u dilution varies for different aged trees. appears that a number of these trees l
u The dilutions and amounts found most have been killed or injured. The most
u satisfactory are given in the accom- likely cause of injury was that the
pt panying table. material was used too strong. Two
o EDE emulsion is applied by pour. year dosage was used and the trees
s, lng the correct amount on the lower Were just Starring tnerr eeeend gr°W‘
lll part of the peach tree trunk and the ing SGHSOH and Wlll not be two years
er sou just around iu when the ground old until this fall. The two year dose ,
ld is loose and level no preparation of is four times eo nee·YY ee the ene Year
e. the soil before treatment is necessary. dose (rerer rd dnunen renler Orner »
,u Sometimes ouoruug the Sou about the possibilities are that the hot weather
it- trunk to prevent run-ol! or loosening rneredeed rne rnlury and {net the me' ·
=l‘. the soil around the trunk will give tene! was not eernPre_relY emu1$rned·
better results. After treatment place Srudree nrererng rndde or ture ense-
several shovelfuls of dirt against each Ir nf snggeered rnnr these nerng rne · ;
tree trunk to prevent surface evapora- EDB __ rrenunene nuY_ the prepared r
to mm or the EDE· A un measuring cup. emulsion and dilute rt according to
ng marked for 0nE_fOurlh and 0rl0_€ighth Ill3.rll.lfB.CIllI`€I`S .dlI`?C[1OIlS 1l'1St.€8.d of
;¤· pints is very useful for applying the rryrng to ernurerrY rr nr home-
e· emulsion. .._ 
gr Where growers are getting good GROWERS  
· control with PDB, it is suggested they f
gi continue to use that material. W' W' MAGILL 5
my Where growers were unable to ap. YVTIBJ. kind of plant food or fertiliz- -
tor ply PDB at the proper time or where er does your berry fleld need to help r
growers wish to make early Spring lt produce 200 crates of ·No. 1 straw- r
l.e_ treatment, EDE emulsion is suggested berries D9? 6·€1`€? I b€l1€V€ YOU BTG ‘
by for trial. It is suggested that EDB more interested in this information Q o
rsh emulsion be applied, preferably, at the than any one else for with it you could . ,
ary times recommended for PDB. In case probably invest $10.00 per acre in ;
me EDE emulsion is used in the spring it August or ggrly September in the ` r
Ou is suggested that treatment be made ueeded plant food and sell your berry   r
nerere Avril 1- crop next May for $40.00 net per acre j
rm Cavtlenr Since the prepared BDE more than you will otherwise get. r
rh, emulsion you buy may be of a This would return you 400% on your = _ ·
¤U'€¤Eih 8¤`€8t€!` than the 50% used i¤ investment and at the same time more -
the table, be sure to follow the manu- [han half of me prom food Supplied ’ _ V
___ facturers’ directions for that D¤Fti¢· would still be in your soil.   '
uler bT3·¤d· The Experiment station soil men j _» ;
and your county agent know that all   t-—V .
E western Kentucky soils respond favor-   .
ably to superphosphate on straw- G  
d ETHYI-ENE n'cHr-ORIDE AGAIN berries and also to a reasonable   _.
r Usually there are some sad experi- 9·m0¤¤'1 of ¤it1‘0g€¤ 8·DDli€d HOW (1816 I    
ences connected with the use of most Auguetr Tue nitrogen is needed    
any new method or material in insect eeneernny “'ne_re no legurne nee been   fr
or disease control. This is true in turned under rn rne rnrnrrnni but we    
many cases bgcausg of the lack of do !10t kl1OW the exact amount your For 
'“ understanding of the newer material, form needn- _ ;: gin
its preparation and use. Sometimes Here re eweuggeetrnn for Yen ea n  =h_.§
these cases of injury are due to soil berry _grn“ or dr mn ner cost {nu gg;xj.;._.g
and climatic conditions and occasion- mer no eenre rn enen nnn net °`Yer ·lf=_?5"gg
ally to the method or material not ene nerr dnye lnnnn .1 would like  
being perfected 500 berry growers to give it a trial.  
Ooo western Kentucky grower regardless of how the berry fields have grrr 
bought tive gallons of the pure been rernnZen· _ §T’;·°}§
ethylene dicloride this spring and DIRECTIONS: Weigh out five  
emulsified it according to directions. pounds of superphosphate (20%) and  
This was applied in late May to about apply broadcast on a row fifty steps _! ‘—·‘  
1,000 Elberta trees that were starting (50 yards) long. On the second row,  
their second growing season. Strength apply ten pounds on a row iifty steps i sgjgigg
and dosage for two year old trees was long. On the third row, apply five  
used. As a result of the treatment, it pounds of superphosphate and two  
ie ;