· The Kentuckiaa. 5 f
. gree. The Master and Fellows of Balliol College co-op- t
erated from the first in the most cordial, large-hearted,
and generous manner, and voted and gave Mr. Owen an
g exhibition at Balliol. To Oxford he came with his
  young wife, and the pair established themselves in a _
E modest cottage. Mr. Owen knew no Greek and little
·—  Y Latin. "Smalls," therefore, presented a serious ob-
  stacle. But in a very few months the obstacle was sur- 3
  mounted, and Mr. Owen was fairly started on his acade· y
Eg  mic career. Meanwhile he had entered for the Bracken- ,’
  bury Scholarship in Modern History at Balliol College. gn V
  The ‘*field" for this scholarship is always a large and f
  strong one, from the Scotch Universities, sometimes L
  from the provincial Universities in England, and always
3-   from the public schools, great and small, come the best
  youthful historians of the year. Against such competi-
  tors it was hardly to be expected that the "Extension T
  Scholar from Oldham" could hold his own. But, to the
ff? delight of his friends, Owen was elected. From this _ Y)
  moment the success of the daring experiment was
`{QPT Then came four years of steady work, of pleasant I?
  friendships formed by Owen and his wife, of large par- `,
  ticipation in the life of the place. The last term had y
:;_· come ; and Owen was entering upon it full of hope and . YN
  quiet confidence in the results of his hard work, so soon ‘-\
e.»‘ Q_ to be submitted to the ordeal of the "Schools," when a I
.   terrible bereavement fell upon him. His young wife- fl
ai? loved and appreciated by all who knew her-succumbed  
_ g_ under a dangerous operation. The shock was a terrible Er
one for all Mrs. Owen’s friends, and for her husband, ter-  
  sk rible beyond words. Many men would have sunk under T V
- such a blow-not soon to rise again. The "Schools," "
e on which everything depended, were less than two
months ahead. Could he face the ordeal? The Oldham W.!
grit stood him in good stead. By a wonderful effort of  
O will, Owen pulled himself together, went in for the *
Schools, and with six other men (out of about 120 can-
, , didates), was placed in the coveted "First." More than
‘ justified were the hopes of his friends, and more than re-
~ paid the efforts they had made on his behalf. Election
  ' ` _ s    ‘ -- ee  ....-.. - »·   so ‘e   i ‘ it   "` ‘"