Every one was standing; every man's hat
was off, and there was a moment of hushed
silence, of reverence for the descending col-
ors. Roger's mother, breathing quickly, her
eyes on her boy, saw him standing alone far
in front of every one, unconscious of any
one. A scarlet line ran across his hollow
cheeks, the fur cap was lifted high over his
shining young head, the head was thrown
back and his burning eyes were fixed on the
flag-his flag-with a look of worship.
  It was suddenly all over. The boy turned,
his face solemn and bright. Every one fell
back as he came to her, for the look in his
eyes and in hers.
  "Mummy," said the boy, battling for
breath, for he was very tired-holding to a
chair with one hand, his other hand on his
mother's shoulder, his eyes brilliant-" mum-
my," said Roger Shelby, "I'm an American !"

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