Steel and iron industry, 152 Stockbridge, 79 Stoddard, Solomon, 45 Success, 288, 309 Sudbury, 39

Suffrage, 192, 216; basis, 249; frontier and extension, 30; manhood, 250, 352

Superior, Lake, 180, 314; iron mines, 152

Swedes, 233

Symmes Purchase, 223

Talleyrand, 299

Taney, R. B., 141

Tariff, 25, 27, 170, 172, 197, 216

Taylor, Zachary, 255

Tecumthe, 134, 144

Tennessee, 122, 168, 187, 225, 252, 253; democracy, 192

Tennyson's " Ulysses," 310

Territories, system of, 168, 169

Texas, 168

Thomas, J. B., 174

Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de, 153, 275, 303, 343

Toledo, Ohio, 231

Toleration, 355

Town meeting, 62

Towns, legislating into existence, 125; locating, Massachusetts, 76; New England and Virginia, 41; new settlements in New England, 55; South Carolina, 96; typical form of establishing in New England, 74; Virginia, 85, 86

Trader's frontier, 12; effects following, 12; rapidity of advance, 12, 13

Trading posts, 14

Transportation, 148; Great Lakes, 150

Tryon, William, 106 Tuscarora War, 94, 95

Ulstermen, 103

Unification of the West, 215

United States, collection of nations, 158; development since 1890, 311; federal aspect, 159; fundamental forces, 311; original contribution to society, 281-282; wealth, 312

U. S. Steel Corporation, 152-153, 247, 265, 313

Universities, duties, 292; function, 287; influence of university men, 285; need of freedom, 287; pressure of democracies on, 283; State and, 286; see also State universities

Upland South, 164; religious spirit, 164, 165

Van Buren, Martin, 254, 326 Van Rensselaer manor, 81 Vandalia, 229 Verendryes, the, 180 Vermont, 69, 72, 77, 78, 111, 122, 136

Vermonters in Wisconsin and Michigan, 228

Vicksburg, 201

Vigilance committees, 212

Vinton, S. F., 141, 229

Virginia, 301; early attempt to establish frontier, 41; Indian wars, 69-70; inequalities, coast vs. interior, 113; interest in Mississippi Valley, 182; land grants, 91; land grants to societies, 85; Piedmont, society, 95; Piedmont portions, 87, 89; settlement in latter part of 17th century, 83; slavery, 122; two Virginias in later 17th century, 94; Western democracy and, 250

Virginia Convention of 1829-30, 28, 31