xt7z8w381c2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w381c2x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1951 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 22, 1951 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 22, 1951 1951 2012 true xt7z8w381c2x section xt7z8w381c2x 1
* rus  *5 ¤l$VlU€» K1
Alfred lvl. peter, Route 6 ............. Lexington. Kentucky Wylie B. Wendt. 2346 Emerstm ....... Louisville. Kentucky  °b€F* H- H1]
Virginia Taylor Graham, 3325 Burnett Ave. ..Cincinnati. O. A-lb€Yt R· Perkins. 613 E. Main St. ...... Danville. Kentucky 5°“eS» Lexmi
. Mas Wyan 1.¤c1rr,1a¤x sz, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, s. c. George W. Ewell. 3133 Conn Ave. N. W.. .WaShi¤gt0n. D. c.  **5 Mlm N-
‘ Hattie E. Boyd, DuPont Manual _School ..... Louisville, Ky. W- D- Sullivan. B. & W. Tube C0. ....... Beaver Falls, Pa. MQYSVIIIS K!
* ' R. G. Youngerman. M-2 Greentree Manor..Louisville, Ky. R0b€Tt L· Ehrlich. 6418 S. Benton -........ Kansas City, M0. Iarshau Bame
. P. F. Shannon, so Rockefeller Plaza ...... New York, N. Y. Herbert Schoepflin. 407 N. Ingram .......... He¤ders¤¤.°K>·. °'·"°“Sb°'°· F
H_ H_ pope __,________,_______________,__ Harlan, Kentucky E. A. Armstrong, 112 College Avenue ....... Beckley, W. Va.  ames S· Shui
Weller R. Gary .............................. Fallston, N. c. C. Edwin Barnes. Asst. Staff Judge Advocate     (tier
Carl Phillips, 417 Washington ........ Henderson, Kentucky ···-······-----····---- » ····--......·... Elgin AFB., Fla. ra Y
Nancy Duke Lewis, Pembroke Colle}ze...Providence, R. I. DIY Edwin O· Gilbeft. 2357 M¤1‘i`iS Ave. ....... U¤i0¤. N. J.  Fmnkf°rt· K}
. Marguerite Sloan. Box 19), Berea College ....... Berea, Ky. Thomas H· Asbury. Route 4 ··-···»·—· I-·€Xi¤gt0¤. Kéntlickl  me?   Ba}
A. D. Langford, 115 N. Broadway Park ...., Lexington, Ky. Mrs- Stepltw Mccready. 1105 5th St. ........... Ocala. Fla.  L°“‘S"‘“€· Ki
R. J. Johanneman. an E. Jefferson ,...,.... Louisville, Ky. Mrs- Leighton L- Gull. 3 Orchard Ave. ...... Frankfort. Ky.  · D· Pah“°“
Robert F. Doolin, Box 191 .................. Anthony, Texas Fred W- Duncan ····~···~~······-----·»·· Bagdiidr K€11T'J€k>`  Trustees)
Dr. Gerson Lowenthal, 280 Doctors Bldg. ..... Cincinnati, 0. W¤y¤¢ T- C¤tti¤gh¤m. 34-41 78th Street. ¥“d°" EVE"'
· c. L. Arnold, 2815 Bronson Blvd ..... Kalamazoo, Michigan -·-—--..-..·-·..-...»·..... Jackson Heights. L. 1. N. Y. Y“fQ°“)
 . DI" John W. Turner. l t t t l v l I l t t t t I t I lpaintsvme Kentucky W. B. Thornton, 4441 Harriet Ave. ...... Minneapolis, Minn.   · Hugue
Lafayette B. Herring. Bf`23 Reba Drive ..... Houston, Texas L- Chauncey Br¤w¤. 220 Coffee P0't DUVB. ud; (IE-egsvltet 2
.; Albert Chiplgyv ]3g E_ Main SL ____________ Frestbm- _ Md_ , ...................................., St. Petersburg, Fla. » .
