reynolds
Lawrence Herron
Leonard Stranahan
Moss Daugherty
Mary Lou. Renaker
The most colorful gridiron classic In the "Old
South' will be fought Thursday afternoon on
hoy H OWSLEY-.......... AdvertisinB Manager Stoll field, when the legions of Tennessee inManager
vade the historic lair of the Wildcat for the 24th
James Salyers renewal of the annual Turkey Day clash. The
Coleman Smith
Lola Combs
Al Kikel
John K
'Cats need a victory in order to "even up" with
George Heffner
Circulation Manager the Volunteers; in addition there is at stake a
Southern Conference championship, and possesD. H. GRIFFITH . . Foreman Composing Room sion of the traditional "beer keg," symbol of
Samuel Gelger
Cray M. Piatt
A large delegation of Tennessee supporters
Mrs. C. W. Ellis
and its famous band will be our honored guests.
Since 1899 the Volunteers and the Wildcats have
A Campas Beautiful
University Expansion
in clean, hard combat. There has
Dissemination of University News to Kentucky locked horns
no slugging, biting tactics
been no
Strict Observance of Laws and
to mar the sportsmanship of the occasion. TenBetter Scholarship
nessee has always accorded to Kentucky and her
supporters the highest type of courtesy and fair
treatment. Kentucky has done no less. Good
Long ago when our Pilgrim forefathers came sportsmanship, win or lose, has always existed
as America between the two schools. We want a victory
to the wonderful new land known
and found it teeming with opportunity for which Thursday, but we do not want it at the expense
they had crossed a perilous sea and braved all of our good name as hospitable hosts. Regardthe dangers of the deep, they set aside a day of less of the outcome of the game, the University
rest and thanksgiving for the good things life of Kentucky will do herself proud in order that
had bestowed upon them. They feasted and the Volunteers may carry back with them the
made merry realizing tliat the earth gives boun- same respect for our school that we hold for the
tifully to those who are appreciative of it's bene- University of Tennessee.
factions and those willing to make sacrifices to
The intense rivalry between Kentucky and
gain them.
Tennessee is accentuated this year, because upon
country has grown the result of the game hinges the outcome of the
Since those early days this
into a great nation with 120 millions of people conference race. Last year Kentucky's band
and uncounted wealth, but it lias not forgotten of valiants, "doped" to lose to the powerful Vol
Thanksgiving day which was legalized in the machine, came through with a surprise tie and
"Sixties." Set apart as a national holiday, kept Tennessee out of the championship.
Thanksgiving is a different occasion from that
A great Tennessee team comes to Lexington
of any other day in the year.
Thursday, determined to roll relentlessly over
Thursday, Thanksgiving day again will be ob- the "Big Blue" which is, again, a real barrier
served, not in the olden fashion but in a manner between her and the coveted conference crown.
appropriate to the conditions of a kaleidoscopic The Kernel desires a Kentucky victory, but that
civilization. In keeping with this annual ob is beside the issue when it can point with just
servance, the University will note things for pride to Tennessee as an honored rival.
which it should be thankful and has been there
by benefitted.
Thanksgiving at the University of Kentucky
means more than just a day when there is
cessation of class work, a colorful football game,
When the hallowed notes of "My Old Kenand turkey dinners; it connotes the advancetucky Home" are solemnly played by the Uniment of the Institution In educational affairs versity's legion of blue and white musicians out
and the unexpressed thankfulness that a higher on Stoll field Thursday afternoon a peculiar
position in the worldly scholasticism and thought lump indicative of devotion to Kentucky will
has been attained.
rise in the throats of many of the 15,000 specLooking backward over the last ten years of tators who are expected to witness the annual
the history of the University, many things ap- gridiron classic between the Wildcats and the
pear for which to be sincerely thankful.
Tennessee Volunteers.
As illustration, there Is the extensive building
Inslpirlng as It always Is to Kentucklans,
program, which has resulted in several fine Stephen Foster's greatest effort will mean instructures supplying modem facilities whereby finitely more to many who will hear it played
students receive technical training In the mod- this Thanksgiving day, for in the vast assemern manner. And If that does not convince the blage gathered in McLean stadium there will
doubter, there is increased interest in education be hundreds of alumni and former students of
in Kentucky as evidenced by a record enrollment the University, many of whom have gone out
this semester.
from their native state since graduation, some of
Educators who are employed at the University whom are returning to the Blue Grass for the
are men of high order, who are interested first time in years. But whether residents of
In the student body and educational develop- Kentucky or of foreign states, all graduates will
ment as never before. Their presence on the feel a thrill to be back once more among comcampus Is indicative of several advancements of rades and friends of former years and amid
the school. They are desired by other instituscenes dear to memory.
Thursday, however, there will be visitors to
tions of higher education, yet they remain loyal
to Kentucky.
the University of Kentucky campus who are not
This year, then, Thanksgiving day Indeed graduates of the institution, but who are parents
should be observed as a day of thanks especially of students here, or visitors from Tennessee, or
by the University. It will be a day of color and perhaps residents of the state at large. These
of excitement, bui pulsing through it will be the people con not feel toward Kentucky's homerealization that the student body lias many coming as do the former students, but they can
be made to feel that Kentucky's hospitality is
things for which to be thankful.
The Kernel joins in giving thanks for the a reality and not a myth. With this end In
tilings which have come to the University since view, let every student and every graduate of
the Morrill Land Grant Act made possible de- the University take it upon himself to extend
velopment that now is apparent everywhere. full welcome and to do all things possible to
The Kernel goes even further in prophesying increase the comfort and satisfaction of the
that Thanksgiving day tills year will be an event visitors; let each one so act that our visitors.
tiiat will call out the best that is in every stu- this Thanksgiving may feel that they will find
dent; that it will be not only a day of thanks a welcome awaiting them at any time they may
for things of value that have been bestowed so return to our campus. When they have realized
lavishly, but a time when everyone connected that the hospitality of Kentucky Is an asset
with the University of Kentucky shall solemnly thun which there is none worthier, they will
vow that in the years to come Thanksgiving day depart singing the praise of the University.
The Kernel joins with the student body and
shall bring food for thauful thought in an
abundance beyond the optimistic dreams of all of those who are associated with the Univer
sity in welcoming visitors to the mammoth
homecoming assemblage for the coming Thanksgiving Day. It hopes that the visit may be one
The Denver Clarion rises to remark that rich in enjoyment; and
it trusts that each one
everyone hates to grow old. All true enough, but will
return home with memories of the Uni
who would want to be one of these red, diui-pate- d,
versity graven so deeply
three-wee- k
babies whose chief Interact in awaaenea aeure 10 return that there again be
again ana
life la the food supply for the next three hour? homecomings at the University of Kentucky.




