xt7z348gjf1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gjf1b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1997 1997 1997-10-27 2020 true xt7z348gjf1b section xt7z348gjf1b :




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By Saundra Ellinoor

(.‘ontrihnting H 'riter

Are you satisfied with UK?
Three out of four should have
said yes according to the Student
Satisfaction Survey. It found that
UK students were more satisfied
Vlnstructional effectiveness
VAcadeinic Advising
VRegistration effectiveness
VConcern for the Individual
VCampus Climate
VService Excellence
VRecruitment and financial aid
VCampus life

than students from nine other
comparable institutions, such as
Kent State, Ohio State L'niversity
and Auburn University.

The reported satisfaction was
measured on the Noel-levitz Stu-
dent Satisfaction Survey with an
additional 30 uestions that came
frotn previousily conducted focus
groups and individual interviews
at UK.

“The positive part is that 75
percent of our students are more
satisfied than students at some
comparable institutions of
course there are things we need to
improve," said Dean of L'nder-




graduate Studies Louis Swift.

Management junior Andrew
Gray agrees with Swift. There are
things he likes about L'K, his
adviser and athletics, but he sees
areas that could be improved.

“I'm not siire there's really a
concern for the individual, and the
instructional effectiveness could
be improved too," Gray said. “I
expected the college climate to be
like the one iii St. Elmo's Fire; it's
just not like that here."

Electrical engineering junior
Trey Mahoney expressed some of
the same and some different ideas.

“l think it's‘ good that L'K is


  Study: Most students sati

tonight, lozr of-i‘Us. Ruin

nor-y. ’ See Diversions. page a‘.


trying to make campus better, like
by building the new library. atid
they make registration pretty
easy." .\lahoncy said. “I like the
campus climate."

.\lahoney' doesn‘t think .icadenr
ic ad\isers pay enough attention to
the individual. and the information
one adviser gives often contradicts
another‘s. making the path
through college more difficult.

(itlllIITIllIIICLTTlUn freshmanJes-
sica Gunnell agreed with the lack
of concern for the individual and
isn't really pleased with the regis~
tration effectiveness. but she
doesn't know if there's much his

WEATIEB n 2': this «fier—

noon. high near )7). (fold

expected tomon'ozx', high of )7).

mm HEP Holly Hunter and Del/‘oy

Linda star as [Inge/s in El 1.4/2: Less ()n/i—



can do about that.

“I am satisfied with education
I'm getting, though." ( iunnell said.

Swift said the areas of concern
need to be addressed by the whole
campus ~- students, faculty .iiid
staff. '

“There isn‘t any single unit or
department that is solely i'esponsi»
ble for addressing the issues.“

\Vc all need to “further dcy elop
an inclusive learning community
.iiid treat one another iii a grav-
ciotis, humane and ciyil manner."
Swift said. “Some improvements
will take .i fair amount of money
whereas others will not. but we




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slied with UK

need to work on both."

(Ionnie (illl'islldll’RJy, of the
Student Satisfaction l’roject
'l‘eam. said rathei than making
national comparisons. "it
more important to us what our
students felt the weaknesses w ere
and w hat needed to be impr< wed."

()ycrall. (Iliristi.iii~Ray said.
the L'niyersity was already
addressing some ofthe weaknesses
at the time of the survey. such as
parking. library facilities and
career planning and placement
services. This shows “the l'iiii er
siiy is on top of things." (Shi'isv
tian»l\’ay said.

\\ .IS


‘Hone is alive'
for Lsu tickets

Bzihhle sheets

could mean
more guests

By Brian Dunn
.luivmnt .\i':: \ Iiilltw

The phone at the LR \th-
lcllt‘s \ssoclalion has been ring-

Students want to

know if

they'll hate tickets to buy for
their families for the football
game against LSL' this weekend
- liainily \Veekend.

“l lope is aliie." said Rodney
Stiles, director of Administrative


MATT BARTON form 1' 4.1,!

N01 "“8 "ME Cornerhark Littleton le‘d sat alone after UK ‘5 2 3-13 loss to No. 16 Georgia. Statistically, the UK definit- turned in an illio:'e—iiz‘emge per»
for/name, holding UGA to 4 of l l on third—down ront'eisions and l of 3 on fourth down.