—·  Mccteilan Gajbt-aithv 630 Washington Stn _ _H€¤d€I-S0§_ Ky_ Ralph N. F!'€€I‘l'lH1‘l. 535 General Krueger, San Antonio. TEX.  ilmmeihate p
sy; Charges B_ H00vet·_ 15r)1 Aster Avenue ________ Akmm Ohio Jul‘et€e Bryson, 6442 Schaefer Road ..,.... Dearborn, Mich. irgeente MCI
1  H. Lester Reynolds. 161 Washington Circle, Lake Forest, 111. J· H- Heiber. 555 Highland Avenue ........ Ft. Thomas. Kr- . °’§”gt°"‘ K
ii., Mrs. Allen E. Grimes, 1208 Fontaine Road. . .Lexington, Ky. GEOYSE W· V€`0ttZ1. 432 MHDIH Ave. ........ OW€¤Sb0I`0. KY- Ilexieotge H'
  Cecil G_ Hensley ___Y____________r_________ Heetmx Kentucky Kearney B. Daniel ..,..,............... Danville, Kentucky  mm n%On’ K:
  Everett T. Gorbsnrn, 1195 Springdale Rd., NE., Atlanta. Ga. P<>b¤rt A. Ritter. 33 E. 7th St. ............ Covington. Ks. W3, ‘tJ*‘m‘
  w_ F_ Steels 30 Charles St_ __________'___ Ltvjngstom Nt _y_ John S. Sherwood, 165*) Harvard St., N.W., Washington,D.C. ` C ass r
  Don L. Clark, Mumford Heights ________ Mumfm-dsvme_ Ky_ J. Stephen Watkins, 251 East High ........... Lexington. K1'. APPO
_   Mrs, Howard N_ Stevenson, Route 3 _______ Cirelevme Ohio William W. Blanton ..........,.,.........., Paris, Kentuckl' .
  R_ W_ Poynter __________ _ __''___'____ Horse cave, Kentucky Maidie Lee Walker, 475 W. 2nd ............, Lexington, K1'-  amm M°°Y€—
g John G. Allen. 328 Elsmere Road ...... San Antonio, Texas MY5· C10Yd€ A· Berry. JY ···»· . ........ Eminence. Kentuckl  we KY-
, Jack VV. Stallard, 1134 Fontaine ............. Lexington, Ky_ M¤1‘i•3 Bilfkley, 737 S. Limestone ..... Lexington, Kentucky  yard T· Ben
M;-g_ Maxine L_ pet·1·jt·,e_ 317 S_ Ashland _'__ Lexmgtom Ky_ S. Head`ey Shouse, Versailles Road ........,, Lexington, KY. mam H- _T0`
Susan G. Akers, Box 766 .,....,,___,_,___ Chapel Hj]]_ N_ C_ Bob Warth, Drexel Avenue .,...,.,.,,,,,,__ La Grange, lll. Bldg-- L¤>€rSh¤¤ !Tt¥l°° {ll t,{‘“ Elf ·°*“°°l‘l‘ Caldwell County—Lowry caloivoll, Princeton Ave. Ashland =
um, includes S¤bSCI`1D Km 0 9 l·lmllus· garli555goungy—Ra1ph Edrington, Arlington Ohio Cnunty—Whayne Priest, H3Ttf0ILd
W arro oun y—Talton K. Stone, Carrollton Owen County—E. G. Traylor, New Li erty
E tcmd as Second Class Matter at the post Casey C0unty—George Noble, Liberty Perry County—M. K. Eblen, Hazard
Hue qt Lexinatorh Ky,, May 22, 1929, under Cl¤¤t0n C¤unty—Char1es Lutrell, Albany P.ke County—James W. Wine, Pikeville
qlcqd Og Mnrzh 3, 1879, Ch!`i$'¤lFin C0l1nty—Edward T. Breathitt, Jr., Powell County—Ralph B. Conlee, Stanton
tl€‘ _,_ Hopkinsville Pulaski County—John Prather, Box 106.