The 1929 football season at the University of
Kentucky has brought about a change in the
order of things when the success of the football
team Is considered. In the years gone by, tho
only expression of cheer concerning the team
was that It would be a good team next year.
That expression was used so often that it becmac
Loyal Kcntuckians grew tired of
eternally hoping for an outstanding team.
Next year has come this year. The University
Is represented by a team which calls for the admiration of fans wherever It appears. That such
popularity is deserved is without doubt. It has
been brought about by hard, clean play, and the
clement of sportsmanship apparent in all of the
Kentucky's 1929 athletes arc the heroes of the
University and of the state at large. They come
to the end of the season highly touted and ready
to turn back the potent threat of Tennessee's
mighty Volunteers. That they will give all in
their power to win the game is unquestioned;
but should they lose, they will have lost to a
team which is better than most teams of the
country. It will be no disgrace. If they win, the
praise of a nation will be showered upon them
The Kernel believes that the big blue machine
this year is the best team that has represented
the University of Kentucky in many years. It
Joins with all of those who give full credit to the
players and the coaches for the work they have
done, but It believes that credit is due at the
present time. There is no need to wait for the
result of the Thanksgiving game. Win or lose
that game, the team has shown itself worthy of
the united praise and support of the student



"Fruit Pudding"

Nut meats and the juices of fruits
gathered from many climes, flavor
this fresh Blue Grass Cream. Delicious and refreshing after the heavy
dinner! In both the bulk and bricks
with layers of Vanilla and Banana
added to the brick ice cream.


