INDEX — Continued
`e PREG Page
4 Economics ...4.............................. 63, 292 Dissertation ......,....i....... , .............. 150
4 Education ...................,.................... 281 Fees ............................................ 142
Administration ..,.. . ...................... 281 Fellowships and Scholarships .... 155 ~
6 Agricultural ................................ 288 Language Requirements .............. 150
Business .....,................................ 284 Residence ......................,,........,... 143
4 Curriculum and Instruction ........ 284 Requirements for Degrees .......... 141 i
4 Distributivc ................................ 289 Thesis ...... . ......i............................ 144
S Elementary .................................. 286 Time Limit for Degrees ......,....... 142
3 1·oundations ...............................i 282 Graduation, Requirements for ........ 144
; Home Economics ........................ 289 Greek ................................,............. 167
3 Industrial ..................... , .............. 290 Health Service ................................ 24
Instruction and Placement .......... 283 History .,.......................................,.. 192
· Music , ......................................... 287 History of Art ................................ 172
i Secondary ..................,................. 287 Home Economics ..................,... 95, 256
Vocational .,..,................,...... 118, 291 Home Economics Education .......... 289
Education, College of .............. 117, 281 Home Economics Extension ............ 99
7 Admission ...............................,.... 117 Home Management ..i..........,........., 260
. Certificates ...............................   118 Honor Societies ........,............. , ....... 35
{ Student Teaching ...................... .. 117 Honors, Commencement ................ 32
, Elementary Curriculum .............. 119 Honors, Department ..........,............. 50
Secondary Curriculum ................ 120 Horticulture ................................ 92, 253
Requirements for Graduation .... 119 Humanities ................,..................... 197
Educational Conference .,...........,.. 306 Hygiene and Public Health ........ 66, 197
Engineer. The Kentucky , ............... 306 Independent `\Vork .......................... 50
Engineering, College of ............ 101, 261 Industrial Chemistry .......... . ............. 62
Administration ..........................,..... 268 Industrial Engineering ..............i..... 109
Admission ...,.i.,...,.............,.,. ,16, 101 Industrial-Psychological Service ..... , 306
Aeronautical ........................ 108, 272 Initial Expenses ..,........................... 18
Applied Mechanics ...i.ii..........,,... 267 Institution Economics ................ 99, 258
Architectural ...... , .......,......... 104, 261 International Laxv and Diplomacy 228
Civil and Architectural ..,..... 103, 261 Italian .........,.................................... 212
Communications and Electronics 264 Iournalism ....,............................. 81, 241
Co-operative Plan ........ , .............,. 102 Kentucky Engineer, The ................ 306
Degrees ......,...,,....................., 45, 102 Kentucky Law ]ournal, The ............ 307
Drawing ...........,.,........................ 268 Latin .,.,.......................... , ................. 166
E'ectrical ......,..,.....,,..,.......... 105. 264 Law. College ot ....,....,............ 112, 277
Fire Protection and Safety .....,..., 269 Admission .....................,........ 16, 113
General ........,.....,,,..........,............ 267 Combined Courses .,.............. 54, 116
Industrial .....,.,,..,.............,,......... 109 Kentucky Law ]ou.rnal .............,.. 114
Mechanical ............,,.,............ 107, 269 List of Courses ............................ 277
Metallurgical .,.......,...................... 272 Leadership Societies ,...,............. . ..... 35
Mining ...................,..,................. 273 Library Science ........................,. 66, 199
Power .,,........,.......,.............. 107, 264 Literature. English and American .. 182
Student Assemblies ...................... 269 Living Expenses ............................. , 21
Engineering Experiment Station .... 306 Markets and Rural Finance ............ 252
English Language and Composition 182 Marking System .............................. 30
English and American Literature .... 182 Married Students’ Housing ,.... . ...,.. 23
English. Speech and Materia Medica .....,........................ 299
Dramatic Arts ...,................ 63. 182 Mathematics and Astronomy .... 68, 201
Entrance Requirements .... , .,............... 14 l\Iechanical Engineering .,,....... 107, 269
Examinations, Entrance .................. 30 Medical Technology ...................,..., 60 -
Examinations, Special .................... 29 Metallurgical and Mining
Exnenses .,.....,,,.,......,,...,.,................ 18 Engineering .,......., . .....,..... 272, 273
Extension. Department of .,............ 156 Military Science ........................ 68, 205
Extension \Vork, Rules Governing .. 29 Mining Engineering i............... 110, 273
Europe. History of ..........,........,.,..,. 195 Modern Foreign Languages and
Faculty Committees .....,..........,....... 356 Literatures .......................... 69. 207 • -
Failures. Repeated .....,.............,...... 28 French ......,...................,...,......... 207
Farm Economies ....,..............,.,....., 251 German ............................,........... 208
Farm Engineering .........,,................. 246 Italian ........................i................. 212
Farm and Home Convention .......... 96 Russian ....,................................... 212
Fire 1’rot<-etiou and Spanish ...............................,........ 211
4 Safety Engineering .................. 269 Music ....,............... . ..................... 70, 212
Foods and Nutrition ..,... , ............,.... 256 Musicalcs ......,................................. 33
Foreign Languages ...............,.......... 28 Nrythern Kentucky Extension
Forestry . .,......,...,.......,,.....,...,......... 253 Center ,..,. , ....,....,.,..............,........, 29
French ...,....... . .,.,.............,.............. 207 Nursing .....,...,............................ 75, 212
Fees ...,.,..,.,,.....,............,.....,.,......... 17 Oak Ridge Research Program .,...... 154
Ceography .....,,..,.,.,......,......... ,...64, 188 Oliice Orgiinixation and Personnel ., 336
Ceuetics ,,... , .......,......,.....,...........,... 250 Opportunities for Financial Help .... 23
Geology ...,....,.,..............,............ 65, 190 Opportunities Outside the Classroom 32
German . .,..............,..,.........,......,...... 208 Organizations. Student ...,,....,,.... . .... 35
· Graduate School ...... . ..........,...... 32, 139 Ornamental Horticulture ..,............. 92
· Admission ,................,.. . ............... 139 Painting ,,,...,....,.,...,..,.,..........,........ 156
Degrees ,..... , ,,.,.. . ....... . ..........,....... 139 Pharmacy, College of .........,....., 136, 298