_ Clark County——J0e Dennis, Winchester Somerset
 eign G_ King . .......... . .....·.··   Editor Clay County—Carl Stinson, Manchester Robertson County—Ray N- Dryden. Mt-
G_ Lec McClain ..,.. : ..»... Managing Edlmf Clinton County—Char1es Luttrell, Albany Olivet
,`m.guc;·itg ]V[cLaughllrl   A$5QCl2}t€ Edlt0l' Crittenden County-Louis D, Chippg, Marion Rnckcnstle COunty—RudOlpl'1 Bufdétt, Rénfl'0
 is smith .......... . Vital $t3t1St1€$ Ed1t0I` Cumberland County-Leslie M e C o m a s , Valley _
__ _ Biirkesville Rlgssell County—Othella GBSKIHS, Russell
D vi C t —W‘ll' G t,M ‘ Bld ., ¤Tl¤§¥5
ECUTIVE COMMITTEE %)u$;;sbg;-gl y 1 lam an ascmc g glee?) Cc3.lnty{—J.FC. Mkfixéllghti Cgczlxlgjetolilan
19-1-*52 EX Esyil C i t -5*; h R· _] · e y oun y— renc moo. e yvl_e
3 _ C Fayette Oélolulyity Clgilgpy Bzeonegvgif, Security §lmp‘°“ C°““lY`ll’l0O‘}ilr°;-ll C°°,§§· Elralllllill
v S_ CI  uis Cox, Presldent——”o Halélrlgg and OX. Trust CO_ Bldgn Lexington snenccr County—Haro d ove, ay orsvi e -
1 rrrinkiort,   P sidem Paris Ky Fleming CO,_mty_D,-_ C_ D_ Blah-_ Fleming, Toile; County—Harry R. Smith, Campbells
College  ¤¤Sl¤S Pam? · me le. ` · ‘ burg ·-L w bb c- tn ‘
. i ln G. Kms. Exevuflvs $¤¤r€mY·522 Floyd C0unty—Robert Wellman, Prestonsburg l""$l'* C°¤“‘> °l’”“ ° · “ "°.
`E:   givre Avenue. Léxlngmn- KY- Franklin C0unty—Edward Bennett. Frankfort Tlllgg Cmmty — Tom MagmW’ CadlZ’ Ky'
‘ ' ·‘ .- `· A Shivelv, Treasurer—Department of Trimble County—J. G. Dye, Bedford
le-S_ Ky  ml? tv- Uniéersit`7 of Kentucky 'Fulton County—Erne‘st Fall, Jr., Fulton Union CDunty_Sam McElroy, Morganfield
    eéiiivson, Bloomfield, Ky. flterrn ex- "l?2l§;gSt¤$OuntlY_h'IlSS Iona Montgomery Warreri Col;nty—Prest0n Cherry, Helm V
ort. Kr. pll°l 1952* ~ d t . K - (term ex- Gmvcs C°lllltY*S“m D· N¤€lY· Mayll?l°l \V§scl;§lgt]ggw 1C1§ur%I;;ICharles J. Haydon,
ago. - , · , ~* _ " · . _ Webster County—Harold Trader, Provi ence
ag0_ UL l§j6u£$51€H-K?0l};2§; §§l;m_l;l§“1l;§;§ R°'ll°l· Ila)rccB;lt0\$§unty—Robert M¤N¤m¤1`¤- EhZa· Whitley (;ounty-Glenn W, Denham, Wil-
lon.K}'. ’ ~ ` . · , , liamsbllrg.
.  0b€rt H- Hl11e¤ms>¤r~ Hlll?lll“€}el` Null' l·lnrl:ln Coll ty—Ted Creech, T\-Vllil ·
  sms- L€"l“g*°“ "elm Explres l953l Harrison Cgunty—J. Milburn Taylor, Cyn- wglfggglv‘g§Llnll§g§;}“§aQ,°v°?$’vl;1h“0tt _,r__
m DC   Jeri?   Brélwnlng, iEigir;%o;nt Road, thiana Versailles ·
' ` ` .¤l‘S\’l 6- Y- ' erm exp YE _ Hart County—R. W. Poynter. Horse Cave
?€1§‘  lalsllall Barlles. O\\`€HSbOT0·NEitlDHBl Bank, Hendarstm C0,mty_COv& Heilbl-Umm,-_ Hen-
. l`   Owensboro. Ky- *t€1‘m BXDIYES 1953) _ derson Greater Cincinnati—Leon McCrosky, 21 Glen-
will vg-  ams $· Sh‘lF’$l`*ll"€·, R· R· N°· 4· L€xlllg' Henry County—O. L. McElroy, Eminence way, Ft, Thomas
‘ ' ‘ lun. Ky. ¤t€rr§t8XD11;€$é954; f A 1 Hickman County—loe Johnson, Jr., Clinton t Chicago-Preston H. Williams, 29 S. LaSalle
,  lldge Brady ewar. our 0 PDEB S- Hopkins County—John Casner, 418 B. Scot st,
l§"NFl:;' Frankfort. Ky. ltérfn éxlgrii 15154; A St., Madisonville New York City—Velinon Alb§rt,k111 Webster
' `,1  llmer L. Baker. 2242 U €1” 0f VE-- Jefferson Collnty—W. Howard Clay 803 Ky. St., Malverne, L. . New or
’°1ntu§.lYl Louisville, Ky. lterm €XDi1"€S 1954* Home Life Bldg., Louisville I Washington, D. C.—Warren T. Ellis. 3010
28*    . D. Palmore. Frankfort. KY- (B¤¤Td of Jessamine County—Wilson Routt, Nicholas- Franklin St., Washington, D. C.
