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_   COMPUTER EQUIPMENT DONOVAN’S BOOK who arranged for and presided at ji,
. · _ _ _ V birth alruost a century ago: rather are
- _ ((1onrrnucd lrom Page ll) (Continued lrom Page I3) up [hose [ouo(icl·S who (town lhrouglr
l A solution of the problem as outlined in and for better library facilities where lllc Willis llulic lllllllc fifllllqlllllllrllll "l .
` _‘ the program. Answers are automati- they might pursue research. He fought glicill mlllc ul lllc _lllllvCl`Slll lll |lll“‘
‘  l cally punched on the appropriate with trustees. who on rare occasions lclivlllg uml Cllclilslllllliiflml mllllllllls on , N
4 3 I cards and these are deposited at the did not agree on what the faculty re- ll' jill llc lull (lowll llls lllmlcll lll il v_ U3  
    nraehine’s outlet. garded as their prerogative. He fought llfllml lllilf lllllll llc llllcllcll lo ""l‘“ `uiiflgls lx
l     The cards 1nay then be put through with politicians who attempted to illlcli fl sl°l`l_ll‘ lplcllllull Dlmolllll llllll y _t_ ximg
I f li a sorter, where they are rearranged bring faculty trnder political control. lcsl suilllc lll fllc lillllllllmllic llllll l"* lmgncd `l
X     and prepared for recording the solu- What is the greatest menace Dr. ll*llll°_;;lll_l llc lll {ll? _l_(l;°l_l`lllll (ll ll‘°`   1958;
i 2   tion. Usually, however, the figures l)orrovar1 sees to the continued growth lll°”l l ll”_lll°ll” (_) lll? j°t·l"‘<‘· _ lim ’
l i   need only be translated back into the and freedom of the University? lt is yl llllcl lllllrlclfilllllg l(ll°lll"l`ll It ll'; 'tlw
I i desired form by the accounting ma- the subtle but quite alarming en- llzllllcll lll, \ll'C`llCSl(lflll_ lrcll lt __‘P§tCl_
 ` ri ehine and the problem is solved. croachment of the state bureaucracy on Lllullllllclilillllli lllll('lll{l2`lS(ll  _ll‘_’l" ;ill:`wm_](
i   All this may be done in a matter the age-old jurisdiction of the Board "lflll”_l°l‘l__ ‘lll( ‘l   L V _‘llC__ *°flllll“ 0;; gmt 1
Q   ‘ of minutes, depending upon the num- of Trustees. He points out that the (?lll°_°l (lllllllg lllml (ll lm lm"' ll` y hill rc
    ber of cards involved. The biggest Board cannot today strbrnit a budget ll`°*l°l°lll‘ idmittcdt
'  yr job, that of writing the program, may directly to the governor or legislature, im be fr
`   take months of work, even for highly but must submit it to a faceless Depart-   mg hwg
 , y experienced personnel. Since similar ment ot Finance where requests are ALUMNI CLUB MEETINGS lh€`m,;t g
I  ll problems which follow the same logic modified by "those who frequently luck Roms
l     may be solved with the same program, have little concept oi the needs of the CHRISTIAN COUNTY me of lug
1 r     the writeups are filed for future ref- Univcrsity." The Board cannot. he Tl l C] ,_t__ C tv Al In i CII {hg bunch
,   erence or circulated to others who goes on. decide where a new building hcldlil dixisdgwctglgl in Nglcxlhcglllg IMC the`;
    might be able to use them. shall be placed. or even what buildings mg liopkmsviuc Cguntw Club. “,miu;“ rrTh€V‘u
 _ EU The writing of difficult programs shall have priority. "lt cannot pur- Mccomwu) president, QRS in Cymrgc Ur :\H_Amé]_iL_
r i   requiring long months of work can chase a piece of equipment or Il book mnmgomouts and introduced tho Spook, nmmreutlv
» . y   [ be justified only if the problem to be for the library or food for its dining cm Smith Broadbent, Cadiz, and Mia ms in tl]
‘ Q ; ll _ solved would take longer by manual halls." He calls on the people at large Helen King, Director of Alumni Affairs. Uwe on
  means than by use of the computer, to "exercise their influence to halt this addressed the group concerning the inked ml