Georgia rains on llll's parade

TI TENS, Ga. — A
miserable, wet night
welcomed the UK

crowd leaving Sanford Sta-
dium on Saturday.

Tall Geor ia pine trees
dimmed much of the artifi—
cial light on campus and
added to the dark mood.

Black windshield wipers


A disheartened Big
Blue contin ent had a
long trip bac to Lexing-
ton ahead. Georgia sank
UK’s bowl hopes with its
23—13 Homecoming win.

The \Vildcats dropped
to 1—4 in the Southeastern
Conference and are back
in a dead heat with Van-

barely swept off one layer of “no“ derbilt for last in the SEC
Georgia rain before Mother sm'ul Eastern Division.
Nature sent the next. Spam Joy.

British gray skies and Columnist UK'S Shreveport
Pacific Northwest rain ush- V dreams drowned under

ered waves of fans to their cars.

the intense rain of running back

Robert Edwards and the Georgia

The Cats‘ much-maligned
black flag defense gave up a pair of
big pla 's to Edwards but stood its
ground otherwise. One of every
nine Bulldog plays was dropped
for a loss.

But the defense was not
enough, because the high-octane
UK offense fizzled.

Despite moving the chains 28
times, the “'ildcats spent most of
their time between the 205.

Poor conditions dulled the

playtnaking ability of the Wildcats

and limited the nation‘s top pass—
itig offense. Footing was non—exis—
tent and made short pass routes
end at reception.

Forced to look downfield. Tim
Couch threw three picks. One was
a jutiip ball. One was a batted ball.
The other was a cruel joke.

Georgia‘s Homecoming theme
was “it‘s Raining (Iats and

And it rained on Kentucky‘s

As the autotnobile trail of Bull-
dog backers wove away from the



llll pays tribute to man
whose ‘snirit lives on'

By Dave Gorman
Staff ”Ht” '

Despite the dark clouds and
cold rain pouring on Friday, the
warm memories of the late Lyman
T. Johnson shined through and
lifted the spirits and hearts of his
family. friends and fans.

Black Student Union and first-
year graduate student Juanita Jones
organized a memorial tribute for
the legend, who died Oct. 3.

Even as a roduct of an educa-
tion marred Jim Crow laws, he
intc ated in I949, becomin
the rst black student to attencfi

'Sevcntecn cross‘s were burnt on

campus to try to intimidate John-
son and scare him away.

But he persevered and did not
let racist actions faze him.

“I am very grateful that l have
lived long enough to see the society
of which I live, look back over my
life. Especially when UK said. ‘Here
is a man who 30 years ago embar-
rassed the whole UK structure seri-
ously. Now we give him an hon-
ora doctorate letters of degree on
thcrlnsis of what he made us do
then, which we knew we should
have done all along,‘”Johnson said
in a video tribute made last spring

5 Sn JOHNSON on 2


Photo finished

. m Lymjobnm (left) spoke last spring at an annual

mvardg banquet that bears his mum.


Services. on the possibility tick~
ets will be available tomorrow
for students' guests. ()nly stu—
dents can buy tickets today.
About 1,300 tickets are avail-
able that weren‘t for the Home—
coming game, because organiza-
tions have been less aggressive in

pursuing group seating, Stiles


“He went back to the bubble

sheets." he said.

And this Halloween
btibble sheets seem to be a big—
ger scare to students than Drac-

In the previous four home

games. the UK Athletics Associ-
ation didn‘t require the bubble
sheets. which iii the past each
person in the group had to fill
otit, a tedious chore for many
group leaders.


But for this weekend's game.
L'KAA returned to the sheets to
ensure students got the tickets
.ind that there weren‘t multiple
buys by one person. Intidcniak
ly'. about [.300 fewer people
asked for group seating this
week (1,—00) than the}. did for
the Homecoming game

\bout Lil)” more tickets .ire
now available for students .iiid
their guests to buy this week. lint
hope for families seeing ihc
game this weekend rests on thy
number ofstudeiiis buying tick-
Cls‘ today.

“lfwe don‘t have that big of a
walk—up, then we'll hopefully
have (guest tickets) Tuesday."
Stiles said. “\Ve‘rc going to
have to see what we have

On average, 3,5()()-%,TI(I() stu-
dents have been picking tip tick—
ets at the ticket windows. Stiles
said. The student allotment is

Groups might not have
remembered the deadline for
turning in the bubble sheets for
group seating was the Friday a
week before student sales. not
the Monday ofsales, he said.