.g$’uC£\l Trusteesl H K B d f ville AI h tta Ax h Degroit, lléIich.rJlack Pnelrlclilns, 32261 Auburn
‘ ·  Bmd n Evans, Pinevi e, y. l oar 0 _] h so (:0unty—Mr5_ p are c er, rive, irm ng am, 1C .
I N Y Trustees) _ Opgintgville Cleveland5Robert_McDowell, 3203 W. 71st St.
’ I ‘ ¤l‘ A. Huguelet. Barrow Road. L€X1nBt¤¤- Knox Counl,y—Barnard McKeehan, Barbour- Phlladelpnla—Wllllam A. Lurtey, 312 Jericho
S· Mlllll Ky. lBoard of Trustees) K ville d Agoaéi AI_;7¤¤%t°XaP¤·k 539 Hurt Bldg
udge Edwin R. Denney, Mt. Vernon. y- K it C { -D _ D, G, Barker, Hin man . an a— ug COC - ·
llg· Fl? llmmediate past presidentl Lgxsug (;gii:i§:-5ixnnloy A, 1-lager, Hodgenville New Orleans, La.—Charles A. Cropper. 6222
ll°· Te} 2-rguerite McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell St., Lau,-.3] C,,i,,,ty_MiSr Lgla Masorh London I Wadsworth Drive _
:;lslvI;2;»  L€pg]·igtgn_ gx-_“;i§;e mgiggbalk hgnorarygt Lawrence COu3ty€(;§o§ge R, B1§rg§ss,i§izuisa Dz‘-§»\tgn,DC;>hi‘o;gt. M. Atchison, 922 Grafton
·   . eorge . lson. . pper .. ine C ty- , . n erson. ea yv _ —· -
5’l°l Kl: L¤¤i¤sl¤¤. Ky. llife member. honoraryl Lgslie Ogg-,inty—Donver Adams, Hyden Midland, *rexas—H. J. Rooker. 207 E. Maple
f"`“ll§(lQ? ilbur R- Jamerson. Wheelwright. Ky. l1951 Lewis county-charles stages}; Vancgbturg d Avenue
0¤· ~ senl r l t t‘ · l Li i (3 t »-R bert Baug man, an or
l“ll*D‘Q 0 cass mpresena ue i,olggcn¤CoSi2l1yriGr§nvi1le Clark, Russellville Chicago club meets third Monday of each
itolhlxlgj APPOINTIVE MEMBERS lynn C0urlty—J. Phijllg %$$l"|lkbKUlZt<'BY{l S month noon, gt tgt: Buildars Club (21st.
·€ll C · . · - McCracken County- 0 n ac urn, 1 lzen {100,-) ggg N_ Legg e 5;
tm" Ky i;I0nKMoore—1074 Emerson Road. COVlhg Savings Bank Bldg- Paducah ' _
. ,. . y. • Washington, D. C. Club meets second
Zenigglgi.  Ward T. Benrlett—Frankfort, Kentucky MGCFGHFY C0l1nt>’—·C- :V· lé¤E€· Sgeazgiqpntc Wednesday of each mm-ith_ i-mom An-
:5;, KQ  llllmn H. T0wnsend—Bank of Commerce RgC‘l..€‘;£} C8¤¤;{;CE3;hii R?c€°lléal;§1_SviuE napoljs HOte1_
. - · ., .· , ln ou — . , _ _ . .
l“¥€· lll Bi§l“i,l‘.'“‘lllgl°ll* KL - - ]\/Iggfgyi County-Paul Owens, Lebanon Clnclnnatl Club meets f1rst_Tuesday of each
lellglclll lloii Ki}dW1ck_KEntucklal] HOtel’ Lexmg- Marshall County—J. Hboirnfr Miller, Benton month, 12:15 p.m. Hotel Slntloln. d
In will .’   - M t` C t —Tr0y i S. nsz _ L 's `ll Club meets every on ay, noon,
CIIUGSEEC \ihgVl;éraln P. Tate-2438 Ransdell, Louls- Mzlégllgl C0‘§lnl1y$;Wi]liam DHCalv8;&iMay§V11Ie oélfdvhguse, Fifth St'
;(2llillU'l- , ‘ ~‘ .. , Iylegde County-William cnry en, ran-
. - . ., 1 th
mn' D9 alllllzc-ailbehligsl\LoiiisC;ll;;n€l‘{ Mfg CO 7 delllllllg . - _ Executive Committee meets second Monday
;Cmu§;l MEG Tha>§ter`sims—\tjynthia3i:a Ky Mglllfee C°llllty_Fall`€l C' Balley' French night of each month, September through
gel" “  llllll P R -· ` ` mg May 6:30 p.m. Colonial Room. Lafayette
, { K-, - ‘ouse—Versallles, Ky. __ _ W_ M M t I Harrods- ·
fgluvis, ·$» Wzltklns—l45 E, High st, Lexington, Milfs; County O ° ur ry · Hotel.
