the .~\ssociatioVn o1` A_lllCl`1(‘il|l 1,1111    
1 Schools, a111l SlIl<.'(‘ 1920 11215 l)(‘('lI ,1,1. '
I             proved hy the Alll(‘l`lCl\Il liar Assoei;1.   _j
1 tio11. lts l2l\\’ journal, publislied con.
1 · 1 ti1111o11sly since 1912, is 1111· 1L‘l1111 old- 1)r, 1\1e
,,,   ··»» ¤ _ ` est i11 the co1111try. ,1,.,,1 uml 1
`,l _   111 ll1lt1()lltll 111001 co11rt co111p1·tili1111_ tl1e 11011111
11   {   ` »v— _ the SL‘ll()()l 11as been represeinetl 1,, 111li1(l$illl(1
  l  ee (  tl1e finals iivc times ill nine )'t‘(l1‘};__, 11·i1·11tists,
*1   l   Q record excelled hy no tnore than 1111-,-,. litlllill Svc
, __ . - .   .   _ VV ` -1 otl1er scl1ools. 111 1'CC1’1\'(`
1,     ` ,-11-;;     i-     judge l,all`erty served as dean 1111. llvlllmlml
1         -’ eV \ V l _ _V til 1922. The college honoretl 111111111 I-lt- joi
  g o   A    ·»_·_ Q I ;   lltllllillg its present building tor 111111 1l;l\'l(1 Sar
  _. °   ixgiffg . 1V     when it was coinpleted in 1937. 01111 1I1t-r tlIl(l 1
,1     vi   _`*  . ° V V   1   tour otl1er deans have l1ea1le11 the 1-111. 111111 we1·t·
1, C ‘   l ` 1-’     ..__._     f   11-ge. Charles j. ’1llll`C1{ was 1Z1l(‘ SL‘('l)I|tl tears for
1 , .._   P 1-gl  1 V   1 ,, dean, serving tor three years atter ll|;· llllllllclllillg
11   ‘· V *1  .__   " J   __,   1ll1(‘l'llll 1lppt)lllllllCll1 of judge l.y111;1;. Kelly will
  —· -     ~ 1   { ` . V ,; ·_.,   "   V 1 Chalkley as a ct i ll g 11 e a ll l·l`()|1| tht- NSIA
1-   l    » l` _l  - » »,   ;5 lllolloxviitg rlll|l'(‘l{_ Dean ,~\11·i11 1Q, ·lllll Clllllll
   z .   ,1 _ `, l   ’“'   Evans 11el1l tl1e ollice for 21 years, 1111- ])1·_ Kel
ll .V__L L   ill  _V       l· A   lk til 19-16. He was S\lL‘L`(‘C(lC(l hy l)1·,111 1,1,,,1,% 1,,
,,   V   ' ?· 1, Elvis j. Stahr jr., t\ll(l Stahr was 1111- ,,.,,,1-],_ H
1,  V _ `C  '"i’i'     T, , ` lowed hy the present dean. \\li1li11111 111-11 Syste
   ,1 Li,   1  _  1 . L. h11l1111C\\’S   l)1]j'§1Q1St_
  FOUR OF THE SEVEN known survivors ol` tl1e University of Kentucky College Only Turck 1lIl(l Stahr atnong 1111- ll’l`l‘ll`_lll l`
  ol Law’s Hrst graduating class stand before the tree tl1ey helped plant as il 1`are· llormer (lCtlllS are still living. 'I`11111 llllc "lF°` l
1   well gift to tl1e U11iversity 48 years ago. The four, wl1o will celebrate the 50111 is executive secretary ot the jilllilll llllll lll lll‘
1 anniversary ol` the college at ceremonies next spring, are (1. to r.) Reed \Vilson. 1lltCl'llt\11()llill University 1?()llI|(l;l1ltl1| llll D_““’
, former Lexington mayor; hrotl1crs Grover (1. Thompson and Linzy 0. Thomp- i11 New York. Stahr will $0011 take 111- lllllll lll lll
1 son, and Clem F. Kelly. Tl1e Thompsons and Kelly are still active i11 law prac- lice as presiclent of \\lest \l1l`Q`lII1;l 1,`11i- ])1—_ Ke]
`   titre in Lexington. \'(’l`S11)`. i11 projects
1, . The success of tl1e college is 111i1·- ll’_l`l’¥l_llll"‘
_ , Under a towering black oak tree at the cl1a11ges tl1e college 1121.5 1na11e. ,~,,,~e(] ,,, the mee-ess of its Q,-,,,],,,,1,1,, ll‘lllll,1l0l1S-
`   on the University of Kentucky campus '1`1,e1—e lmye been m;my_ [edge l_,11f- They include five United States K'|1ll· lllllllllll Cl