Either the groups forgot or
they had .i tougher time getting
their members together to fill
otit the bubble sheet. Stiles said.

\\'hatever the reason. more
tickets are available for the game
this week. And family members
will probably have .i shot to
enjoy the game this l'aniily'


Female writers
take center stage

highlights all
writin g styles

By Ellen Lord
Staff H 'I'ifcr

\Vhile a million women
marched in Philadelphia to ccle~
bratc women, ISO gathered in
Lexington to applaud women

UK and the Carnegie Center
for Literacy hosted the annual
\Vomen “'riters Conference
this Weekend.

llolly Mullins, a conference
staff person, estimated that reg-
istered participants ranged from
125 to 150. Co-l)irector Deb—
bie llopper said public events
reached tnore than ISO people.

With the theme “Writing Off

the Page," the conference
emphasized that “writing goes in
man other directions than just


on t e page,” (Io-l)ircctor Jan

()aks said.

Presenters varied from New
York Times best-selling author
Sharyn McCrumb to Charlotte
Ross. an Appalachian storyteller
and folklorist, and Betty Smith.
a ballad singer from North (Zar-

The workshops covered many
topics on the various facets of
writing and publishing includ—
ing: performance art, filmiiiak—
ing, poetry, songwriting, play-
writin and traditional prose.

In her workshop on fiction,
McCrumh, a mystery novelist,
emphasized the importance of
perSIstence in writing.

“Until you've finished a book.
you have to assume that almost
anything is an excuse to stop
writing, she said.

McCrumb encouraged writ-
ers to persevere.

“lfyou are just dedicated and
conscientious, even ifyou‘rc not
brilliant, you can get published."

In her poetry workshop.
Mary Jefferson, Winner of the
1096 Sallie Bingham Award for
excellence in arts, encouraged

1 Sec WOMEN mg 2









:34; e

2 Alma/Hr. (ltruiw 3,".

I997. [\mmi'h kernel

(.‘(III/‘ereilce provides new, old

Iz‘riierx zen/.7 insight into works

\ctcl'ali \\ I'Itcl's to mentor younger ones.

“\Al’lllllg is a lonely profession. It helps us to
it'llicllllicl‘ that there‘s always someone we can relate
i." she said.

Jetlerson‘s partitipauts spent time sharing about
their \\ i'itmg icons in small groups.

\ltei' .1 l;:lllllillit‘ free«v\riting period, participants
lL‘.lll aloud to the whole group and exchanged com»-

l’anel presentations, readings of original works
.illtl \ocal .llltl theatrical periOrmances were offered in
.. l\lllll’!l to tile \Uit‘ksliops.
lietty Smith illustrated the
\ppalatluan women through ballads. She has pre—
~~ined workshops and concerts for more than 30


.cais “to keep h.ill.ids m the oral process. That way
‘llti‘lt' .ll\\.l\s changing but always staying alive."
liurmg sacral workshop events, lolklorist Charlotte

lit m rct itcd \i unc ol the 4501) stories she has collected.

l licsc Hit luded " l he l)umh Supper,“ a huitiorous
'oij. .ilmui .in old (Zeltic tradition practiced in
\ppalaclna _

\\ hilc most partitipants ranged in age lrotn mid—

Hs to ~4lls. ,1 it w students came.

[an 1R 1 ry. .111 l-‘nglish and history major at More-
i,’e.lil State L unersity. said the conference “allowed
.uwlllt'll to he themselves. .\1 other conferences,
. iu‘ie .ll\\.1\\ being watched for llaws."

| llgll\l1/‘l‘l“.\‘(‘, senior Alison Jennings said the
‘Hlllt‘lt'llt c w as very interesting.
‘ I here were a lot oi ditierent people here .md a

lives of


They got the heat: Bands hit campus

By Erin Gritton

Contributing ll 'rIier

High school hands from across the state marched
into Lexington Saturday night for the Kentucky
.\larching Band Championships at Commonwealth

This is the second year Lexington has hosted the
event and the 12th year the Kentucky Music Educa-
tors .-\ssociation has sponsored it.

