it t pounds of nitrate of soda or sulfate of Crops can be destroyed in less than for d1
ammonia. On the fourth row, apply a week. on tht
only two pounds of nitrate of soda 0I' CONTROL; Spraying with 4—6—50 The
sulfate of amnlonia. OI1 IDB Hlth POW. bordeaux is a. preventative. Lime Sul- tninn
. 110 U`€8¤11€¤t- phur is not effective. ln sections of soiuti
Apply these fertilizer applications orchards where the Bitter Rot has np- one o
when the plants are dry. Where you peared in past years, growers are ions
i apply the nitrogen, take the extra pre- urged to be on the alert and examine
` caution of brushing or sweeping the the area carefully every few days for “b°“i·
. · row of berry plants with an old broom the first appearance of the Bitter Rot bean
or a handfull of tall green weeds. on the apples. Carefully plck and whim
`2 When harvest time comes, start five cm`i`Y_°“i iiii the fruit Showing the ing {
of your best pickers on these tive rows infections mid follow with 3 boideaux “bS°r
_ and ask tneui to ten you tne number spray at four day intervals in the so the
· or ouurt ouns they get on tnie titty infected areas. Often one tank of gprol
· · yard row_ your packing Shed ioreninn bordeaux twill cover the necessary Gm
can mono o reoord oi their eto_te_ area. During winter remove all mann- teriai
‘ monte If you wiii renort to your mied fruit and fruit stems from the tml 0
· county agent that you are conducting trees ii) Pmvciit ii °i“i`Y‘0V€i`· ¤om._i
` · i such a demonstration we will provide ___._. ming
you with a simple card for recording much
_ ziigityygiiir ggiiiuiagfgggaggrvgéii ‘*iS° Nicorims-sgwromrs sr>RAv Fos that
_ The "no treatment" or check row COOLING MOTH large]
will be the most valuable row in the During the past several years much i"`°i’i‘
_ A demonstration so be sure to have a has been said and written about the i‘“i""€
"n0 treatment" row. Repeat on an- problem of getting away from the use Thf
0U1€l` UVB 1`0WS if D0S$ii>i€· of arsenate of lead for control of cod- this I
___...... lliig moth in apples. The usual arsen- that i
. ate of lead spray programs have failed cides
BIT-i-ER RCT ON APPLES to give adequate control in many Ken- canno
tucky orchards. This program has When
W· W· MAGILL also caused considerable spray injury Iibera
1 . The hot temperatures and high to the foliage, and has caused many fruit
humidity of late July were quite growers to go to the trouble of waslr This
i   favorable for the spread ot Bitter Rot ing their fruit before selling. grows
. .   ‘ in Kentucky orchards. As early as Apparently one of the most satis- problt
° Jliiy 15 I 0bS€l`V€d dtiiwks of the R0t factory arsenical substitutes is a diS€f1¤
, V I ill JGKBYSOH, Henderson, ROWBI1, and cgmbingtign gf nicotine and other lDl'€S€
2 T C . ~ Fleming Counties. The following materials. There are several ccinhina factor
‘_   i Varieties 3·i`€ 3~m0¤S' the m0l”€ $llS€€D· tions using nicotine as a base with With
i V ;. tible to the disease: Grimes. Golden which a protective coating can be built Gro
· i · . D€iiCi0l1S» Kills David. Gi1ll0. Bild up on the expanding fruit. One of these terial
_ . Jonathan. The disease is first ob- is a so cailed nxcd nicotine that is pur- easy
‘ Q  served on the side of the apple most chased in the dry rorni. Another torni, here
` _   €XD¤$€€i to the Siill end &DD€9·l‘$ 215 3 that has been used for several years that
.. M   well disoolored spot- The rotted spot in Indiana anu which is being used wasn
‘ » 2L  in distinctly Sunken end sharply de- this year tor the first tinie by a large dong
. l it ined, When one half inch in apple grower at Henderson, is O16 Thi
  ;t diameter, smell hleok dots eppeer et Nicotine-nentcnite tanhniiireti com- Sm
i ‘   iI'I`€gl112.T iHt€I`V3.1S b€H€ {118 Skill). binatign that has been giving gi vgry Care;
V   I` in the sunken areas. These dots may {ipe control of epdling mptp_
.   " be arranged fm coucfamric i`mgS· and This combination was developed by
i _· qi become fruiting bodies or spores of United States Douurtmom or Agri
  4 »— it the disease. These spores are spread ouituro Workers and is getting muon A
' ·_ E; thmughoiit the UGG and to ¤€i’·i"bY attention. The program calls for the
  it · ti`€€S bY iii€5» mln wid Wi¤d· it SDl`€¢1dS use of the usual spray applications up
{ .   on the apple even more rapidly than through the calyx and first cover
5 __   · brown rot on peaches. It may appear spi·ay, using the usual amount of iu
: _ .» and spread in the orchard any time arsenate of lead in combination witha .
F Q1 __ from July to October. A series of hot fungicide. This is for the purpose of {amy
;   .. wet days in August or early September getting a deposit in the calyx to pre- 40 ac
' . i may bring about a very sudden attack. vent worms entering there later and slder
· 4
detii 1
{ ._,.   IL _