  ; _
additional examination room has been ·‘“"'* 1* gl L ____ y   information at a glance.   me]
equipped for emergency dental, oto-    °`f;;_  I  et-  s `  gi  Patient rooms feature large windows   new
laryngological and ophthalmic needs.       .>.». 1     _;__   offering natural light to help maintain   Cem
      IQ each patient’s time and space orienta-   fl S
surgery sune °"°” space   X        >»__   ·_·— i   · Ii:   tion as well as- encouraging patient  
it I       _g. rt \— · —_i.· ;   · ~ ;, morale. VVh1le intensive care rooms in · Ad
and loclmology   .              man . h . 1 .
     L     y » A __   y community ospita s require _ Kg
The new Surgery Suite offers 12 oper- t Q     °   k   approximately 500 cubic feet of air i
ating rooms. Designed with highest sur-  J;             exchange per minute, UK’s intensive t Rai
gical standards, the Surgery Suite offers if   l_ii i n  ‘ ?     =·_ , __   Cafe *`OOmS are designed te Provide   key
every technological and surgical advan-   @ E    ,     1,200 cubic feet of air exchange. The Il TEE
tage to patients. _·- i  ' fi.       reason: providing care for critically ill    
Each operating room features tile , @    xi        patients requires extensive equipment. i l
walls with a special moisture free epoxy  `*     ‘s.·Vl     Analysis of the heat output of the | `
resin grout to ensure the greatest durabil- __ L  f i   T       equipment required indicates the need Cal
ity and sterile conditions. The floors are °_  1 _   "  ,       T   for greater spatial and air exchange adf
terrazzo, an expensive but virtually per- CY    ,_     _»__       capabilities. nec
manent seamless finish that offers Opti- ii '; 'ili    ~ei C   E21€h Intensive C31"€ Unit 1"OOIU is the
mum sterility. Each operating room has    i€”° 'S`: ` equipped with sliding glass doors for Fm
two, rather than one, ceiling gas columns   M T   .'i»   quiet and patient privacy but full visibil- mal
for administration ofanesthesia.  ·   ui-. ie ·   I  TQ   ' ity of the patient for the staff. These are
While most operating rooms are Intensive care C high Praorny doors can “break away” to provide. an gl;
approximately 400 to o00 square feet, eight to 12 foot opening allowing `
those within the new Critical Care Cen- With the provision of critical care being equipment and critical care staff to Of '
ter are 700 square feet or more offering a major focus of the hospital, currently move with maximum efficiency. Cm
surgeons flexibility in positioning the I 12 percent of the licensed beds are V Ae:
patient for specialized procedures. The l dedicated to intensive care. If the Level cl, , I I b ,d ,* I caf
larger operating rooms better accom- l 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is , mma tl Pr°“ es VI ¤ j
modate the new technology and life i included, the intensive care level is 20 mimlmuhon I me
support equipment and the additional i percent of total capacity. No other hos- One of the busiest areas of the Critical Ph
people needed to operate it.   pital in the Commonwealth supports Care Center has no patients. But the cm
Other special features of the new such a high percentage of its patients vital information generated by blood res
Surgery Suite include: an eight-bay pre- requiring intensive care. work and other tests in the new Clinical [hf
operative patient preparation area; one It is estimated that 20 or more health Laboratory and Blood Bank is essential
operating room dedicated solely to care professionals are required to pro- to patient care. auf
trauma surgery; two operating rooms, i vide 24—hour care for O1l€ critically ill or The Clinical Laboratory offers com- Cf]
supported by a common heart-pump injured adult patient. prehensive diagnostic and monitoring dla
room designed for cardiothoracic cases Most adult intensive care services and functions to UK Hospital physicians as Of
only, and one operating room dedicat- units have been consolidated within the well as local and regional physicians, Sul
ed to orthopedics. A "room within a Critical Care Center. The units, com- hospitals, and clinics. Clinical Laborato- Lal
room" created by a high velocity air cur- prising a total of 32 beds, are organized ry services include hematology, micro-
tain distinguishes the orthopedic room. in sub-specialty settings including trau- biology, chemistry, virology, toxicology an
Each operating room is equipped with ma and general surgery, Cardiothoracic and therapeutic drug monitoring. fm
utilities for laser surgery and dialysis. I surgery, coronary care, and medical Since saving time is a priority in crit- tal
Dt-signating one operating room for i intensive care. Consolidation of these ical care, a pneumatic tube system has T Off
trauma has a significant impact not only I units increases Opportunities for nurses been installed to connect departments Sfi
on the hospital's ability to treat trauma and physicians to collaborate. to the Clinical Laboratory. The new sys- ma
patients. but also on other surgical Each intensive care room, like the tem reduces the time spent waiting for
patients as well. Because no other types operating rooms, features a central information in the Emergency Depart- ffu
of surgery are scheduled in this particu- "power column" providing hook-up of ment, Surgery Suite, and Intensive tm
lar operatingroom, a room is always life support and monitoring equip- Care Unit. In fact, the system results in Set
ready and available to meet trauma ment as well as full 360 degree access to delivery and receipt of specimens for be
needs and fewer elective surgeries are 5 the patient. New comprehensive 1noni— analysis in less than one minute. Labo- *
delayed to accommodate the immedi-   tors mounted on the columns provide I ratory results for each patient are then Mt
ate attention required by a trauma case. T a single summary screen Ofvital patient quickly transferred by computer to the Cel
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