The event showcased ()4 ofthe state's best bands,
including Tates Creek, Henry Clay, Lafayette and
Paul Laurence Dunbar high schools.

The hands were divided into four class levels for
competition at the high schools. The top four finish-
ers in each class qualified for the finals on Saturday.

Many who participated said Lexington is a great
place to have this kind ofevent.

“Being in Lexington has helped the event, in terms
of publicity and accommodatitin," said Donna (iood-
low. mother of Brandon (ioodlow, eighth-grader and
trumpet player in the l‘ilizahethtown hand.

In the past, Donn-.1 (ioodlow said, the competi—
tion was held at \Vestern Kentucky L'niversity, but
the hands had outgrown the venue.

“It‘s better since they have extra high schools that
the semis can he held at, and then the same night he
ahle to move to a place like (It)mmonwealth," she said.

The students showed excitement about perform—
ing at (Iommonwealtli.

“lt was kind of scary and overwhelming," said
Cindy Hunt, junior color guard for the defending
champions Nicholas County High School. “Knowing
we were going to perform in such a big crowd got us


The finalists for Class A, besides Nicholas Coun-

.- *9 witfltifleiiéirlfltflrliflrk-‘I?3rd,??i-‘Iielrlre'si‘trainer}:


r EVE-iii; .1


. tier rainiruéfilt

EM "?'r?7"i' w» .. a . ,





hyped, but then when we got here it was like ‘\\'ow.



NIemorz‘al service
honors historic figure


Information table for current
and prospective members

Tuesday, October 28th

Wednesday, October 29th

Thursday, October 30th
9:00 a.m. , 4:00 p.m.

Student Center ,. 2nd floor

near the Food Court


From PAGE 1

titled “The Black Odyssey of
Lyman Johnson," which was pre-
sented at the memorial.

As one of the great forerunners
in black history, he paved the way
for blacks in Kentucky and all over
the country.

“1 le changed the destiny of
L'K," said Chester Grundy, direc-
tor of the Office of African-Amer-
ican Student Affairs. “UK would
he a far different place without the
courage. sacrifice and tenacity of
this great man. He was truly a
giant of this institution."

Johnson and his family over-
came adversity all of his life. All
four of his grandfathers were
slaves in Tennessee; one of them,
DireJOhnson, bought his way out
of slavery.

Johnson's father was a principal
in Columbia, Tenn. Johnson
became a teacher and civil rights
activist at the same time at Central
High School in Louisville. He
tau ht civics, and US. and Ken-
tuc ' history in his 33 years of
perfect attendance as a faculty

Johnson encouraged his stu—
dents to participate in the Civil
Rights Movement in the ‘605.
\Vith the help of his students, he
fought for equal access to parks,
restaurants, schools and theaters.

Jerry Stevens, an adviser in the
Central Advising Service and for-
mer student ofJohnson, remem-

bers how he got firsthand experi—
ence in passive resistance, organi-
zation and unity.

“I‘ll never forget a training ses—
sion when we learned how to go
limp when the police came to pick
you up so you would he harder to
take away," Stevens remetnhered.
“If they were to attack us the
bruises would heal quicker if you
were passive."

Johnson also touched many
UK students, past and present. He
came back to visit often despite
his diminishing health.

“Last sprin when he came
back you coul just see how frail
his body was becoming. However.
his message was just as loud and
strong as ever,” said Lauretta
Byars, vice chancellor for Minori-
ty Affairs.

Johnson received many awards,
including the Government Medal-

lion Award, All-American Award
from the L'K Alumni Association
and has been inducted into the
Afro-Aiiieric:in Hall of Fame.

\‘i'alter llutchins. Johnson‘s
guardian, had an interesting theo-
ry for why Johnson revisited L'K.

“First of all, he was like a father
to me; he was actually my father-
in—law. But l think he enjoyed
coming back to L'K because he had
battlefield syndrome," llutchins
said. “lt is great to go back to the
site ofhattle, whether it is in sports
or a war. He loves to see the
results, the students carrying the
torch. He loves them for carrying
the legacy and his name on."

“l lis spirit does live on. His
spirit and soul is reincarnated
through the L‘niversity," said .‘viau~
rice Morrison, the 1996 recipient
Of the Lyman T. Johnson ()ut—
standing Undergraduate Award.