The Kernel feels called upon to say a few
more words on the subject of the walks between
the buildings on the campus, for as we have
predicted, already the gravel placed on the paths
has become ground into powder, and we are
waiting with an
expression for the
rainy day.
With the money expended in the purchase of
gravel two or three times each year, lasting
walks of asphalt or even concrete might be laid.
As it is, the campus is marred by the patchwork appearance of concrete Wks abruptly
terminating and becoming muddy paths. Also
grass around the edges of the paths might be
saved, if they were less sloppy, for the students
walk anywhere in preference to the mud.
Students are, however, requested not to cut
across the grass plots on the campus, and they
hereby have opportunity to show their appreciation of the beauty of the University grounds by
complying with this request.
gentleman has pro
Now that a southern
nounced flying immoral, Virginia Poly is faced
with the problem of leasing a landing field.
Why not take the dissenter for a ride replete
stunts? His frightened prayers
with hair-risin- g
then could be used in rebuttal, for who "ever
heard of praying being immoral!



Roast Turkeys
Live Turkeys
Pig on Platter
Horns of Plenty
Ears of Corn
Darkey Holding
One Dozen Assorted, $2.25
Orders taken today, Wednesday, for
delivery Thanksgiving



There's a DIXIE Dealer Near You

Members of the Davidson college band now
have pants. An interested spectator noticed the
musicians lacked trousers to have a complete
uniform. He forthwith donated the kale for the
breeches. Believe it or not.



College Forms Character By Many
Means of Training Students
(Lexington Leader)
College campuses from Maine to
fastnesses of
and from Florida to the frozen
in the
Northern Canada have blossomed forth
green, perearly autumn with a brilliant crop of
haps the only example of nature's
time of
which does don a coat of green at the
girls as
the first frost. Thousands of boys and
school and
well, products of last June's high
classes, have
preparatory school graduating
entered upon the most important period
their education. Their motives for
college are many and varied, and range from the
desire to "make" the football team to spending
four years In what seems a prison where learning Is forced upon willing neophytes in allopathic doses. It is only fair that the freshman
should know what he Is going to receive in college and to what extent he will be Benefitted.
His association in a more or less intimate
friendship with members of the college faculty
should beget in him a proper respect for Intel
lectual prowess. 'He will meet men who through
long devotion think their lines of work outshine
all others. Thus a capacity for judgment is
formed in discerning the more Important from
other degrees of importance. Tradition gives
the faculty collectively and individually the
characters of tyrants and oppressors who make
the otherwise pleasant days of college life a
drudgery and torture. But any man several
years out of college can look back with pleasant smiles to some one or two professors whose
guidance and kindly encouragement have made
hard roads easy.
Constant mingling with his kind in all manactivities has a
ner of college and extra-collelarge effect upon the forming of character in
the young student. A man who can meet men
upon a common ground of intelligence and
food judgment, discuss the problems of the
day in the manner which he learned in college
circles, stands higher In the opinions of his fellows.
But character and personality without
learning do not constitute a college education,
nor does a pedantic belief that "book knowledge"
Is sufficient. Athletics, class room mental vigor
and campus activities all contribute toward the
finished product of a college graduate. A college man has learned to think, to concentrate
upon a question and delve into myriads of conglomerate facta and extract those applicable to
the subject.

In Timely Holiday Selling
Holiday festivities are commencing . . . wardrobes need
plenty of smart new frocks!
We have timed this special selling event with just this
need in mind. Each frock offered is fresh . . . new . . .
smart in detail . . . distinctive in mode . . . and a most unusual value. There is a wide choice of charminglnodels
in sport, afternoon and evening frocks . . . you will find
them most irresistible in styling, all the new shades of
the season, so moderately priced.