>wn. KY- Monroe County—Justus L. Ellis. T0r¤l3k11’1$· _ 1Ed.t . 1A . i.
mx vi, _ _ CLUB PRESIDENTS H Member of Natlona l orla. .550018 lon
giillllllflil Wl C¤unty—Earl Huddleston, Columbia Vl 6 Kentucky Press Association
rt_ Tomi. ‘¤¤ County-John Pedigo Scottsville
(Cl`ltLlCkl ·
3 I n

 ) . .
» Wa Cant Ba et ove    
 T I ‘ i()I`[. IS [IIC
V ", ,·\illlllllI Asa
Y I ull year. ll
` T [gy., l.2l1`ll1C‘
Seers and Sages, from time immemorial, have tried to measure the depth and ‘;“'"‘ T Il"
tlll 0 l IE
y ‘ the richness of unselhsh love, without success. ( Clmsm b
True love canit be evaluated in material measurements because it involves h;i·S(:;i`[;T
- 0 lt ‘   V * ‘<
unselfish devotion, and the real affection all of us have for Alma Mater cannot be Muni him
estimated except as we express it in aggressive action. lil the orgs
pus on Mir
\Ve know that American citizens are being called upon to give to an ever- gCm,U,,` (
increasing number of good causes, so large a number, in fact, that each of us must R· I)€m¤€)'·
choose a few from many — a few which reflect our most important interests and IWW]; lm
[l`1l(' S ill`, 1
` ‘ ideals and which promote the good we believe in the most. Lnuimllc Il
. . . . 'l`l `·
i \Vzth these facts in mind I am urging you., who have already demonstrated \W;;;E0Il]f
°   _ your agection for and loyalty to Alma Mater, to make it your individual business yu-lcd Wm
to sell to other alumni the urgency and importance of active membership in the will hulloti
Alumni Association, so that all of us, working together, may bring about a united ECM ;l““_‘
lrcr. .
group, large enough and strong enough to materially implement the program of wmv $::1
the University of Kentucky, and, through it, the progress of the Commonwealth. firmer, lzmd
i_ _ Pillillflill in
y Lilqgral education is tlle f0llJl(lHl°lOt'L of (1 Willy QTGUI CTGPTIOCTGCQ/· Your Unk · ` eleiml ii) rh
· versity is the cornerstone of higher education in Kentucky, and you, its alumni, They will s
. MUST support its program if it is to fulfill its destiny. ’\* l"`“id‘
(lax serves
 ; nu 'l`2lIl'
  lam io hem
  fd znguin in
·   — Sincerely and gratefully, P“"‘ “’ I
  lhc (Iourl ol
` the Public Se
tended U. of
'  wlutivc C0
ll TM" I Wis
f 2 ‘ Footh
M li Q   ....  
2 l)Lll`]`I$l] is 1
E e t_ _ S l  >\(‘|CI`ilIl of
secu ive ecretary kn which h
Illfil, hc was
Itlllll illltl {1

UK Alumni Elect C P ° ’
0x, arrish F 01* 51
State Senator Louis (Jox. ol Frank-
-_ is the new rresiclent ol` the U1' _.  ,:V--·.-   ;-,   _
"“‘ . . .l . _ ,_ _‘ ; V~.· ./  ~  te, ,,V_ V THE coveiz ._..
`\l[ll]llll .·\SSO(`|1ll|t>ll It)l‘ LIN: ll);>I-n2 fts.   2  
U,| vear. illlll I)l*)`l€ Hull _lU¢l§€
. ‘       ..   .,.t ._  * ·fZy;¤.,. ·   ··t· t   . ·· · . . . . _.