The Campus Calendar is a free service which appears in the Monday edition of the hcntut l\_\' l\t‘l'llt'l

events and sporting events, must have

MONDAY 10/27

-UI( Approved time period for stu-
dents tO change academic majors
(please check with college for admis-
sion deadline) thru 11/03


—WANTED: Poetry, Short Stories,
Essays, 6: Artill, JAR (UK’s Honors
Program's Literary or Creative
Journal) is accepting submissions
now thru 10/31 in Rm. 1153 POT
«Dept. of Theatre is now raising
money for it's Guignol Theatre
Restoration Project, ”name” each the-
atre seat for a minimum of $350 for a
Gala opening in 1999- its 50th
anniversary year; 257-3145

~UK Sierrans Meeting, 8:00pm, Rm.
106 Student Ctr, Outdoor 8:
Environmental Activities; 254-3819

-Career Ctr. Orientations: T, W, F
3:00pm (thru 1 1/26) CALL 257-2746
to sign up
UR Career Ctr Workshop: ”Creative
Job Search Strategies," 4:30pm, Rm.
208 Mathews Bldg: 257-2746

Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, 12:10pm, 320 Rose St;
-UR Ski a: Snowboard Club Meeting.
7.00pm, Rm. 245 Student Ctr.

EXHIBIT: Pictoriaiism into
Modernism, The Clarence H. White
School of Phtotgraphy, UK Art
Museum (thru 11/23)

EXHIBIT: The Figure in WenUeth-
Century Sculpture, Edwin A. Ulrich
Museum of Art, UK Art Museum (thru
1 1/30)

EXHIBIT: Faces: Portraits in the
Collection, UK Art Museum (thru

EXHIBIT: A Fine Une: Master
Etching: rom the Collection, UK Art
Museum (thru 1/18/98)

ML Ring Cult-ml Ctr Video nght:
Love Jones, 6:30pm, Refreshments


-SAB Board Meeting, 5:00pm, 203
Student Ctr; 257-8867
Green Thumb Environmental Club
Meeting, 7:00pm, Rm. 113 Student

-UK Career Ctr Workshop: ”Preparing
for Interviews,” 12:00pm, Rm. 208
Mathews Bldg; 257-2746
-Donovan Scholars Program Forum:
"Creative Memory,~ Stacie Rearie,
3:30pm, Lex. Senior Citizens Ctr
'DII: PArnsnson 501001. or DIPLOMACY
& Imrmunomu. Comma rstcms:
Exmmmcc,‘ 4:00-6:00rN, RM. 230
STUDENT CTR; 25 74666
-'SIsnrR’s CAN We TAtK,’ WOMEN’S Sur—
Esrcm 8r SELF-EMPOWEMEHT Womsnor,
SAB, AWARE, College of Social
Work. SOAC/SGA, Black Student
Union, Circle of lmani, and the
University Senate Council presents
UK Speaks Out on Women’s Issues.
Portia Weatherall & panelists,
7:50pm, Center Theatre, Student Ctr

-lntervarsity Christian Fellowship
Quest/Worship Time, 7:00pm, Rm.
245 Student Ctr,- 252-4723
-UR Wesley Foundation United
Methodist Student Center PHAT TUES—
DAY (Praise Honor And Thanks),
7:30pm, Rm. 230 Student Ctr; 254-
Jo”! Student Union TNT (Tues
Night Together) Meeting, 7:50pm,
(maple-429 Columbia Ave; 257-5989
Newman Ctr Student Night, 7 :SOpm,
320 Rose Ln; 255-8566


fencing Club, 8:00-9:50pm, Alumni
Gym Lon; 257-3812

Bolder: Rey Nation-l honor
Society Information Table for Current
and Prospective Members. 9:00am ‘
4:00pm, Student Ctr Second Floor,
near Food Court
Joya/Patterson lull Haunted
House, 8:00pm-midnight, entrance-
I’atterson's back door by Blazer
Express: 95 or $2 and a can of food

\Vl‘.l)l‘ll.\l)/\Y It) {‘1

all information to the Student Attivilics room 203 or (.111 JSI 24.41,,

-SAB Concert Committee presents
UK Unplugged, Local Talent, 12:00-
2:00pm, Center Theatre, Student Ctr
-SAB Film Series presents:
Candyman, 7:50pm, Worsham
T heater, Student Ctr; $1

-SAB Next Stage Series Meeting,
6: 15pm, Rm. 203 Old Student Ctr;

-UR English Dept. poetry reading by
Tony Crunk, 4:30pm, Peal Gallery,
MlK Library

-Latter-day Saint Student
Association Brown Bag Meeting,
12:00-12:50pm, Rm. 231 Student Ctr
Cats for Christ Encounter, 7:00pm,
Rm. 230 Student Ctr

-UI( Men's Soccer 0 Vanderbilt,

-Golden Rey National Honor
Society Information Table for Cun’ent
and Prospective Members, 9:00am-
4:00pm, Student Ctr Second Floor,
near Food Court

Tl ll ”(SD/\Y 10/30

Cosmopolitan Club Meeting, fol-
lowed by a ”Scream Party,’ 7:00pm,
Bradley Hall Basement


-Donovun Schollib mum Ibrum:
"Aviation Museum of Kaitlidty.‘ Don
Sproule, 3:30pm, Lax. Women:

-UR Career Ctr Workshop: ‘
Resumes and Cover bottom“; M80?!“
Rm. 208 Mathews Bldg; 257%
'1»: human Smear. or m


l'Iw-Izwom or Kunmsn HA » ~
moo-sworn, Sum Cm »‘ ‘

a L hi‘fl" ‘
an uncl..,'...,.&
12:15pm. lat


Night Dinner 8 Praise, 6:00-7:15pm,
508 Columbia Ave, 92; 2540231
«Christian Student Fellowship
Thursday Night Live, 7:00pm, 502
Columbia Ave; 255-0515

Campus Crusade for Christ Weekly
Meeting, 7:30pm, Student Ctr
Worsham Theater

Mowship of Christian Athletes
Meeting, 9:00pm, CSF Bldg. (corner of
Woodland 8t Columbia Ave)

-rencing Club, 8:00-9:30pm, Alumni
Gym Lon,- 257-3812

-Golden Key National Honor
Society Information Table for Current
and Prospective Members, 9:OOam-
4:00pm, Student Ctr Second Floor,
near Food Court
'szsu 511mm Dream non/Hum
FounnAnon DINNER AT Tm: Dom, 6:00PM,
Buzm HALL 'Cowrrmno' CArmItIA; 255-
8348, Au, Am: wrucomsi

:UR Deadline for international applica-
tions to be submitted to The Graduate
School for 1998 Summer School

‘1)": 7411mm 50mm. or Dmmcv
k Immrronu Com-Inca mess/r13.-
LUDMIIM 5mm, 'chcNT Devewmms
m Russm,’ 11:00AM, RM. 420 PATTERSON
Omcz Mail; 25 7-4666
WWW Cut Pomr Emma:
AMI-Mumm- , 6:00»:

W" g‘3zn'euoious

Juana-m" ' Christian refinishing,”

7:00pm, every Friday, Episcopal
Clitlrch, Rose 3! (Opposite fine arts



\ll mjistcicd ortjani/ations wishing to publish meetings, lectures, special
or c mail til\(‘\(‘iil”|)()1).tll\’)'.(‘(l11()ilt‘Wt‘tfk prior to publication.


-UR Deadline for completed AMCAS
application, College of Medicine, for
Fall 1998

Newman Center Catholic Mass,
6:00pm, 320 Rose Ln; 255-8566

-UR Cycling Team vs. Ohio University
(thru 11/02)

-UI( Football vs. LSU, 1:30pm
—UI( Volleyball @ Georgia, 7:30pm

-AIpha Epsilon Delta premedical
society Opportunity to take practice
MCAT, Proceeds to benefit AED and
AMSA, Call 269-1 172 to reserve a
space, Registration 9:30am, Practice
Test 10:00am, Classroom Bldg. Third
Floor, $10

College of Fine Arts UK Band
Spectacular, 3:00pm, Singletary Ctr;
$5 public, $3 students; 257-4929

Newman Center Catholic Mass, 9:00
& 11:30am, 5:00 8 8:30pm, 320
Rose Ln; 2558566
Christian Student Fellowship
University Praise Service, 11:00am,

. 1502 Columbia Ave; 2330513


-UR Women’s Soccer vs. Indiana,
2:00pm; Lexington, KY

-UR Men's Soccer @ Miami, 1:00pm

UR Women’s SO( cer
vs. Indiana, Sunday It

2:00 pm



T? J'T" v. .1.


