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._ By EUGENE R. DOLL =’‘   N y,.      _ .  ` ‘ V \
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6 The span of years since the Greenville Soil Experi- = r{,_   =‘$       t, )f.  ., . ' ~-..i
· ·   ,"      ’;·  _-    s 2 o,V 
} _ ment Field was established and those of Foreman        ¤_, _ _ ··i· __ ···—a;;  _
C. Pi. L0vel1’s period of service are identical. This is     " ij;        ,   A
~ . . .   ==-   . »._; V   2  · ` 
’ ’ because he has served continuously in that role since    ..- ap    ... - ··—·    _ J we 
··'··=¢ i ri   Y.; " ,,_    V       `— ’`· 
, L; the Field was established in 1913 near Greenville by   ·‘‘‘‘`     { ° * rty   gg   j i.;
the late Prof. George Roberts, long-time head of the ®   § R  ’ ‘iV' E‘
· ·‘ U.K. Agronomy department. J ‘ ‘··‘ t ‘ " ‘·’‘‘ 2 ‘‘·‘·  
V Mr. Lovell’s tenure is the longest of any experiment Mri *‘“dl_M"S· L<>~’;¤i¤f¢<>¤¤1··*··{s *‘ fcfulizcr
· · · ; ‘· ‘ ‘ . ‘ t. tx
station field foreman ID Kentucky and may well be the .l?(l ( mg mam 01 cxpcumcu 1 P 0 `
ll . .
*# longest in the United States.
Since about 1918 Mrs. Lovell has been keeping the A
record of plot yields and fertihzer applications, and ‘ .
T’*”‘ making general notes that are needed in the successful g`   —  I
·· ‘_ operation of an experiment field. The results obtained ’   `  tf , W., if l »($·
_1 from work conducted at this Muhlenberg county field    ; in _     ~:~;  ,_   1
**5,*4* have been invaluable in formulating fertilizer recom-         * >5_ ‘l~tl;    
. . .    "   `¢ » , __ ‘ _‘   ·, ' '
* mendations not only for the Western Coal Field Area   ., »,. dy V    ,»·· { Q fl,   ·  
C but for the entire state. Experiments are presently be- ML L Ov ell at     .     ' .“. x` ··
' . . . . . . . ; "   L *'  
`L" ing conducted on the 1;CI`t111Z£1t10l1 of burley tobacco, with burley to- · ·— _   ~.\ __`   ·_
i3';) corn, wheat, and grass-legume hay. b=¤€€0 in 1956 9" .1 .,  e c L.  * ‘_ .
A  V .1 ` »E;    .
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V, below, left) Mrs. Lovell in a clover- rass ha ilot in 1922.
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'irs below, ri ht Mr. Lovell in a ilot of dark tobacco in 1914.
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