I{_ I)ennev. ol Mt. Vernon, and Mr. {-_t,z¢¢»i...; .U    ‘-.,- { ’‘·‘v’·‘’ - -   i_._ _     HGH I. (Alllllls. hlttlltllesttl.
. — ' . - *?’i*ié`*¥**”~f.. ..‘ .   ‘·.. 1 ‘ ~ ' ·~ ~ . · · . .. .
]>;tmsI1,lormcrIxentucky lootballand ;>t.x=  ew   = l·l··B 5/- ll) -lll- Bucrh
. . J ’#~‘‘»¤   /‘.   =‘~ tt ‘;j;..~ . · .. ·. .· . . .
[mk will Su(.(.€€(|$ (jeorgc p_ HIHCIL       _V.._    \VacItIiII, Madisonvtlle attorney
Ittnisville businessman. “  _Q Vt X- `E;   .   .__    ‘_.' ·. and University alumnus has been
. - . }   f ' .-,~l§     · ' » '- ' . ~ ` ~ .
Ihree new members ol the .-\lumni       ·‘   ··—·., *'I’l"’l"l“‘l ""“l“l“”l"‘lU l‘" llll
  Z;.   .   ‘..‘,   ' . . .
Vlsstlt`l1l[l()lllS e x e c u t i v e commtttee.     ._ j   _.·»,..`   . "’l" L
A _ _ .' ' . . ).   ’ _
tltttcd with (.os and laiiish m re _P,mm by JOB Bdsm, Cnuriw ` ·
Wm |m]]()ljng_ were also mln0uu(.t.d Journal Lcxirigtmt Bureau llvitliel`. sales IIIIlIIl|gCl` l, Shiopshnc was graduated in ISL.),
tlttted to the (iourt ol Appeals Bench. ’l’“’ll I- )*‘“” *" ‘lll“l"l al ll· Ol l‘·
·I-my `vill Sent lhl,cC_).€2U. mmm- A ..·» <=.V_ O I  .  I student publications, and during the
As President pro tem ol` the Senate.   I I 'A'i U liill     wl"` WM ull '\ml)` °lHll°?l`· _
as serves as at-ting c;t»vernt»t- when ·     .l“‘l¥“ ”““"""‘ "°‘°"""l l"” l"“' ‘lC‘
_     .... . I · · · tw ;_. .... · ..
(»t»rt·rnor Lawrence \\'etherbv is out   yl SIU` "l l" (ll l" In ll"' ll I) énlcd ll`°
ttl the state. (Los has been tt partner   __ f  ‘“"'“” *'” M‘(·""l`°“" ("’“"‘;' .I“‘l%i· ""‘l
III at l·rauklort law firm since l$)5;>. He    rtg; . % . ,_:__. ` '`tt    ;**` lucmll _ Kumi I mul) lu U tht
Iilst was elected to the Senate in IS)-ll.     `   (Mm Ol '\l)l)§‘l xl _ I
· . . . . . "  5  ‘ ...=f*"   · 1· 1 unn ian net were
but resigned belore expiration ol his   ‘`‘    .  llogm `llll :03 I Q (l I [
. . .   ‘?§  ; · .· zte r 3 I rracuttter ·tnc or-
IIIIII to become an .-\rmv olficer. 1;Iet·t- .   ll)l)m\lmll l E H ` ` I
- - - ' . ‘¥I‘*f"   mer stuc ents, amonr ttem sever·t
ttl Ilgillll n1 ISH;). he was re-elected u1     , . 5 1
IW _..__   lrom the class ol ISEIS) who were cele-
  _, .     ‘‘°`·‘   fi hratin »· the 52nd annivers·irv ol` their
I’l`lo1‘ to lE);l;i he was law clerk lor   *=·;=·· =‘‘*   ..c=-. * ·’*` 3. .‘ ’ .
IV . . . ‘*`= T   ____..’ grtttluatunt. Members ol the class ol
IIL (·<)IIl`l ol .—\ppeals and secretarv ol . `·°=-..·.._   ' ·» - _
|_ , . .. . . . . ‘   _j:   Illtll were presented certihcates ol
ht I ubhc Service (.ommissttm. He at-     . . . . .
. . . . ( . _ "  mt-ntberslnp in the schools Hall-(.en—
Itl\‘ton tobacco warehouse, Fla. _
I I-»
I .
_,..z THE 5
I .