- 5'



‘Alf‘fl .t‘: .

l" '1,1"i..


















WIN Ill Tim Cour/J surplus in the record—
lroolex with his 41 completions against Ule?

[llt'lllillllfl‘ .LZJJS ‘YJIltlJJLlI/Illl .YJOJJIllllf) .lJllLlOJ :'


. ‘ -




., . (A. Mann“; a.

l\t Il/lltl. l\t 1m.

W’W fltsr My.“ wnvw»..q-s.l,..v “r”... _...,,,.,.,. -,. u...”


v--—-- we «fit «th ‘(Wr mm.

ll 11.1.“. Uttil'tl .' , l‘” 3



MATT BARTON In t .i‘ aw

JUST A UTTLE HIGH L'K It'ideottt Kit) Sanford (6) trim to distract (fro/“glint Rona/ti Btu/er while the l '(i. l rtirttetv
ltt'rl' extent/x for Ill] l’lTlI/lf Tim Cour/.7 puss. Tito/1gb Bailey didn‘t intercept tltla‘ putt. be [titled ’{ll (four/t Ian [I] [fit
.\'('_'t)lltl quarter on (I screen ploy to extend the Dttu‘gy“ lead to l 4— 7. C(ixl erratum/ht Iron. 3 {-1 i.


t ‘ Congratulations to Tri—Delta’s
New Members! We Love You!


Sarah Allen
Carrie Amerson
E‘; Jackie Begley

' Joy Breeding
Beth Buchman

: Jesse Buckman
Candice Burks
Heather Charlet
Nicole Clark
Kristy Congleton
Liz Crowe
Claire Davidson


Cecelia Davis
Elizabeth Evans
Tiffany Flannery
Beth Forrest
Allison George


Kristin Hendricks
Brooke Hergesell
Erin Marr
Andrea Milburn
Courtney Mitchell
Jill Musser
Elizabeth Parsons
Cindy Prather
Jenny Rachford
Rheanna Rogers
Emily Scearce
Jessica Sherman
Whitney Smith
Megan Steiskal
Brooke Stewart
Maggie Thomson
Lexy Tretter

Erin Vogel
Ashley Woodard
Annie Wright

By Price Atkinson
Keillor Stuff” 'rttt'r

.-\'l‘lll{.\'5, (la.
yott shall receive.

his gave (ieorgia .1 lot Sature
day hut came away etiipty handed.

The (Iats dropped their fourth
Southeastern (ionfet‘ence game of
the season, a disappointing I i—li
loss to (ieorgia on .i rain—soaked
afternoon before “.673 at San-
ford Stadium.

“Our kids played e\tt'ciiicly
hard," a defeated L'K head coach
llal .\lumme said. “(ieorgia's so
good that we had to take some
chances and we had some chances
to win."

The tip and down contest
hetween the (iats and Dawgs symv
holi/ed the [K season (+4, 1—4),
when for every win follows a loss
and for every los‘s follows a w in.

\Vith t'lzl-l left in the game and
the (:ats down l1“, the k‘(i \
offense faced a fourth down situa—
tion needing only a foot to convert.

Linehacker Lee \\'esley met
Daw'gs' (()-l. 4—1) tailliack Patrick
Pass at the line to giye the hall hack
to the his offense. which racked
tip 436 yards of total offense on 90
plays, douhlingr L'(i:\‘s offensiy e
snaps, which managed 375.

Thirteen plays and a Z—y ard (imlg
Yeast touchdown reception frotii
quarterhack Tim (iouch later. the
(iats clawed hack into the dogfight.

Down 17—13 with 3:55 left after
kicker Seth Hanson's eytra poitit
attempt was lilocked. .\ltlttlll1L‘
then reached into his hottoinless

Georgi/l flirts show
little ’l‘espt’l‘lfifi' UK

From PAGE 1

~ (iii e atid

[Cast (Iamptis Parking Lot.
sports-talk radio hellow'ed in the

.\ L,'( i;\ caller from Atlanta yent-
ed his frustration atid added to tititie.

