confederate operations

The enlistments in the Northern armies as reported by the Secretary of War were as follows:

northern states and territories.

California .............. 15.725

Colorado............... 4,903

Connecticut ............. 51.937

Dakota ................. 206

Illinois ................. 255.057

Indiana ................. 193.748

Iowa ................... 75,797

Kansas ................. 18,069

Maine .................. 64,973

Massachusetts .......... 122,781

Michigan ............... 85,479

Minnesota .............. 23,913

Nebraska ............... 3,ij7

Nevada ................. 1,080

New Hampshire......... 32,930

New Jersey............. 67,500

New York............... 409,561

Ohio ................... 304,814

Oregon................. 1,810

Pennsylvania ........... 315,017

Rhode Island............ 19,251

Vermont ................ 32,549

Washington ............ 964

Wisconsin .............. 91,029

southern states.

Alabama ............... 2,576

Arkansas ............... 8,289

Delaware ............... 11,236

District of Columbia..... 11,912

Florida.................. 1,290

Georgia ................

Kentucky ............... 51,743

Louisiana .............. 5,224

Maryland............... 33,995

Mississippi .............. 545

Missouri................ 100,616

New Mexico............ 6,561

North Carolina.......... 3,156

Tennessee .............. 31,092

Texas .................. 1,965

Virginia ................

West Virginia .......... 31.872

Total .................2,199,081      Total ................ 295,511

Total in Northern States. Total in Southern States.

Sailors and marines. Colored troops......

.2,199,081 . 295,511

2,494,592 . 101,207     178,975

Grand aggregate.................................2,774,774

Of the 2,199,081 white enlisted men from the Northern States it is fair, perhaps, to assume that less than half were volunteers. The Secretary of War reported on November 15, 1865, that 800,963 volunteers had been mustered out of the service. This number, perhaps, included colored troops. The Secretary of War reported on November 22, 1865, that Confederate soldiers had been surrendered and released on parole, as follows: