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Q"` = l  it tz l I’R.\TIIEll`S CITY DIRECTORY. 7
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‘       PRE FAC   l
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    `. For the delay incident tothe issuing of this Directory,
        the Publisher {eels called upon to make some explanation._
  l lil; » »i . Upon him, and him alone, has devolved the entire labor ot ~_
  l     ?' collecting and classifying the names, and other information
I"        L`}? iound in this volume. llns {ms l.{een bothlan lid; antztgi
        ` and a disadvantage. Had ot rers iccn cmp oyc lo asist
Qtr  A   Q; him, the work would have been completed in lessitnne, u
` lr  ll   il not so accurately, since a careless assistant, worumg only
L    l   for his wages, might, and doubtless would, have committed Q
`Qxil y lit? a multitude of blunders, whichrno one could discover until
  l liiikl the bool; was published, when it would have been too late
  l   to rectify them. On the other hand, it the Publisher did
`ii l  til all the work himsclt`, it would necessitate a considerable
  li   delay in publishing the book. Deemmg accuracy the mam
 li i ,,»[·ii" thing to be sought atter, lmwcver. he chose the latter alter-
    ]\;i[l\'C—llCllCC, thc tleliiji · ` ·
  `_i’ S Just as the work was approaclnng completion, the the
 ii! ali,. on Llulberry street occurred, and by compelling many bu-
  `? Q;   siness men to change their location, 11CCCSS1tll.tC(l'G, further
  li   delay, in order to give both those who were (l1'1VC11 else-
yil tl   where by the {ire, and those who came mto the new build-
iii}  l lg li, ings which were immediately erected upon the rums ofthe V
wl  l,   gl old, a place in the book. Another cause of delay arose
il  ir y   from the peculiarities of our colored citizens, who, naturally
V   lil     - suspicious, pers1sted in mistaking the Publisher for   tax-
` p ‘»   t gatherer, and by every means in their power endeavored to —  ty
I   l_ i mislead him as to their names and places of residence. ln L  
I V, L,.     _ spite of these numerous diihculties, however, the book \\’1ll.  
 M §   i.
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  "Q."    ll lil iii;@i“;;;'[C `iijfter.     . .- '{ ». Y-.- " _, .. _ _»_ _ _ __________________,. * 1