~     or if the same program will be used creeping paralysis that will sooner or total U¤i"¢’i`Sit>f Dillgfum and “F§¢`len relatedthis problem; indispensable l qualityn   A university A(l;l;l11(§;;§’\Vnstiigxfi Off;;l,,.S_   Komlck}, E
y , Qty 1ty·one instructors at agcollege president must possess rs, courage- ted for the coming your “,(,1.C. Chim., they MVC
V { gig had to be assigned to teach lll course courage to resist pressure lrom what- Dorm], president and yoim Bhmo SCC. m,m~
l   l sections. The schedule was compli- ever direction it might come. ".—\ man 1-Crm-y-’i`y€aStrr€y_ l i { Til;. Bu.,
  .   y cated by the fact that many of the in- who cannot withstand pressure," he I 7 T 7 ,,m.ibutG(i
y   ~ ‘ rl structors were part-time workers. Civ- says, "has no business being a college ll ARREN COUNH H,SpOmil)]e
  i     €‘|'| th€ tl1H€S of tl1€ CltlSS€S and the president, To yield to all the tlemantlg A €llm`i€Y meeting of {llc lllilmll wm tg N(
l   gt tlV2lil11l)ility ofthe inSt1‘u(:t0rs, the ma- that are made upon him in a single Cflllllly Cllll? was llclcl _llf lllc llcllll Iugt VCU
i y   ehine produced a schedule in five vear would wreck his institution." ln l‘l°“’l- Bowlmg Gliiscm m }`.0lCmlm` ‘·i r` i
r, . · _ _ · . Harry B. Lane President was in clrargt lllfdgllligf
A » ,   , minutes, guaranteed to have no con- this one thought he has struck the key- — _' _ _ _’ . _ I ·’ I ,,r qs pmiict I
‘ "     iliets and suited to the various per- note of his own career. l'\lll1l[C\'CT Ol `lmmgumiutb dm m·tm(.lm·(   l· r (K l
{ ‘   sonal schedules of each instructor. shortcomin¤·s President Donovan nrrv Mug who l°l°“"`t9d im -mtm€`Slmgti.l’ lml that
_,   The · in _ I y lr I I Il _. go ~ · V _ _ A   Y "‘.) on the total alumni program of thc lit 0 rille tean
Z y it . program user to so ve that have his courage and hrs integrity are vcrgity and the various reasons tilt} through
‘ { .   problem rs flexible enough to be ap- above challenge. Constant interest of the alumni is rrt·t·tl<·¤l pii[a]]_].,(l€,
A   plied to airy situation of a similar l)r. Donovan writes xr clear and in order to promote the cause ol D¤l*ll}‘ 0poon€;,tS
‘ .   Hiitlil`0- smooth-flowing narrative. His story is lllglmf etllwzltion in K¢‘nt11€‘l<>’· All1‘l‘ll" mar had i.
    Harnblen predicts a great future for an interesting one, and it is told with “l“l°lY ,*<>f*v·*i*’¤ llll“`ll°l°‘l mlfl "lillf prrtg IW fol
  the UK Computing Center, and he restraint and dignity. This is all the flllsc (lf lllc lll€Cllllg’ all Clccllmi fi Oli only if ]oo
M   should know whereof he speaks. Be- more remarkable to one who knows llcflrs flag l‘_€‘l‘l_· lh-S` Pfoliert ,bUlllf]·;i lirrlientlded
. .¤ I fore coming to the University he how stron »‘ his emotions are ar d low tlu uml lmmdml Oi thi “l“l’ `lm i   II» — . .
.‘ ·l · ` . ‘ P . `   l l•ranccs Anderson was elected st·cr`¤‘l¤\I}‘ ll *Q—l$0N)
2.} established a computing center at deeply hc was stirred at the time by m.,,s,,m. iarrrn,-1{_
    Oklahoma State University and di- marry of the events he discusses so ob- i Boasting
  reeted its operations for two years, iectively here. SIMPSON COUNTY data {ohm
  During that time his staff was Some years ago at a Founders Day Tim illlmml Of SlmP$"“ Cllllllll llflfl lllilllipionsli
_ _ , l doubled. The 34-year-old director has ceremony at the University the tlrougiu il v¤·¤¤l><‘1‘ ill llc lictl moon
I 1* l rnastcr’s and doctor’s de gre es in was expressed that the true lountlers Flllllkllll C"““ll`Y Cl“l’· LCC ll", lilllglwl mtrrrltled i,
1     ~ mathematics from Purdue University. of the University are not merely those (Continued on Page 1.7)
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