:;c$n"é American Air Filter Dr. McAdams Honored By French Institute l
on the ANNOUNCES PI’OIT]Ol`lOI`IS Dr. \\'illiam II. McAdams, emeri- development from crude approxima- :
1. $$11 H¤~~r~·<* M- FM *0-   ··€¤€·~i*>* lll lil?l°T{ZIQ§Zla$lI§`$liS"lIEZEZIZYE '`'` Li Z1Y$SZfS.l”     “l   “l°l°ll°‘l  
Contact ll_ll"llll’l°ll lll, lllc Amfllllcllll Al" lllllflll Technology, on Nov. 14 received the “As a teacher, he has inspired gen-  
>_]a¤ney llllllllllllll zlllfl lllllllslflllllcfl l_° LOll_lS` gold medal of the French Institute of erations of young men with his en-
Strcet, ‘lll°‘ l‘**°l‘~ who   lm Gllgmems m` Fuels and Energy before a meeting of thusiasm and insight. Many of his l
*‘*"‘l"l`·_l""'1"“"~_l‘“"'°l‘“"l“‘lp""l.·l"‘“ members of the American Institute students have contributed through  
l’“`ll vlc? Pllésldellt lll Cllllllge llf fhg of Chemical Engineers at the Boston their student research to the body of l
¤‘<*m1)llllYs Helllllllll l\_€lSl)ll D'Y'$"’l‘ Museum of Science. research knowledge and have then l
ll Mollllta m` In L'l)ulS\llllC ll? IS (ll- The award was established by the gone on to become leaders in the pro- l
ll`l`l°ll (ll llmllllflwlulllllg Ulwmtlmls fm- French Institute “to recognize the fession. His publications in technical
att was llll° ellllle (`l’lllPllllY· _ _ __ most distinguished achievements in journals have been outstanding.), l
har on Olllell Chlmges ut Améilllcllh {`l;.j`ll_ the utilization of fuels and thermal Professor McAdams graduated from
rsed hy ll") l_llClll(l€ the l’Tl""ll"l"’El _Ol \ lu" cnergy." It was given to Professor Mc- the University of Kentucky in 1913
ce. all lllllislflcllt Alltllmi Nl‘ll“‘g· .26`li)ll1im` .-\dams in tribute to “the interna- and in 19-15 was awarded an honor-
llllell lll lll? Almllllclm Alll ,Dl\llSlOll` tionally known works of an eminent ary doctorls degree by UK. He first
slr. antl .ii»¤‘*”“"ll‘?ll of ~l0llll M' k.lm€` 3`3‘ engineer from the United States.” went to M.I.'I`. in 191-1 as a graduate
.shlantl. lll (l"`“°`l"l' Ol the wlllml *l“ll ml thc Commenting on the award, Profes— student and returned in 1919 to join
Wil Fil`- lllillllll llllllllwfl hlll(Jlgll`flll°llll (lfilmllb sor \\lalter C. \\'hitman, head of the the faculty. He was for many years
att was lllell · __ _ , _ De uartment of Chemical En ineerin a lecturer in chemical engineerin r at
Harris. l"lll'_ 1* “llllS· _B$**E_~ 48] Mull` at lM.I.T.. said, “\\’ith singihearted Harvard University. and since hisilre-
fiiilwl`. llglill lll _lll_°` llllllms Ellgllleellmg D1` devotion Professor McAdams has tirement in 1957 has served as lec-
forincr ‘l$ll_lll* (‘lll°`flg_O` he bfen glllell lllc studied. taught. experimented and turer at the Institute.
nd has illlflllllllllll fllllles Ol Mlflfllest Regloll theorized in the field of heat transfer Professor and Mrs. Mc.-\dams live
· lor JST llllmll'l€l.` and lilmes P" l\llllSe‘ Bsllll phenomena for over 40 years. exer- at $31 Claremont St.. Newton.
as llnr— {lil lflllillil   i§l‘ll{flg:lll’I§l°ltt` cising leadership in its phenomenal
_ (ju _ ing ant en ia lIl_ rot uc s ep .. U * A __      
In has been selected Sales Manager for
_ 1;; tl, Nelson Products in the newly-meatetl president of the Dunhurst Home Robert K. Sulyérs WHS r€€€¤tl)‘ dc-
l(]__ nix., Engineered Air Systems Division. Owners Association while Mary signated Deputy Assistant Secretary in
HQ rim handled the publicity. the U.S. Departinent of Labor. He will
or Lum. COMMENDED FOR SERVICE vMore lrecentlp Ml-? Bulllmgham 2lSSlSt‘;\SSlS[dIl( Secnetzny ol Laborilolm
vv as publicity director for the \\ heel-   (nlhooley. Since 19-1; Salyeis has
Impam T0 HER COMMUNITY ing Library book and money drive. been director of the bureau on re-
llielorr A picture and article about Mrs. illllc lllllllllgllilms lm"€‘ t“`0 $0ll$— °m1*l°>‘¤“€¤}¤_¤§l“$· Sllllels lllsl l‘l'
als. ln- llay linrlingham (Mary Shinnickl, `ll? illlll gl? lellflcd Uk lll 193*
53. commending her for her civic me C CY" +"_`C"`"X” VKWWXCK  i Hf,  
ated in nork. appeared in a recent issue of I ··       `
entucly the Wheeling (Ill.l Independent. i_   f » =—"   _lll  {F _
rinanenl Shortly after moving to \\`heeling   l if  ‘  I. _
ln Nlai. in 1955. the llurlilnghams were in-     _   
given ln struinental in starting the \\`heeling .   “"  _ `   ;  {
iociation lnnth Club. At the present time. llay   l‘l`  Q
U.-sity ol tnnlinues as advisor and Mary is pub- lt
.gsay on lirity director. Ray served also as _ ` _ I _.;
lll\ lllll THE CHURCH in which the lames- ·—     {    
llllllllllll inwn settlers held their (Ihristmas · .      
·`\“llllll'll ~crvices in 1607 is pointed out to l   °    
llrnwnie scouts by Mrs. \Villiam I}.   .._··.   ``==;     pif       _  
n s tln· .\rtle,·y-_   ((;cm-gimm “;ccd(m_ ·g;.{)_   _y`._         gyi.   -_.. Qi.:1 .   ,s_     »_ _
re .\nnt· nl the National (Zathctlral .—\ltar (éniltl.     ._;_p ?   l.`—     ` ` _   .
.itln1iut·tl The scale model was presented to ll __ l i`ll ·l _ `ll` ··     if · I       ..-..   ._._._g;~:¥
own atl llrs. Artlery by the National Council `° l   ~     { y       _.
2 lj. l’<¤‘ Ul the Episcopal (Zhurch to be used to `  a.   ~s.‘.4    _ .     ,5;;   `·`  _A
tony .n·t· illustrate her talks to chiltlren`s groups y  ·—~=·         W U-   XW  ;‘·   '_    
tell.   '*¤ "Lessons in Courage from James-   ·-.--     ` ‘;  E ---·`       %  *   tip   *·.  · _ , __ l fi
iepl. lill ¤<>wi1." Her husband, class of ’212. is   I lli All I   ll  ,._._.   ;       l
·r lllllll('l. assistant manager ol` the General )lo·   .—·......   1-    l` ~l·   I l .
u>rsWasl1ington, 1). (Z., office. `   .
--·‘   |