 Class. Of ’51 Names   • A 9 S N C l Dean S
. 1,lII1Il1 SS I1 €I`V€S 0 {B, ,
Permanent Off1cers _ lo Dep
Six of the seven colleges of the Uni-         lleztn lilvi
varsity held class elections this spring n·i·»i1y`s (Lol
to name permanent olricers ol their     ytlspetial ar
y respective classes. The purpose ol`  l`    ilit ,\rut}‘ ltt
  these elections is to have class repre-   . EA`l2I12}§$}   _. I in~ztl<·t| posi
sentatives available to the Alumni As-   ·     ,  I Dean Stal
’ sociation for reunions and other events   iiii · y   1 A'    { ,   I t   yl,]. ,,,, RL.,
ol` interest to individual graduates.   inil t   ‘’`"`='"         _  vi . , y '’··   l eovtary ol
Officers chosen, and the colleges _ _»   y  - A        Al ·· A . . . i t¤1‘tlil*1¤*<' ****l Min
COM MERCE; R i c h a r d Pigman,     `§     F   ,.,.;-*» _,.  ’ _ lie l'ntverst1
Lexington, president, and Betsy Bil-       ,   ,   , _r       y x     Allie new p
liter, \tVinchester, secretary—treasurer.       _ _ L  ltrtttl point
EDUCATION: Wilbur jamerson.   g s   sx ;{j_l#; ·     ttc ntzttters
Henderson, president, and Anne Boyd.     A   ;· ?   ’‘::      l the ,\rntv
Huntington, YV. Va., secretary-treas A   .‘'‘   _-i__   -·——   ‘  ·‘__ »    ltlillll/illlfllh
.-.c;R1c;utTuRu A N D H o M E »--.     —: »,t   A ```'`i   ‘‘‘'’   ‘’’·‘   ‘‘*° ‘ »·2‘     ‘   item sent
A ecoNoMtc;s; 1.ern»t11e nan, teeee, t   IE:   ‘···· i ‘`·t·i   `: ‘ l·     ’·‘‘ ‘ *;’    ··=··   i l- **" `l‘` F    ‘ t ‘ e*"*  tntn. it ee
]{y__ Pl—€Sid€m_ und ])(,m[hy geuth Lex. \Vhile exams were being held on the campus the last week in May. th  _
jngmm Secretary.[rwSuI—€,—_ Alumni Association held open house for four days in the Music Room ol th  UINIV
· EN(;]N]g]gR]N(;; James Alyju How. Student Union, and served c0Hee and cokes to the students and faculty memhtn 4
ard. Lexington, president: Adolph Shown above are Mrs. T. H. Hardwick, of Lexington. alumna hostess. peut Sclnembc
_ l’aul Rasmussen, Chicago. Ill., vice ing coffee for (left to right) Jo Frances Daughterty, Lexington, graduating senio jAAl)A(AA]AA)(A
AA president; Clarence XV. \Vhite.   Charles R. Minton, Middlesboro, graduate student; Bill Buckner. Paris, grad sAAlAAAAmA)(A
Memphis. Tenn., treasurer; and Eu. nate student; Marvin K. Garland, Paducah, senior; Frank T. Siebert, Pl1ilatltl· OAAAAAAJCAA (A
gene john Breitling. Boonton, N.   phia, class of 1901, the first 50-year graduate to report for commencement .tt· ;;(jAAA:)ClA _:
$€<`*`€¤*F)'· tivities, and \Vard Coleman, Bowling Green, sophomore. (AA) iél  
PHARMACIY: John B. Peak, Lou-     e r · llll_Il"vl’ll 4
isville. president; Robert D .Hardy, _ _ _ "Qi`A“`*""°"
RuSScH,,mC_ vim Presidcng R_ H_ Milward, Lexington morttctan. vice W_ H, DAVIS, Ph_G_ ’09_ h'*\`€**1l1t’l
y   Stone, LOuiS\,iHC` U.CHSurm.’ and ROI} I)l`€Sl(l¥€l1L, .·\11l1€ LZIW L)'OI1S. S€Cl`€[2l1`}’.       :UVCII\:?€1
t el H Btw-   BCYC ea "“" M “"“·   ttm, ..l. it im, ntl, ol   ‘   
 ;"; The ‘"¥”"l"“l°" ““’“l"l? “'*‘“ *"`°‘ ter, N. v., nas been ninnett t-are net  
ceeded by a bur oo suner, at which _ - _ _ _ · - _- -
Fayette oe, Alumni   H. t..gDettel-ltr. nt. tee §§§f§.§.,,§,",,,§"‘§‘g?;,,, ff,',,,"'Z§].'l"L`-`.‘,’,Z`.lf ‘
K Form Organization Chamberlain, Frank D. Peterson, and (U‘SU_\·§’l;l(_. A A A A
_ _ .-\dolph Rupp and Paul Bryant were _ , _. .
