8 The Kcntuckian.  
if The new men take fcharge just as thougl1 they have  {
' been members four or live years. They are to be con-  
j · gratulated, and should be encouraged; that they take  
such an interest in society work. When the time comes,
_ when new men shall feel at home in our society halls, .
then we shall see the societies flourish. [
We not only need members, and encouragement from l
— the boys, but we need the co-operation of the professors.  
Anything that they should say in the interest of the ·
societies, that would influence someone to join, would be
a great step in our favor, and would certainly be appre-
ciated by the societies. 1
- WM. GRADY, JR. ,
The State College Y. M. C. A. has just entered upon a  
new year, and from the indications it is to be the most  
successful of its existence.  
G. L. Barkley, one of the most popular and honored  
young men of tl1e College is President and C. R. Gilmore, Y
· possessing like qualifications, is Secretary. p
Pres. Ba1·kley appointed the following very able com-
mittees—Bible Study, Religious Service, Membe1·ship,
Mission Study, Hand Book. There were eleven mem- .
bers attended the State Convention at Louisville, Feb. 21-
24, and all report a grand meeting.
The State Presidential Conference will be held at Dan-
ville on March 22-24 and will be attended by most of the s
, ofiicers and chairmen of committees.  
{ On the 15th of this month, Mr. S. D. Gordon, of ~
’ Cleveland, O., will come to Lexington, and will divide ,
. his time between the college associations of the city. l·
He will give a. series of "Quiet Talks to Boys." The . {
— meeting will be held in Prof. Zourk’s room every even-
. ing at 6 :30, from tl1e 15th to the 19th. Mr. Gordon is ‘·
one of the ablest men in the Uniten States and eve1·y
student should hear him. With the present interest in
Asssociation work, the work of next yea1·, when the
g beautiful new rooms in the Gymnasium are ready for use,
 4. _ should be a great power for good in the college.
` C. D. Lnwrs.
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