_ 6 The Kemfuckian.
r to a studentship at the London School of Economics,
I and appointment as a University Extension Lecturer
soon followed; a further period of quiet work ; and now
_ —against a field which included many of the best his-
torians of recent years—election to an open Fellowship i
U at Pembroke College. For all concerned it is a verit- {_
~ able triumph; primarily, of course, for Joseph Owen [
himself; hardly less for his devoted friend and first L
. academic teacher, Mr. Hudson Shaw; for Balliol Col-  
lege, which had the wisdom and large—heartedness to  
cut red·tape and throw convention to the winds; and,  
Hnally, for the University Extension delegates, who for i
years, have been patiently elaborating a system of teach- j
ing and examination which has made possible such de-
velopments as these.
Fellowships (especially in these days of agricultural
depression) are few; men with the brains and grit of an
Owen are fewer still; but among the 50,000 students
who every year are brought within the network of the
wide-spreading institution commonly known as "Uni—
versity Extension," there are men, not a few—and women
t0o—who would make admirable use of such opportuni-
ties as fell to Owen’s lot, could they be brought within
their rdach. For a single man to die ignorant who is
capable of knowledge—that, as a great seer has said, is
. indeed a tragedy. This tragedy the University Exten-
' sion movement is doing much to avert. It is bringing
the pearl of great price into the keeping of those who,
` thirty years ago, could never have dreamt of possessing
F it. It is brightening dull lives·—less perhaps by its mis- _  
sion to the "working man" than its help and encourage- " _
ment to the tried teacher and the neglected "governess" ; ,
it is training the citizen in the best schools of civic pa- ,_
triotism ; it is teaching the young manhood and woman- E
nood of England the things that beleng to her peace;
but its material resources small. It works for the most
part in shadow, and it is only now and again that its `
friends can be expected to make the special effort in-
* volved in bringing one of its students f1·om the Exten-
"· sion "centre" to the University itself, much more from
work in a Lancashire factory to the Fellowship of an
r Oxford College.
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