The Fayette county alumm ol the Special guests A g»,—,,dU;,lC Ul lh,. [nlm-0,,,,, it 
University met at Keeneland Race A ` A Kentucky College ol` Pliarmat}. ll* HI
Course on May 15 lor the purpose of Sl’€ill*€l`$ l**€llld€€l DY- DO**‘”'€l*l ¥l**(l l)avis joined the company in Wil my
forming a local alumni group. Ap. lllc C°?l€l*€S· lil"l$   Sl¥*l**`· (l€¥**l ‘*lA was its representative in ll:tlti1ttt·*‘l)|{lggg
Other ofhcers chosen by written bal- The club will hold two meetings tie sales nianager ol` the tlistril>1*lll*  (JAWS
lot ol` those present included: Emmet annually, in the spring and l`all. tmit_ A``A

Dm Stahl Named Miama F la Game Ho `  
. · . lIl€C()I11ll] ·  
T0 Dept. ot Army ’ ’ - -
Dean lilvts _]. Stahr. `HG. ol the U11i- . . _ _ 1 ‘·
, . . _ - _ }`C‘2i1`S SeI‘\’1(°e 111 the IIllill][l`\' in \\'t)rl(l       ,
\-N~ulv*s Lollege ol Law. was 2ll)I)()ll]l» W H I l_ » ;
‘ . . _ _ ar , ant a tette 2 · » `
- 1 61 ,i,a—11t rtsstsnttt 1-1 me scr-1·a;.1--1 .11 ll \ O . ‘ I "l;“‘ """"°' "‘ Planned For Alumni 1
5; - r ’ le : l`lll\' r rantze   ·» j ·   ,
—`  my t\r111y* lor Reserve l*<>rces, :1 newly ’ 0 (_ UQN (mln
  __ _ · He was decorated ltve tt111es wlnle
 .1 mnetl postltott. last june. _ _ . . . . _ The liCIl[ll(`l(\'-Allilllll (Fla) lootball
I .V  II Srl I _I   __ III I I Il   I set vtng as an Atttertcan ltatson olltcer , ‘ , ` _ -
Y; -/   Dorn · All M >U\mh ·¤> <-nd ad- _-I I _ . . V ,_ . I ._ . __ game o11 l\ove1nl>e1· 3 ts the date tor
» _1 ,  I I , _ 11 tt 1 t1e (thtncse l\¢l[l()Il1lllh[ l'()l(CS
,    ·1>or (>ll Reserve l·orces poltcv to tlte · . all lientuckv illllllllll to circle — lor
.`_,4/ ,  LIIIIY Ul. the \I_ImI HC ‘“iH durntg tlte war. He practiced law in 1 _ I * I I
` etr‘2 y f In ’ ‘ ' co- y V, .. . . . lléll IS tte rz · ·   * · · -·*· .
_ V ` _ I I I I II   I I I I   _ New Xork (,1ty tntntedtately belore 2lll(l . .3 mm ( mlm] )l lm'] null -
1  ultttate an< 1c\1c11 lll ptogtatns lor _IhCI_ [hc “I_II_ ttve cotttnttttee as ll()I]l(I(`()Il]lllQ dav and ‘
, . . . ‘ ¢ , _ I ` ’
*  ll.\l`llly Reserve l·orces, tncludtttg tlte a lull schedule ol events has bee11
c' i · » » » · 11 · y » - - .
,I 1 I-g;n11zed Reserve (.orps. tl1e l\2l[l(>ll2tl Natned one ol .·\IllCl`l(`2l s le11 Out- planned lor your etttertannnent,
  ‘-  gu;1rtl_;t1l(l the Reserve ()lli<`et`s illlllll- Mtlililltlg Ymillg MON ol HMS" l>)' ill? Those ol von who llil\’C come back
   Hg (iorps. He has been granted a tlitlltmiil llt11l<>t` (llliUlll)€l` wl (bill- to recent ll()ll`('(`()Illlll*’$ will l`L‘("lll the
  gave oIl .1bIsentL ltont hts dnttes at 1ttC1llSl1ll2llll l<> llle :\SSlS2tl1l S€¢Tl`C