He said there was no excuse for
(ieorgia‘s performance.

How could the No. 16 Bull-
dogs sttimhle to a mere 3 l—l l \‘ic-
tory over L‘K?

I mean, this was L'K.

Not Tennessee. Not :\uhttrn.
Not even South (Zarolina.

l“.l\'i.s was alive the last time the
(iats woti in Athens.

"Kentucky will never he good
in foothill]; I don't ktiow why peo—
ple are so excited." he said.

Sigh. I thought this year was


Tiffany Basham
Jenny Benton
Brittany Bowman
Becky Carroll

Leigh Corbin

Briana Gei'ss’lerli 7
Erin Hahn
Elizabeth Kelley
Erin King

Susan Kosky

Lisa Kulkriwesl,
Katie LaBelle
KerixL‘am'bert ~.;

Toby Lesak
Jamie Lillard
Joy Lowry
Rachel Martin


Stephanie Christian

Rachel EeMasterég.


Delta Gamma welcomes
its New Initiates!

Jessi McClelland
Shanna McGlone
Kelly Mears
Krissie Neht'l
Kelli Newman

‘ . (Alissa Olson
Cortney Filizetti-

” " 'Lisi'a‘Prestigiacomo
Millinda Rumble

Eisa Pelton



Christina Samson

Kiistii‘ia Sandfoss

,3, Jedi Saunders
a. GA bbe Steinhauer
. Lauin Trout n
.Saa vme

‘ ‘ 5 ifKristins:Willinger

",J‘Kftistén Wink
“"Nikki Woy
Miranda Wright













“THEY'RE MT I'clfy variety/ill ttt mutt/Ito

git/net. ”

Jim Donnan. t..nut.itu.t.t.i.t.t» it

hag of tricks to glue his team out-
niore shot “hetwccn the hedges."

\ltttmne inserted hotlt ktckets.
\larc Samuel .itid l latison into lllt‘
game for ati ohytous tilirsltlc kit k
Samuel faked the kick to the left
where .iti .ihttndancc of red tct‘sc\ s
stood. llistcad, llalistilt. with his
icrst-y' rolled up to hide thc tiutii
her. kicked the hall to the right
.iftet the l.lkt'.\lll'ltl'lslllt1 llic l (i\
special teams tllllt.

Rescrye tight end _l.llttcs \\ halt-n
t‘ccoy ci'cd for the ( ..its. fun l l\ was
flagged l; yards for an lllt‘fldl touch
of tht‘ fitotliall. i

li(i.\ tailltatk Roltett lidwards
caught the L is defense iii .t hht/
.itid took the handotl -H yards into
the end /one on fitst and if) for the
game's fitial margin

llts first Tl) opened the suit
me. when hc took the handolf
lrotti ('(i\ ypiarterhack ,\lll\t‘
lloho on the l)ayy:_ts' first play ol
the second on irtct.

Ryan \ltu‘phy. .i frcshtiiati
hnchacker who started iii plate of
the lllllll'L'tlvlL'lli Snedcgar. said the
l‘dwards httrsts were costly.

“\Vc should ha\c licatcn
them." .\lurphy said "'l he lone
touchdown runs w etc a lift: killer
for our team."

Rolling the dice. \lutntnc tdllL'll
arguahly the most unpredictaltlc
play ofthe \eat‘. a lake punt 1n the
second quarter .it tllt‘ll‘ own :3
down - ll. Thc (fins wastcd too
much lllttt‘ .it the llllc of sciitnniaec
and tclcyttaphcd a posstltlc play in
hackup (Jll l)tisiy littltllkl.

\s the uprhack. liotincr took thc

gttlllg to he different. The team is
different. llal \ltlllllllt‘ is different

hit the attitude still litigcrs.

l'ls' destroyed \ltssissippi Statc
for two quarters and flopped.
'l hey jumped on South (.arohna
and flopped. Saturday. t'k’ tltillll'
natcd (icorgia on hoth sides ofthc
hall and flopped,

“Dona worry ahout the \Viid

cats' ahility to move the foothall.“

he said

it‘s |ust L'ls.

.\s the caller hung tip. tiiy hot
tom law ttttted ottt of place in anger,

\ly school is still a laughing

\fter all the good that .\ltttnme
has done.