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A 4 The State University  
JUNE 7th—JULY 30th. i
` The Summer Session of the College of Arts and Science em- t
, braces all the courses herein offered in Language, History, Math- ,
ematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Geology, i
p Physiology, Botany and Agriculture, and courses preparatory to {
Kentucky is calling for better things along educational lines
` and with this call comes a demand for more high schools and ,
~ better ones. This means an increased and insistent demand for  
` better prepared teachers—teachers who know more of a given sub- l
‘ ject than they expect to teach. i
The University, realizing the need, has, at considerable sacri— i
fice, made this effort to meet it, feeling conhdent that the thought- ,
ful, progressive teacher, whether in the Common School, High  
School, Academy or College, will be glad to take advantage of ,
V the opportunity.
1. To furnish the teachers of Kentucky an opportunity to fit ‘
themselves better for their work. l
i 2. To help students remove any condition they may have from IQ
x the preceding years’ work. L
3. To advance students who desire to finish their course in a  
, shorter time than that prescribed, or who may desire to take addi- E
i tional work. :
4. To give students, expecting to enter the Freshman Class in A
September, an opportunity to make up any units of credit they may i
lack, or to obtain advanced credit at entrance.
i 5. To instruct students desiring to enter any of the classes of 1
, the Academy. l\lany students might enter a year higher by spend- ·
. ing eight weeks of the SLIITIYHGY here.
. ` The Preparatory Courses cover the full work of the Academy,
? and offer an excellent opportunity for students to advance them-
i selves or to make up deficiencies. The attention of students desir-
g ing to enter the Freshman Class is called to the fact that Solid
Q Geometry, one year of Physics, and two years of some Foreign ~
  Language are required for entrance to the Freshman Class in any
  department of the University. This work will be under the direc-
  tion of Assistant Professors Davis and Jones.