by Liz Howard
_ { , `   tio11. The honorees this year are Dr.
The Ioy ° dlscovery Bruce Beck, associate professor of  
I anthropology at Owensboro Commu- 1
c°°Is everyone S nit Colle re; a ine Cathcart Cris , ro- {ry
Y s ,
• ,* `Ih VI, Vlucllion fessorVand chairperson of the d1v1s1on ,V
. splrl wl su Is ° of social SCICHCC, business and related  
1 ___m_______ _ .
l technologies at Paducah Community
i“ n a frenzy the young woman slams College; Dr, Peggy Piascik, assistant
the phone (l()Wl], paces her bed- professor of pharmacology in the Col-
1 room, and rants, ‘no IUOFC failure; lege of Pharmacy; Dr. David Watt, pro- ,
  no more problems, no more hell on fessor and chairperson of the depart-
, earth!” With that, she puts the revolver nient of chemistry, College of Arts &
to her chest and pulls the trigger. The Sciences, and Leo Weddle, professor of
Q shot rings out, and people gasp as tl1ey sociology a11cl psychology at Prestons-
  watch her slump to the lloor.” burg Community College. Each
P The indiscriminate heat of August receives a $750 stipend.
1 enca Jsulates the workers. They careful- The suicide scene recreated bv Wed-
l I » /
_   lv dig and brush the ground, looking dle’s students isjust one of the presen-
UKPres1dentCh¤rIes§ .’ _ IVV ll l._{, l.t_ L_ t V , _ I Vk _ l_ . l_ 1
TVWE*hingt°n JM ; tntcnty at tic ( ll ant 1 s con cn s. tations tiat ta es p ace in tlc c ass
fur ri ht, w¤s on l.()11ll1`S 111ay 21SS tl11t1l Stlddell- ex )lorih hioclern social )l`Ol)l€l]]S, Hts
9 V n , l g l
h°";°’ :hT° 1191 1 ly a jagged piece of I)Zl1lllC(l pottery students, through reenactments, f1eld
rea enc er V . . . ,
Awards sponsored l appears. The _yoyVof (ll$Ct)\'€Vl`}’ cools trips, and panels of experts and people
by the UK N¤Iion¤I l L‘\`Cl`}`()Il€ S Splrll \\'l[l} S1lllSf2\Cl1(>11. with experience, have explored such
A|""‘"' A“°"°*'°" i (i2U`€‘f`l\ll\’ he selects the violet, pillk topics as waste management, death,
W&['€Pl’8$€I'\"8d. l I I       )V __' Vil l·_ 1   ·lV _·   lVl·{j V1 _ ' l
Bruce Beck, \ .111c ye (ih ( hl s 1(1111 IL. (111ay 1 11s tie [UTI] y, ciiihe, e ( ery 1 esty es, (UIQ
ussociute rofessor l Zll`[1S[ s k1t. As he talks, he ab lies the Jovertv. Each semester, Weddle esti-
P 1 l ,
°f ‘:"g"'°P°L°9Y 1 colors to the green board canvas. \/Vhen mates, as many as 80 professionals and
¤ wens oro y . . . . _ , ,
Community college, g he IS through a Illelllllllgflll tapestry of others from the communtty lll a five-
tukes ¤ sect while l110lCClllCS IS Stlldledi [hell Wlped away county area will participate ih this (;las5_
_ D°"'d w°"# to make room for the next creation. y The snicicle scene was followed np with
Lexington campus Tl _, __   f.V_ V I. 1 ) V1,   g l_ , _ 1 V l_ ff
V chemmry professor ILM JILVJ lh 0 llt C <\t·S10ol11   c 1scuss1ons w1t1 two state po ICC o 1-
¤nd Peggy Picscik, Sfehes (l(‘$C1`ll)€‘(l 111 lhe l1<>1111l1di10l1   cers. The SLll(lC11lS learned that ll] East-
° P"°f°"°" °f Ph°f' forms ol` those selected to receive the ern Kentucky, most ofthe victims of
m¤cy¤ntheMed1· y U ._ _ _ __ _ _ ' . . '
ml Center mmpus l.).)l (vlL‘2llT€1lCl]€l Awaids sponsoied V stncicle are not teenagers, but people
sfund behind him. by ll1C L l\ X2lll<)l12ll r\llll11l1l ASSUCILI-   iii their thirties who are lgncl Off from
ti Isentnu kx .\lllIl\IIlI< Summer l99l S11