1 l`€¤‘€llll)'» flllll lllell $“'ilPP€`(l $t<>l‘i<*S fertyls makeshift faculty ot two part- gressmen, 42 IllCllll)€l'S ol` the KL'll· He is 11
l lllllllll lllc fllll 50 }’€lll`$ llgo Wllell lll€Y time lllStl`ll(JtOl`S has grown to 10 full- tucky state legislature, two l'11i11·11 1t‘11St‘ Seiet
,V_   “'€j`€ m€l“l)€l`$ Ol the first Class lll lllc time members, nine of whom have States j1111ges, four, n1e1nhers ot 1111 1l|1l11)I'S are
V . Uk Cllllege Of L¥l“’· had experience in law practice and Kentucky Court ol Appeals, l1ll`1'1“ S1·1·1·it-e A1
1 _` The tree they st0o11 under is part eigl1t of whom have done graduate state tl1't()l'll€}'S ge11eral, 14 assistaitt 111`t11e,·\ir
l   ot tl1eir memories. It \Vt`lS a tiny study beyo111l the LL.B. degree. attorneys general, a governor, 11111 "I`111·1listi11g
. 1 sapling whe11 their gl'11(lll1Itlll[.{ class The law library, origi11allv com- lieutenant governors. illl(l 111ore lllilll 111 the Heh
. planted it as a farewell gift to tl1e col- posed of the Pe,-@,,,,1 C,,]]€C1,O,,S of 230 ()1llCl` elective or il1)l)()lIl1l\`t‘ 11111- HC his
1 1%%* lll 1910- judge Lalllerty and his assistants, no1v Cllllll- 1939 1,,],
1 Back to visit old campus l1a1111ts cllllllllm mol`? tllllll 60-000 V0llllll0$ In Kentucky`s last glIl)(*l`Ilil1011·ll 2l1·11ie1·e1ne
were Reed \\lilson, Crover C. Thomp- llllll is gl`0“’lll1—1 lll lll? ml? of lllllllll race, all of the three leading CXlllll1‘ l`l`$1l1l) of
V ` , son, Linzy O. Tl1o1npso11 1l.ll(l Clem F. l»8(lll ellcll Y€¥ll`· (l;ltC$—1)(_’l]1()(fl';llS 1-\. ll. Cl1a111lle1‘1lllll 1·111<1ratory_
Kelly, four of the seven l(ll()\\’ll s11r- Enrollment has increased from the Bert T, Combs and l’tep11h1ican lzlllllll D,. Kc,]
\’1\'()l'S of tl1e class of 1910. They were original 26 to tl1e present total of 138,   l)cnney—were graduates o1 the ll ,,1 ,,,,,,(__,,,
among the 26 students wl1o began There is no admission quota, 1)lIt 1a1v college. ,,1 tl ,l
. lllCll' la1v studv i11 1908 llIl(1Gl` tl1e 1li· about 40 Jer c-· t 1 tl ‘ 11 · 1 1 · · ‘ K A
  2 _ - ~ ’ V » _ l Ul 0 ,10% “_lO `lllpl The tnetnhers ot the l)l()lI(’(’l` 1‘1ll** l`l`1`1l1l()1()g`
- lL‘L‘tl()ll ot _jll(1g€ \V. 1`. Latleity and CllIlll()t meet academic requirements, ,_ __ ,,_ {_ _A, Ul, T, , T, ,,,,,,,, 1,,.,. { - _
  1 two part-time 1llS1Zl'llCt()l'S. Of the graduates more than 97 per ull lim mth lll i u· mI·ii‘ 1- - U its
~ \\Vl l _ Q V Cen, Liolm to PALS the ,m_ Gwlnilrh l)l`()lll0|`S 1jll(l·1\(’ll}·’.ill`(‘ still ilfllll lll lllxtee of
I, ICD. Celellltmleb C()llllll(:‘lll()l`il11llg __   , V , V) I   ‘ ‘ ‘ law pragttc-C 111 l_,ext11gtt)11 and \\11~llll llllllllly; an
1‘ the lllllllVGl`S1ll`}’ are 11el1l 11ext spring, ll"““ `lm elltel tu Pl(ll°*l’l°ll‘ was mayo1- of Lexingtoii 1I'()lll 111¥l·>lll llllllees at
, lllillly of tl1e 1,291 f.[l`21(lll1ltCS of the These factors have greatly en- 19-lt). (lrover Tl]()1llpS()ll \\'ll$ llll' lll}`- Case
1 UIli\'L‘l`S11}',S second ol1lest college will l1a11ce1l the reputation of the school, 1·()\l]](lCl` and first president ol. l1l¤‘ l`lll‘ (lllllllll)10
1 return to see old classmates and look lt has 1`or 46 years been a meinber of lege`s Allllllllll association in l¥l¥lll~ l·>·lC11y
· 1 _______..../ \
- 1 ·l . r11s1