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convert said gifts from real to personal property or from personal
to real property, and with power to invest, reinvest, deal with,
and dispose of such property in such manner as in the judgment of
the Board of Directors will best promote the purposes and achieve
the objectives of this corporation.
This corporation shall have all the powers that are granted to
corporations by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and shall have
the power to make by-laws for the governing of its corporate body,
The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual unless sooner
dissolved by its corporate directors. Should this corporation be dissolved,
the assets of the corporation remaining after payment of all obligations
shall be used, paid out, and distributed in furtherance of the purposes of
this corporation as set forth herein and no part of which shall inure to
the benefit of any private member or individual.
J, S, Chambers, M, D,, Russell Cave Pike, Lexington, Kentucky,
is hereby designated as process agent of this corporation and said corpor-
ation's home office shall be located at 202 Bank of Commerce Building,
Lexington, Kentucky,